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Joined 1 years ago

Mao Zedong is objectively one of the worst people in all of human history, and his influence held China back for decades, and continues to harm it to this day.

On NPR they did interview the Apollo dev at least.

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There was a segment today, and one yesterday where they actually put Christian on air for a bit longer and he explained things a little better. The one today was definitely obnoxious. But whatever. There's a lot of nuance in why the API decision is annoying and some of it really does boil down to old users feeling betrayed or having diverging preference. I definitely feel betrayed, and have a preference not to be tracked on my semi-anonymous internet forum.

But to someone who hasn't spent a decade+ on Reddit, the argument makes sense I think. The API does represent an opportunity cost. Whether that opportunity cost is grounded in reality, or MBA brain rot is probably outside the scope for All Things Considered

The forum wheel spins what the forum wheel wills. It does feel like the start of a new era, and also extremely familiar.

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Definitely called this. All the right wing trolls on Reddit are salivating at the thought of turning this into a coup by hopping into top mod spots in exchange for licking boot tread. The outcome is pretty obvious.

XMPP is very underappreciated.

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Don't worry, the mods will be paid now. Just by the NRA, Walmart and Russia.

Reddit is about to be run entirely by shills who will hop into mod spots.

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Yeah, we've literally seen this forum migration happen many times in the short history of the internet. Reddit had some novel concepts in terms of evolving and democratizing the concept, and it was the best thing since sliced bread for a long time.

Federation is a reasonable evolution of the user-run, user-generated concept, which ultimately requires more freedom that a heavily monetized platform can ever deliver. I there will always be a distinction between internet media as a product, and internet media as a utility. The neat thing seems to be that the internet kind of always seems to evolve new versions of the latter when they are needed.

It's because conservatism is fundamentally reactionary. They don't seem to be professing any particular ideology because they aren't. They never have. It's always been about opposing the ideology of others.

It's also why it's so insidious. You can't pin down someone who doesn't believe in anything.

Conservatives I can deal with, but modern right wingers have lost their goddamn minds.

And the entire issue is that a lot of people who view themselves as moderate conservatives are enabling this ideological brain rot by not vocally disassociating it with more reasonable conservative positions. Because of that, I am way more comfortable saying that conservative voices should be viewed with suspicion than I used to be.

I really thought this was going to be about gamergate and I was ready to just burn down the entire Internet

I got my first attempt on beehaw rejected because I said I was a reddit refugee. Apparently that means I cannot have that user name at all now.

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I'm sorry but if you are an lgbt republican then you are among the stupidest people to have ever lived. keeps banning my accounts for basic participation, which has been extremely frustrating since they have a lot of the most active communities.

The major ml communities have a pretty established track record of arbitrary rule enforcement. Eg, letting hexbears post thier pig shit memes, but then ml mods having a hair trigger on the ban hammer for everyone else.

I consider myself a leftist. A democratic socialist. I have studied political science and am genuinely comfortable discussing the academic principles thereof. Even so, I’ve caught bans for “genocide denial” for discussing the mass abduction of children, and more recently for pointing out that the US revolution generally avoided mass murder. At this point I basically have a soft ban, and anything even slightly against the grain get me another 30 days. The admins seem quite comfortable with some pretty rigid ideological protectionism, at best.

You can check my history and the modlog. I can be sarcastic and confrontational, but I am generally participating in good faith. It sure as hell feels like my ml accounts, and a few on other instances have been flagged for stepping out of line.

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Honestly, if spez hadn't already sold the site to white supremacists, I'd be a lot quicker to defend this.

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I stopped using 4chan when the probability of getting goddamn CP snuff videos in the browser cache because of a /b/ raid got beyond trivial, so like pretty fucking early on.

The problem is that these are very active communities which are some of my primary interests. I'm just browsing all and not even any particular instances. I'm commenting on things I see which look interesting and engaging with the content in an area I have interest and knowledge, but I seem to be doing so in a way which defies some unspoken orthodoxy.

It's just been very frustrating. I've been a pretty prolific forum poster going back to Usenet and have several decade-old reddit accounts and I've never felt targeted or marginalized like this for what are honestly pretty mainstream ideas.

Yeah, these games are fun and novel when you first start, but once you get even a little bit competitive at them they just become a chore. You have to constantly keep up with the meta, and constantly be playing to stay practiced. I guess that must appeal to some people, but the better I get at these games, the less fun I tend to have.

Yeah I assume that's the case, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. They seem busy these days. Still, everyone was like "just write you are a reddit refugee" and that definitely didn't work.

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It would be very nice if there was a process to reclaim these users at some point.

That's fine, but then there is a burden to both understand why your adjacency to this evil force makes people uncomfortable, and to rhetorically separate yourself from it as needed. This is just the unfortunate reality of how deranged mainstream conservatism has become.

I consider myself pretty libertarian in the grand scheme of things, but I am fine with an echo chamber where basic human rights are respected. I believe that my vision of society has no place for bigots or theocrats and that such people should be treated legally the same as fraudsters or thieves. And I think it's absolutely insane that this would be considered controversial in a good faith conservative circle. The real conservatives I know would understand that an inclusive, well represented society is a productive and ideologically secure society.

This is both incredibly stupid and just an ad for Credit Karma

And they inevitably turn every service into an ad delivery service. Thus, enshitification. Subscription services directly convert the utility of the application into revenue. It will always make a better platform, but it might not scale as well.

This has been exactly my experience as well, and why I am increasingly comfortable with skepticism of unqualified conservative voices as a default.

I have been having good faith debates over real policy with conservatives for three decades. Since Carter more or less. I know what that debate looks like. But since 2016, I know two types of former conservative - the reformed, who were awakened to the monstrosity that Trump created. And those who openly embraced fascism like a parasite embraces dog shit.

Every person. Every single one so far, who has been equivocal on this topic has turned out to be quietly the latter. The ones belonging to the former group are very open about feeling dumb and misled, even victimized. They express loudly and often the nature of their reform to anyone who will listen.

I've had a similar experience. I have actually engaged with the tankies in good faith on several occasions, and it has just gotten those account banned for I guess being a leftist heretic? For arguing that there is more to socialism than Marxist orthodoxy? For opposing campists? Idk, they really seem to dislike that, and these days It's pretty obvious that the worst sin on ml is making tankies look dumb by actually knowing even basic political science.

Holy shit, is that why I got a random influx of trolls commenting on 5 year old comments?

Web3 has been a pretty big disappointment in that case.

Lemmy is like web 1.5 with threads. Threads which still actually need a lot of work, I might add.

Anyone remember a small post-fark forum called bannination?

Isn't it funny how anti-liberal reactionaries sound the same on the right and the left?

Reddit has always been a toxic force in my life and if I am honest I have derived nothing of value from it

Oh and metafilter

It's pretty obvious that reddit has never really spent much money on engineering.

The problem with all of these devices is that there is a lot of noise power in the world. A jet engine is loud because the acoustic energy it produces displaces large volumes of air very quickly. To cancel that energy, you also have to move huge volumes of air. Headphones are good at this, in part, because they attenuate so much energy in the first place with an over ear headphone, or well sealing IEM, and place the speaker very close to your ear. A source of acoustic energy which is D meters from your ear has to produce at least D^3 more joules than a speaker right next to your ear, to cancel the same amount of noise. It's possible, kind of, with very big speakers, but a handheld device just won't cut it.