2 Post – 311 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Could this BE any more of a drag.


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2 hours of overtime is $30? OP needs a union.

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When was the last time you accidentally told someone at work to calm their tits and twerk for you, and in what psychotic universe is that innocent

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Double fuck you to the crew on top of the scabbiness.

"Y'all been out of work for months, have a gig that doesn't cross a line. JUST KIDDING"

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If you've firmly but politely articulated what your skill set is, and they've told you it's fine, you're literally being paid to skill up. I don't see the problem. You haven't lied about your qualifications, instead you've been told they want you on the project, even though you don't know the language yet. This is a good thing.

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Your title is un-self critical and condescending, so your conversations probably aren’t terribly productive in either direction.

That turn of phrase has never been used by someone conversing in good faith and with an open mind.

Edit: Jack Nicholson excepted

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I think it suggests that the thing is unprompted, and nobody asked for it.

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Everyone happily careening toward totally preventable catastrophe, then doing surprised pikachu face.

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When Patrick Stewart did the ice bucket challenge by putting a single ice cube into a glass of whiskey, then signing a cheque for ALS research.

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You accidentally posted this to c/news instead of c/wanks

Please stop. We do not care.

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No, they meant "Gees"

It's a good question, since termite gees may be different from bee gees.

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While they're at it they could add "potential to cause spontaneous human combustion" or "potentially damaging to time-space continuum." Potentially. I'm no porn fan, but my understanding is the evidence on the addictiveness claims is super weak.

The causal arrow between porn and the brain development thing could easily go either way. It's hard to tell.

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Yes we should be out to revoke chiropractors' degrees, but I'm not sure why that's coming up here since you asked about science specifically. Which chiropractic is not.

No one should be ok with people who run around pretending to be doctors and occasionally paralyzing babies and crippling people by trying to work magic. It's also revolting that any of it is covered by insurance and health plans, which materially takes real resources away from real medicine for people.

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That's your issue? Not that 14 year olds shouldn't be working in bars, where hours interfere with school and growing brains properly, and pervs get pervier as they get drunker? Not that child labour is bad?

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Why are shitholes like this allowed to exist? I thought y'all had separation of church and state. Indoctrination farms are antithetical to democracy and human decency.

Edit: I see from another comment this is a private institution. Disregard.

Edit 2: apparently private indoctrination farms get federal money. Boooooo

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The only way to change culture is by example. Stand up to this behaviour when you see it perpetrated against your coworkers, especially if you're male. Double especially if you're in a position of power.

If you run a company, don't overwork and abuse your employees, and make it safe for them to report these things (hint: this is not achieved by saying the words "this is a safe space"), then really deal with them.

Agree with the other commenter that unions are necessary, but you can't solve cultural problems with regulation alone. All workers should be represented for lots of reasons, and this is one of them, but to collectively be better we have to individually and collectively model decent behaviour.

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Watt?? That's a heck of an ohmission.

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The thefts weren't recent, they started stealing that collection decades ago.

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I actually do buy used cars, and am currently looking at used Honda and subaru thingies.

But the used car market affects the new car market, so I feel like the choice still matters even if I'm not buying new. I don't think it's "the actual ethical thing" (kind of condescending phrasing btw) to absolve self of the implications of the purchase just because it's used.

I mean, having a rich daddy hand you everything is historically proven to be the most reliable key to success. So…

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At minimum the cheap ones have lower QA tolerances on components. Sometimes they straight up swap in shittier components (eg: plastic instead of metal, etc).

Not saying you always need the most expensive option when choosing power tools, but looks same != same.

Why is this "hilariously"? Isn't that like...the whole point?

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charged a 21-year-old man with operating a drug factory and possession with intent to sell/distribute narcotics.


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I personally vaccinate because I love my grandparents and would like to avoid killing them.

(Not saying your love of having covid is less valid than my love of my grandparents, just offering another perspective for readers. Love is love ❤️)

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He found an alternative to criticizing others’ life choices on the internet.

Amongst your laughable bullshit:

No one is choosing a tesla over a Ford because of cost. Lots of people were ignoring those cars because they weren't union, even before Musk went more visibly off the deep end. And they're completely different products with different value propositions.

Unionism raises working standards for non-union workers as well. These gains would affect the non-US manufacturers the same way they will affect non-union US workers. That's the point.

Suggesting that workers continue to sacrifice to keep a product "competitive" is sweatshop logic. You've got your priorities twisted. If your response is "that's the way capitalism works..." Only because we let it. That's how organized labour works.

Misread headline as “world’s worst off-road solar suv” and thought, “it’s nice there’s enough competition in this space for there to be a worst one.”

Wow, people don't like your joke. I liked your joke.

What picture are you seeing? That head would not look good anywhere.

Don’t pretend you wouldn’t for that paycheque

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Yeah but we all hate our jobs so “no one wants work work” is accurate. We do it, but we wish we didn’t have to.

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RIP, Florida Man. The news won't be the same without you.

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I shudder to think that a plane could have gotten off the ground with its turbo unencabulated. The horror.

That seems like an unfair and inescapable conundrum.

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Sounds like something a human in a bear costume would say.

What is an "in-school suspension?"

Like you sit in a corner staring at the wall from 8-3?

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Your email address is visible in this image

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Edit: leaving my typo because it amuses me

Most places in the world allow people to drink before age 21.

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