1 Post – 50 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

And furthermore, Susan, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoke marijuana cigarettes...

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Yeah, I don't know if free speech covers this.

We (Allies) never made peace with the Nazis. We crushed their military and hanged any officials that didn't eat cyanide, but there was no treaty or surrender. We didn't even let the Germans govern themselves until we could figure out who wasn't a Nazi.

I would argue that anyone who flies that flag is effectively pledging allegiance to an enemy. And like... The enemy. The guys who industrialized genocide and literally tried to take over the world.

So idk about shooting them if they're just jerking each other off in the street. But I would like to channel Aldo Raine and carve swastikas into their foreheads.

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It's an article on a fashion site. And it does inform the average person all they really need to know about the strike in two sentences.

If anything, they wrote the article specifically to draw attention to the strike. She's wearing an oversized T-shirt ffs.


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Nah, just an asshole.

I can't remember

For food prep surfaces, most restaurants use a form of quaternary sanitizer. They're usually sold concentrated and hooked up to a dispenser that dilutes to the correct ratio. You can buy it online but it's definitely overkill for a home cook.

Just use dish soap and hot water. Add a little bleach if you really need the surface sanitized.

Reminds me of The Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic.

“In March of 1987, this situation was brought to light, and it was confessed and repented of. I submitted myself to the Elders of Shady Grove Church and the young lady’s father. They asked me to step out of ministry and receive counseling and freedom ministry, which I did.”

What the fuck

Like, what in the actual fuck

"People found out I raped a child but her dad said it was kinda chill"

But doctor, I am the brand new bigger TV!

Satanists don't really believe in Satan. The Satanic Temple is basically the religious embodiment of the ACLU. They're currently raising funds for The Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic. They also run After School Satan in schools that have religious based after school programs.

The Church of Satan is an outlier and shouldn't be counted.

Uhh... You know they're not trying to ban straws, right?

It's about single use plastics. Straws can actually be made of many different materials which can be reused or recycled.

And who the fuck hasn't used a straw in years? Seriously, I can't even imagine... Maybe people who were born without lips?

What are you even talking about I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

Sex gifs

This has got to be some kind of fascist fartpost, right?

He's really Bernese Anders, a Swiss Nazi sleeper agent

He'll be back on stage at the turn of the tide.

Did you read the article? She died two days after the lightning strike.

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Cum colored boxes and car-fucking dragons

Rusty old poop knives and vaginal bacon

Mom jacks me off 'cause my arms are in slings

These are a few of the Internets things

When the mod kicks

When the troll baits

When I feel like ass

I try to forget all the Internets things

And then I go touch some grass

Man you're so cool

At first I thought those guys were lunatics, but they're actually genius conmen.

They've managed to convince the network executives to fund eleven seasons and counting of guys digging holes.


Wow, you are a hateful piece of shit. Do you honestly think that people just decide one day to make an extreme life change, knowing that they'll endure lifelong ostracism, ridicule, and condescension from brainless bigots like you, all for attention or "ideology"?

I sincerely hope you have trans kids who end up marrying black and brown communists. Hail Satan!

There is no nuance in human rights.

Also, this is lemmyshitpost, tf you want

I don't want this to come off as insensitive, because if that's true it's horrific and she has all my sympathy.

Buuutttttt... A lot of those posts are kinda unhinged. She claims her brother shadowbanned her "on every platform but only fans and pornhub". And she lists a bunch of physical ailments that are somehow his fault too?

I don't know. Either way, she has my sympathy because she's obviously going through some shit. And Sam's obviously a piece of shit. But maybe take this allegation with a grain of salt? Or don't, I'm fuckin dumb

Imagine, if you will, a three by seven inch wooden frame -- a frame that's a gateway to a world of imagination. Wipe your mind on the welcome mat. You're about to enter...

The Scary Door.

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What the hell is even that

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"In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name. His name is Robert Paulson."

The whole point of the quote is that while "Tyler" told the members they no longer had names or identities, the Narrator, out of respect for the dead, called Robert by his name after he died. The other members took it to mean that they would earn a name if they gave their lives for the Project.

I've been correcting people on this for 24 years and I hate myself

Am I topological pants

More like if car companies charged dealerships every time someone started their car.

Yo that's kinda demeaning to people without dicks.

They're spineless and witless and heartless and brainless and feckless. But the presence or lack of a dick has no bearing on character.

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That's actually reverse racist because they won't let me say a word just because I'm white


Other, larger vending machines.

NO. Festivus poles are aluminum. Very high strength-to-weight ratio.


You should wash your hands after shitting whether or not you have a bidet.

Fucking Mitch McConnell might qualify as necrophilia


I upvoted you because, although you're on the wrong track, it's a completely reasonable conclusion without any context.

Neither of those are minerals.