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Well yes because America had been pushing North Korea away.

The classic American imperialists refuse to accept that by sanctioning a country into oblivion they will now just join China and Russia's side.

Most Americans don't even know why North Korea is so hostile. We bombed them into oblivion during the Korean war.

What the fuck is this revisionist history?

North Korea invaded South Korea in 1950, after the South refused Northern rule. The UN stepped in (90% American forces) pushing the North Koreans nearly to China's borders, at which point China entered the war, and resulting in the 38th parallel armistice border we have today.

North Korea wasn't pushed into China's welcoming arms due to American anti-nuclear proliferation sanctions of the last twenty years, and "being bombed into oblivion" is often the result of picking on countries with bigger allies than you, just ask Germany and Japan.

China has propped up the Kim dictatorship dynasty for the last 70 years, feeding their starving masses while the Kims focus the country's resources on military spending, including nuclear development to substantiate their annual saber rattling. Allowing China to maintain a buffer state, that's kept the West at bay since 1951.

50 US Marines, of which he is their Commander in Chief.

North Korea has been an American rival since 1950. Imagine if any other President had done this.

But you don't even have to, just look at the response to Obama bowing to the emperor of Japan, an ally.

Add it to the pile.

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Heard this one before. How long before we hear about his extramarital affairs and the abortion he paid for. It's always projection with these assholes.

EDIT: My bad, this guy just paid for his future wife's abortion. Rules for thee and not for me. Slightly different hypocrisy for this guy.

All research and successful drug policy

Shows that treatment should be increased

And law enforcement decreased

While abolishing mandatory minimum sentences

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The same flag outside the current house speaker's office?

Speaker Johnson's close ties to Christian right — both mainstream and fringe

Flags associated with acts of treason have been normalized now. Good luck pursuing that investigation for more than just show.

It's almost as if a militarized police force trained to shoot first and shoot to kill shouldn't be in charge of wellness checks, mental health emergencies, or even nonviolent offenses.

In fact, we could use some of the budget assigned to police and use it to train non-violent emergency response teams, since the police won't be doing that work anymore.

If only we had a catchy slogan for it.

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Too late. Linux is going from my hobby project to my primary OS by the time they stop providing Windows 10 updates, if not sooner.

For the group railing against Sharia law the loudest, they sure do love to legislate religious beliefs. I guess the real problem was Sharia just wasn't going far enough.

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No they don't. How is this octogenarian the best option out of 340 million Americans to beat a septuagenarian with four criminal indictments that amount to over 90 felony charges?

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"We're gonna have a little bit of a dialogue of what racist things that Charlie Kirk said."

"I don't know anything about that,"

Not much of a dialogue lol

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I am not surprised by this. Given his track record of surrounding himself with Yes-men, this will more than likely be a bad thing. With the possible silver lining of all that campaign money being wasted on legal defense fees, might just be enough to hurt his reelection chances.

But my honest question is, does this not normally happen when a candidate becomes the presumptive nominee?

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Sex work is work. And if it's work, there are customers.

There's probably a long list of reasons to criticize these Trump supporters, including not understanding what this case in particular is about, but being customers of sex work ain't it.

Demonizing customers of sex work maintains the taboo and hurts the movement to legitimize, legalize, regulate, and provide normal employment benefits to sex work.

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I always thought it was a tbsp of maple syrup a day to take care of a canadian problem

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From the article, the cop laments that telecoms are no longer handing over IP addresses when requested. Now police are being forced to obtain search warrants, like they would need to in order to tap your phone or read your mail. This seems like a consistent application of privacy law and a safeguard against law enforcement abuse of power. Seems like an absolute win to me.

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And then they'll pretend like they didn't support him all along. That he was a "fringe" candidate that somehow won the nomination and presidency, but was not a true Republican...

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I don't disagree with you. They have been militarized with surplus weapons, gear, and vehicles. All of which they were handed with wildly insufficient training, under a system with little to no repercussions for excessive use of force. It's no surprise we're in the situation we are today.

I'm not sure if Mitch is looking smug here, honestly just looks blank

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If Moto's experience is the same as what I've seen, choosing delivery over purchasing in person doesn't just add a delivery charge, but also increases prices across the board, and then adds a service charge for delivery.

I suppose the argument for groceries is that an employee's time is spent collecting the goods before the delivery method. But in a fast food scenario where everything is made to order, regardless of dine-in, dine-out, drive-thru, or delivery, an increased price point across the board, before the delivery surcharge, is tough to accept. Though I understand that if restaurants aren't managing their own deliveries, they are often embedding third-party delivery app charges in their prices.

All of that to say, while I understand the arguments, I also know there's profit being made at each step, and they can only keep gouging for so long before the whole house of cards comes crumbling down.

Just have the Lorax settle this

Totally agree with you. But this:

this view holds the client up as a victim and the sex worker as some kind of intrusive parasite who has failed to know her place.

Is because their golden god can do no wrong. That every law he broke was somehow not his fault, and clearly the fault of the accuser or corrupt prosecutors. They will shift the focus away from an argument they can't win, campaign funds being used for non-campaign purposes, to anything they can get the base whipped up about.

But my complaint isn't even about that. My problem is that this article demonizes these Trump supporters for one wrong reason. That characterizing customers of sex work as weirdos for admitting it, regardless of their presidential candidate of choice, hurts the effort to legitimize sex work. There's a lot of fish in the barrel of criticism for this group, no need for the author and OP to support a conservative anti-sex work narrative at the same time.

Conservatives don't like sex work because it ruins the "wife will submit to her husband" power dynamic around sex they were taught is the norm.

Sex work being illegal, and as a result inherently ripe for exploitation, is the feature not a bug to conservatives.

Nope, Windows will still not be my next PC. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, you can't get fooled again.

Probably easier to stick with "at the very least, freed them".

Pearl Harbor was the rallying cry that brought America together (mostly) to fight the Axis powers. Prior to that, isolationist (and Anti-Semitic) groups such as the America First Committee were growing in popularity. To say America was fighting for the Jews in WW2 may be technically correct based on who was responsible for the Holocaust, but it was more the byproduct of who America's enemies were at the time, rather than being a primary motivator. Coming in as the savior to a population being persecuted is rarely the real reason wars are fought.

No one is going be prominent enough to compare to Bernie, especially at the twilight of his political career, and be a natural successor.

It's like saying where's the next Obama, when Obama himself was no name, first term, junior Senate candidate from Illinois when he gave the 2004 DNC keynote speech, only four years before becoming president.

What I'm trying to say is, unless you're already neck deep in Vermont politics, we probably won't hear the name of the next prominent progressive out of the state until that seat opens up.

Seems weird to seize our own arms shipments though, assuming "we" are American, German, British, French, Australian, Canadian, etc...

Only if freedom also means submitting your identification for validation in order to browse porn.

Saying "you are product" just make people take it literally and think Facebook is wrapping people up and selling them whole package, organ and brain included, which is nonsense

You're the only person I've ever seen who has taken this expression literally.

I don't know, trickle down always sounded like piss play to me. Not much better, worse? ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Same, but they only want grandchildren as facebook sex trophies. No interest in babysitting or being supportive in any other meaningful way.

They were able to raise children on a single salary without leaning on family for childcare, so why can't we? Surely nothing has changed over the last 30-40 years.

I'm still not convinced that's not what the headline says.

Do deliberately vague headlines drive clicks?

I thought the phone was a knife, cause that would have also been reasonable.

What's the most recent example of "full reset" for a comparable nation with the economic output, military power, or population size similar to America? The USSR? Any examples that are more successful?

I'm not arguing that change isn't needed, it is, but what's realistic. Especially when going up against those with the greatest vested interest in status quo, those brainwashed to rail against what's in their best interest or the greater good, or those too apathetic to engage with any of it.

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I just get really tired of the "why didn't they shoot the in the leg or hand" comments.

This was not the intention of my "shoot first and shoot to kill" comment.

My issue is with the "warrior mindset" training adopted by many police forces that assumes every situation is a life threatening encounter for the officer and warrants an escalated response in order to preserve their own safety.

You are right, a firearm should not be raised unless the intention is to shoot to kill. I am saying that being trained to shoot to kill is not the appropriate background to respond to mental wellness check.

Looks like average British man to me. Guess all the Brits are addicts.

Only in Nevada, in the form of brothels. And they only operate in a handful of counties.

The voter demographics from the last presidential election has 52% of voters being age 50+, with 52% of those voters voting for Trump.

It's certainly not all older voters, but it is most of them.

Had to look up the date of the vaccine, looks like it became commercially available in 1984, and licensed in America by 1995. If you're 30-40+, you were probably forced to have it as a kid.