1 Post – 48 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The reasons you'd ever want an Xbox used to be Halo and Fable. Now it's, uh, I dunno, does anyone care about Starfield?

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This is such a weird nothingburger. Not very radioactive water released in a massive ocean. Will have no effect on anything.

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Funding issues, according to the article

This particular thing kinda sucks, though. I also hate when there’s a puzzle that goes “you know that interaction that normally doesn’t work? We’ve enabled it here and it’s how you’re supposed to solve this puzzle! Surprise!”

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Played Horizon Forbidden West on PC and it's such a grind fest. What's even the point. Not sure why it gets such good reviews, except for how pretty it is. High hopes for God of War Ragnarok, though.

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Hopefully will not be the case. Depends on whether buy-in from Heroic, Bottles, and Lutris maintainers have been secured

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Ukraine has logistics for both NATO and Soviet ammunition. As long as the guns use either of of those it should be fine.

For speakers and headphones you can measure frequency response. But this is less fun than having a person listen and describe the sound with weird adjectives.

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The colors look photoshopped, too, to make it look more like a painting. I find it hard to believe it came out of the camera like this

He was formerly at Anandtech, I think.

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What about posting manuals on War Thunder forums?

Yeah, but since it’s dynamically generated it’s likely the 10th time you see those quests.

They prefer to be called Marines.

No, the way it's often used is closer to "posh guest worker".

I'm so confused. Did mushrooms help us increase our intelligence? I don't get it.

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It does seem to be the best one, although CPU parallelism seems awful. No one wants to use CryEngine, and Godot and Unity is only used by indies

Bring back Theresa May!

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Well, he knows tech media, and he's generally regarded as a competent tech journalist 🤷‍♂️

That's great, but of course it only applies to medication covered by the NHS. Otherwise it's not prescribed.

It's more that the bureaucracy is so complex and fragmented that it's incredibly hard to digitalize. Lots of small fiefdoms that are entitled to make IT purchasing decisions themselves means paper is the only universal interchange format. In addition there is an unwillingness to change how things have always been done, or to simplify procedures. So there you have it: The German bureaucracy is too fat to move.

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Afghanistan is the way it currently is because Pakistan sabotaged it in a galaxy-brain play against India. Pakistan is honestly not great.

Steam Deck OLED?

I'm running it on NixOS. The Steam Deck experience is significantly more rich in terms of features like overlays etc. but the games play just as well on my NixOS desktop. In fact Proton etc. is so good atm there's no point in having Windows. Only game I know that doesn't work is Fortnite, and luckily that's not a genre I enjoy.

Kevlar only stops 9mm and similar, anyway.

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As much as I love Valve I think it'd be weird for a 3rd party handheld to boot directly into the Steam UI. I get that there aren't any viable alternatives atm, so I guess this is where we are. Wouldn't hurt with a more store-neutral solution, in the end.

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The Russian information space is tightly controlled. There's little warning to volunteers.

Don't play big titles on the Deck. That's not what it's good at. Play Fez or Tunic or something. There's a near infinite list of great games that are not technically demanding.

Make a dedicated user on your machine for pirated software. Never give that user root. Should contain it.

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Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun

Having the currency be free-floating is the best policy. The transition might be a bit too rapid, though

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Depends on the distro. Otherwise you'll have to install the nvidia drivers yourself, and if memory serves it's not as smooth of a process as on Windows. If you use Pop OS you should be golden, as that Linux distro does all the work for you.

Yeah, Heroic or whatever just isn't good enough. Joe Random doesn't want that kind of jank on his gaming appliance.

@rebmasel on TikTok is amazing. Her readings of "iconic court transcripts" are gold

Also: Timbaland

Yeah, but I get tired of this like halfway through the game. I don't want to lower the difficulty, I just want fewer enemies and more frequent drops so I don't have to grind so fucking hard. There should be a percent slider for filler content so players like me could set it to 10% or so. I'm currently short on small machine cores to upgrade armor. Come on! What's that bullshit? Considering how many watchers I've killed I should never ever be short on that.

Hope they didn't instead pick the security shitshow over at Azure.

Not sure how well this has worked in practice. Lots of bad cancellation proceedures last time I had to do it

The building models in Hogwarts are amazing, though. Hogwarts and Hogsmeade are both gorgeous. It heavily leans on the work done for the movies, of course, but it's still amazing looking.

I'd like to just for one day not think about the Roman Empire