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Joined 12 months ago

Torvalds believes parsers unable to handle tabs shouldn’t be parsing kernel Kconfig files, aiming to force fixes.

Stern but just

Got to say they convinced me at last and I finally upgraded. linux


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Rookie numbers...

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Is this The Onion?

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just adding that granted FF already has a decent password manager there are also reliable, free and open source and audited independent password manager like as

  • Bitwarden (remote service as basic or premium plan, optionally self hosted, user friendly service, very likely has some account migration wizard tool to help importing data from browsers) and
  • KeepassXC (local, user managed, a bit techy)

which both can plug in any browser through their respective extension.

Being both an independent option from the browser they help the user not making him vendor locked to his browser through his saved data.

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The irony

Surely he is indeed a tragic mistake

But I will raise people one more. Waterfox

Never heard of it, I prefer LibreWolf

but I'm gonna list some other popular forks

TOR Browser (anti-censorship enhanced fork, bundled with TOR network)

GNUzilla IceCat (GNU version)

Pale Moon (able to use old XUL based extensions)

Mullvad Browser (a security hardened fork, IIRC based on TOR, made by Mullvad VPN company)

ANDROID (Fennec/Fenix)

Fennec F-Droid (Fennec version available on F-Droid, clean of propietary blobs)

Mull (hardened fork of Fenix)

IceRaven (yet another hardened fork of Fenix, able to install an extended list of extensions)

Oh man I hope so much that he gets he gets this "great honor", going to jail I mean, and also that he gets what he's wishing for, a black African skin like Mandela, so he'd finally understand what it means to be Black in the US, and especially in a jail.

Man I'd bring him oranges just to stare silently at him for a hour while he squirms like the worm he really is.

... also the coolest 36 days of summer of the rest of our life

Yeah nope, Jolla still has some closed source parts, then I'd rather monthly fund a project truly open source, like Mobian or Droidian, and maybe with wider target devices horizons than Sony Experia devices only.


It launched an NFT based donation program:

and it is not available on F-Droid.

I'd go with Aegis for an App on Android, or a Bitwarden/KeepassXC password manager which can both handle 2fa tokens too.

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Especially brutal considering the average quality of right wing humor in media across the ages, a merciless yet very revealing index of the capacity of the average right winger to gets what is humor and what is not

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I don't know.

I'm perplexed honestly.

I live in italy and here too government took a steep turn to the right since last elections.

It is like the most roborantly bamboozling idiocy someone from a stage can scream the more he gets applauded as the folks' hero for speaking their unsung voices.

On the other hand if you try to build an organic and critical dialogue you only get yawned away as utterly boring.

I don't think it is the ones screaming from their stages being the morons, well not the most moron at least, but instead they are those who give their precious votes, hard conquered from their ancestors who gift them with a life in a democracy, to these unambiguously unmistakable frauds, and who hide in the self-obliviousness of the guilty conscience for the vote they have cast their incapability of admitting their own deep existential self-inadequacy.

Discord is trash anyway, move onto Matrix already

Adobe Lightroom is just about the only thing keeping my desktop PC on Windows

Have you tried any of these?

A distraction for sure, doesn't excuse for the inconvenience of course, but if you ask why is then is because:

  1. People are buying increasingly stupid ass huge cars
  2. The ability of the average driver to actually drive well is decreasing as much more automation/aiding systems are injected into the driving experience
  3. It follows that then people will often graze the cars parked just aside theirs, when manoeuvring into or out from a parking slot, especially on the corners of the bumpers
  4. Any owner will then try to avoid this by moving his car outside of the possible trajectory of the driver who parked/will park the car just aside theirs and who most likely can't park a car, while yet choosing to buy a stupid huge ass car, and they do this by moving the farthest away from the rear parking line.

Of course they could have bought a small car instead and avoid invading the walkway, a small car surely also would have paired well with the smallness of their brains and/or appendages, but the lack of taste is since long time well past endemicity levels.

It sure won't after he's gonna discover that his wife has chosen to leave him for her new AI driven dildo.

It is just a matter of time

Humans psyche is a meaning inference recursive engine, semiotically I mean, following Charles Sanders Peirce's Theory of Signs, it generates meaning and thus needs a story to explain it, or simply to tell itself.

The story doesn't need to hold sound logic or any objectivity true to reality, it only needs to convey the meaning that it generated so that the mind can believe it more than questioning its validity.

Long story short, humans really likes being told and believing stories, and often they are the ones telling the story right to themselves.

Yep, and here in Fascistelli-d'Italia-land we've won the competition for the "most smartest" one I'm afraid:

Because that is the right thing to do with zuckenberg, theads and anything else he touches, along with any of their viral apologists

I tried a few, Fedora, LMDE(Linux Mint Debian Edition), and EndeavourOS.

I'd say LMDE if you want a rock solid system, being fundamentally Debian Stable with Mint treatment for user friendliness, or Endeavour if you want bleeding edge updates (and of course bragging rights to join the meme by saying "BTW I use arch")

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... because a jesuit taking the name after S.Francis wasn't already a clue strong enough?

And let me tell you, we’re at a point where its multiple times more straight forward to just install something like Fedora KDE, and do almost anything windows can, than trying to deal with whatever the hell microsoft is up to these days.

Yep that was my turning point.

Only I have to disagree with Fedora as first Linux, it requires manual fiddling with repositories just to install codecs that any average unskilled user would expect to work out of the box

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Blah blah blah, go actuallt do it, I'm gonna enjoy the show, genocidal human stain...

Also was this nonCredibleDefense or what, for real?

Lol, fetching pop-corn

... Or Fargo season 5 prologue

define "most popular" please

for instance, does that metric fit your definition?

Anyway whatever the answer it doesn't really matters, at the end of the day it is always Linux anyway, regardless of package manager, desktop environment or init.

I'd just warn you against Ubuntu, because its company Canonical is behaving a lot like a young Microsoft these days.


"It's fine" is not the fall that hurts after all /s

We've all been there brother

about time eh?

My art professor wrote a book about famous artists and thinkers dying at 37: Raffaello, Parmigianino, Valentin de Boulogne, Cantarini, Watteau, Van Gogh, Toulouse-Lautrec, Tancredi, Gnoli, Manai, Majakovskij, Rimbaud, Byron, Mozart, Robespierre

Not a great book tbh.

Have to say that I kinda use to like old experimental bot only subs like, but the more recent versions using more recent LLMs are a bit "too much" to be funny ( or

For a beginner, Linux Mint is perfect

Mint for Mint then maybe the Debian Edition (LMDE) instead the the common one based on Ubuntu, which again is Debian just LTS. Also, if OP is tired of Microsoft enshittification imagine him finding out Ubuntu's company Canonical decided that apt command should sometimes install snap packages instead of deb binaries, because "reasons" (NVM lucky us at Mint there are sane people). Or that it tried to put ads in their OS even before Windows even tried.

No one is worth your suffering, and if that sometimes does not seems enough then remember that no one who truely loves you deserves witnessing impotently you bursting your heart and mind out about somebody that instead does not even love you nearly enough.

Try reconnecting with the people who loves you and whom with their relationship with you naturally help to make you feel more self confident, you'll notice you're still that fine and self confinent person and that you aren't really missing anything that important, surely not important as you. Good luck and keep it up, you're awesome!

You can have 2 different keys DB on keepassXC with different passwords, you can even try to save them in separate remote locations. The key points are data interoperability over different devices and its portability over different services, because the worst thing that can happen is that your favourite app, from where you cannot use or move your credentials elsewhere (like the Steam Guard app for instance), one day might stop working suddenly leaving you unable to access your accounts.

Fucking ridiculous. If you want to prevent CSAM spreading across Europe do this instead:

  • Ban churches, cults and other forms of self indulgent mass-schizophenia which promote the letargy of the mind and the seclusion, especially when it comes with the baggage of a self-validating autonomus and indipendent legal sysyem (yes I'm winking at you vatican), as a moral virtues.

Yeah but doesn't hubzilla ( applies a privacy layer to how its content it is distributed? The issue then lies also in how the social network gets implemented in function of its purpose, in hubzilla vs lemmy case for instance is a public board vs a social network

KeepassDX can quick unlock with the device pin or with biometrics but the major hassle vs bitwarden is the management of syncing the database, which can be opened as file from the mobile and the desktop app also at the same time, instead bitwarden access your pwd database only remotely and only querying it, but the file is opened only on the server.

But browsers plugin work in the same way, they connect to the local app like it was a server, so it might be possible in the future that there will be an app which can access the db remotely, with this being opened only from the app on the desktop.