2 Post – 478 Comments
Joined 4 years ago

Fuck all CEOs. Stop giving them platforms & celebrity where they get to be the symbol of products/services—which discounts all the labor done into something by the real folks building & making decisions.

I get really close to pressing the button for anyone who is talking of anti-corporate speech or pro-privacy then goes into joining their Discord chatroom to slap you in face with hypocrisy.

Disappointed as I was hoping for some Richard Stallchan x Linus Torvaldsan fanfic

I’m just hoping wlroots can copy these any day now. Color management (& DisplayLink) are my 2 Wayland blockers.

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Microsoft is not your friend. GitHub is owned by thah US-based, publicly-traded, for-profit megacorporation & will do the bidding of the other megacorporate wishes like taking down youtube-dl for the music industry and so on. Get your projects & communities on another platform.

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What’s odd to me is the cultural zeitgeist has moved to folks being aware that Microsoft (& Google & Apple) is collecting data on them to being the butt of jokes, yet those folks aren’t adopting an alternatives. With over a decade on Linux I’m now pretty out of touch with the opposite feeling. I guess the closest analog I have is not being able to realistically leave Android behind, but that is more hardware than software (banking app already don’t let you root or otherwise flash your device so I have given up hope in trying with them).

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If you skip GApps & install a custom ROM, chances are banking & government apps won’t work… & you see some places removing their websites forcing users into the app duopoly… which is why web apps matter.

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If they ever went public & were legally bound to make profit for shareholders, there would be no good feelings anymore.

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Whatever language the opposite of French is

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Distributed version control system

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Nothing would make me more happy. I really wish it weren’t such a pain to deal with the telephony. You check devices on postmarketOS & while some devices can boot, it’s usually the actual phone part that isn’t working--which is kind of an important part. The open hardware phones work fine, but their specs are ancient while being as expensive as flagships. I still have eventual hope tho as device needs have started to plateau.

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Building a community around Discord ain’t it

I have a beard trimmer from like 2008. I have literally no feelings about it.

It’s pretty hard to fight hegemony when your salary is just built on donations. A lot of important tech is also paid for via government grants then the private sector gets to use it and erect the walled gardens when it should be in the commons.

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Or Forgejo, or cgit, or Aylla, or Radicle, or SSH+HTTP server. There’s loads of options to try. And this is just the options for Git—not to mention the other DVCSs worth looking into.

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The minute any Electron application is installed, it’s GG

GitLab is a publicly-traded business like Microsoft with GitHub. We shouldn’t be surprised they fold to corporate interest.

The new owners seemed to have gotten the message to at least self-host a mirror so the corporations can’t control you. More should do this as the D in DVCS is for distributed—distributed collaboration is a supported model for Git, but also Darcs, Pijul, Mercurial, etc.

Microsoft products you can start saying no to: Windows, WSL, GitHub, Sponsors, Copilot, VS Code, Codespaces, Azure, npm, Teams, Outlook, Office, & LinkedIn.

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Which is under litigation

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Kinda weird the default reader mode doesn’t have black as background options given how prevalent AMOLED screen are on mobile devices.

Remember Firefox’s SSB that got removed before anyone knew about it since no one was using it, since it was behind a about:config flag, that users didn’t know about so they didn’t use it so Fx removed it? Weird-ass circular logic from Mozilla. I would have loved that PWA feature.

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Corporations aren’t your friend. Avoid the publicly-traded ones seeking quartely profits the most. If it isn’t a massive burden, find an alternative—avoiding some is better than none.

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Valve has put a lot of work into helping WINE & Linux. Even if it was a selfish play to break free from Microsoft & other app stores to lock those into their marketplace fee, I can’t help but be grateful for the better ecosystem & uptick in users. Since they are privately held too, they aren’t in the same business of chasing quartely profits or making the experience worse & worse by selling your data & slapping ads everywhere.

Around 2010 Google, Facebook, MySpace, even OkCupid were all running on the XMPP standard protocol. The corpos were generally bad stewards not following protocol updates, implimenting features in incompatible ways, & eventually realized there was more to gain be defederating forcing folks to use their platforms & let those corporations siphon the (meta)data of messaging.

What gets me is why they saw the need to invent yet another similar protocol with XMPP still being feature rich, battle tested—as well as Matrix to a lesser extent—unless they already have their plans on how to circumvent the system & repeat this same cycle.

I chose to leave after Trump got in office—& it took like two years of planning/saving. It’s had real ups & downs but overall the best major life decision I’ve made.

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Water ingress isn’t the issue & there’s been waterproofed ports for decades. They wanted to make devices thinner—but what value is it when its too thin to support a jack & made of materials that now require a case?

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Not if we liberate it from them

Middle ground option has a weirdo author & is limited to Google’s Pixel line only (which eliminates one of the best parts about Android vs. iOS: device variety so you can find something specific to your needs)

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Not picky—it just needs to be there else I would be forced to buy Bluetooth e-waste.

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Will the source code ever move off of proprietary Microsoft GitHub where users need to have an account to contribute & search code—or certain users are blocked due to US sanctions? If the idea is wanting to stand up against centralized US-corpo-controlled social media for forums, why use that US-megacorpate-controlled code forge / social media platform?

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Choosing proprietary tools and services for your free software project ultimately sends a message to downstream developers and users of your project that freedom of all users—developers included—is not a priority.

— Matt Lee,

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Honestly I think many consumers go buy “computer” & have no concept that it has an operating system or that you can change it.

If you know there is an alternative, then yeah… wtf

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In Thai folks stopped saying -ร -ล clusters outside of educated/business settings & has led to spelling errors popping up everywhere. An example: กร- is a common start to words, but the most popular dish, กะเพรา (ga-prao), is seen as กระเพรา, กระเพา, or even กะเพา.

Can we go back to changelogs without a clown barf of emoji all over it? Jeebus, it’s distracting to read.

Lenovo support seems to think I have an unusual setup since I run Linux on their Thinkpad & while the NVMe even after an RMA fails under heavy IO despite their partner WD, who sent me an email response saying they never test or certify drives for Linux or BSD. Many users have been experiencing similar failures with their controllers WD proudly boasts as in-house. Note that Lenovo also has a support PDF about running the device on Linux, but the support is ran by a bunch of clowns. Also not that when you purchase, the hardware brand is never mentioned so there is na room for due diligence.

Tl;dr: if you want a working Linux system, don’t purchase Western Digital or Sandisk drives.

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Seems more a rejects of the flamboyance of the prior two generation which will certainly give it a different feel. It absolutely felt fresh at the time of inception.

I got a number of patches merged into Movim & after a new release is cut, I plan to ask for a review on my first NixOS module (currently complete, but no one has reviewed)

more popular

That’s not true at all. There are a ton of business applications for XMPP from IoT messaging, to Nintendo’s user presence, to being a 90% chance your favorite online game’s chat back-end. Behind Jitsi & Zoom & WhatsApp is an XMPP server. Matrix by design will never scale to these demands if history needs to live forever & all servers need to duplicate data.

More trendy would be a more appropriate phrase since Matrix wants to chase after proprietary Slack & Discord, where as XMPP is extensible & more generalized for all sorts of applications. Even with all of these proprietary applications, there are plenty of open communities hosted for MUCs & also blog/community thru Movim/Libervia & as an alternative back-end for UnifiedPush, etc. With the server resource usage being much lower, it’s cheaper & easier to maintain an XMPP server alongside another application in a VPS or even on a home network with dynamic DNS. If you are inclined, set one up & test it out.

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Create bootable USB drives the easy way

You can use it to flash an ISO for a free operating system instead Microsoft Windows spyware. You could go Linux, or BSD, or Haiku, or whatever so long as your personal data & freedom are respected.

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Not voting. Both parties suckle only at corporate teats. My domicile is in the reddest state so my vote doesn’t matter & it costs like $10–15 to mail in my ballot from abroad making it really not worth my time or money.

They said vaccines for all Americans during COVID then someone had to come in & asterisk that that doesn’t include Americans abroad. You pay taxes but no services like Medicare are offered abroad & you’re one of the last on the list of priorities so feeling disillusioned is the normal.