1 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

And, frankly, the country doesn’t want to have to go through prosecuting a former president.

Yes, we do. We really, really do.

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So, wait a minute. This kid makes a private joke among friends, and his message is intercepted by security services and obviously taken out of context (in that they failed to realize he was privately joking among friends).

Seems to me that the security forces should eat the cost of this. This is the price you pay for spying on everyone and overreacting.

The kid didn't say this publicly

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Don't worry. The good folks at Boeing have assured us that it is all perfectly safe.

You can too often see the same thing in LED car headlights and tail lights. The most obnoxious of these flicker noticeably all the time. Not much better are the ones that seem to be on continuously when viewed in the center of your vision, but flicker in your peripheral vision. The later I find really distracting

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Wait, is this the article that has been gnawing at Martha Alito (Martha-Ann Alito, wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito) for almost two decades?

Be a shame if, amongst other things, links to this article kept popping up everytime anyone did an internet search on her

Nah, it's good planning. While you stand there turning the handle, you have an excellent view of the town and all that's going on. On the Republican side, you have to work with your back to all that's going on, with little to look at but the fence

The remains were discovered during an archaeological survey prior to the construction of new residential buildings in the city.

Did we learn nothing from Poltergeist?

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Google even posts the hours that the camp is open

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No kidding! Consequently, I have decided to redouble my efforts to avoid quicksand

Exactly. It was a fault on the rocket, which was manufactured by ULA, a joint venture between Lockheed and Boeing....oh, crap

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"Why don't voters see that genocide is in our nation's best interest?"

"Why don't voters care more about stock prices than food prices?"

Unlike the orange baboon, he means well. He's just so steeped in neoliberalism that he thinks he knows better than we do what we need.

What I want is a president who cares more about Americans than America.

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And while I broadly agree with your point, it is far too easy for law enforcement to tack on additional charges like resisting arrest. And, yes, in most states resisting arrest is also a misdemeanor, but incidents can be raised to felony resisting arrest if they involve assault on an officer. Unfortunately, it is easy for any innocent physical contact with police to be interpreted as assault, if an officer decides to portray it that way. The truth matters, but so does ACAB

Well, yeah. Trump doesn't seem to care about either

That peninsula is always up to something

Boeing was sending them out the door like this and it was a new plane. They've had quality issues that they haven't been addressing

You can't carpool while doing crime. Too many witnesses

I know I was doing some worried scrolling

You can take Florida man out of Florida, but you can't take the Florida out of Florida man

The instructions were probably more helpful for someone who knew what these tubes were. I was probably about 6 at this point, hadn"t been actively involved in much TV repair by this time, and I guess I somehow didn't pick up enough clues from the context of the instructions to put it all together before just leaping into playing with the dials and switches. You know, like a kid

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So, Mitch McConnell's sister-in-law?

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I remember one of these being at the grocery store as a kid. I didn't know at the time what it was for, but it had knobs and switches to play with.

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Post of info on Tiblur by a now 3 hour old lemmy account

Ah, yes, oh so reliable

No one is stopping Biden from ending aid to Israel - not congress, not the supreme court, no one. It is only this administration's estimation that doing so would lessen our influence in the region that is preventing it.

Biden is angry and frustrated that the American people don't value retaining and extending regional power in the middle east as much as he does. He cares about us, but doesn't want us to get in the way. Henry Kissinger may be dead, but he still has a lot of influence.

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Name has its own theme song

Hope. Maybe mix in a little hope

Obviously would have to be 35 dog years old, but that shouldn't be a problem

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I am currently wearing a pair of shorts that I bought sometime in the late '80s. The top blanket currently on my bed was made by my grandmother in the '70s. The clock right in front of me was made during WW2, but I've only had it for a couple of decades. I guess I just don't throw shit away

Edit: now that I think of it, my bed is probably from the '30s or '40s.

We need a hero - a hero with a garden hose. While Trump always looks foolish, making him look the right kind of foolish might just shake a few of his cult away from him

You skipped right over "teaching".

Why is that?

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I'd like to know first if there is already a means in the settings to handle this issue. Unfortunately, also, I get the feeling that what I am seeing is the intended behavior, which is just not my preference

Not teaching with AI

Teaching AI

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Sometimes, living off of stored calories can improve ones health

Well, yeah, and boy did the other kids let me know it

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You know what would happen. After extensive lobbying, all social media platforms would have this warning, except facebook


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But Boeing owns 50% of ULA. Buying from ULA is just buying from Boeing with extra steps

We're talking about dogs here. Do you seriously think we could skip a good boy?

China had a successful methane powered rocket launch in 2023

It was the maiden flight. First flights don't always go so well, so it is not at all surprising that it wasn't carrying a space telescope, or the like.

Still, the next flight will be carrying the first flight of a vehicle designed to resupply the space station, if that makes you feel any better