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Joined 1 years ago

It sounds like you are describing new user experience.
And I understand, coming from Reddit, how this can be a shock.
However, that's how Lemmy works.
Similar to how twitter users got a shock moving (or trying to move) to mastadon.

The very nature of the fediverse works better with more instances, where a single instance has fewer users and the communities are more focussed.

Beehaw hasn't "blacklisted everyone from...". They've defederated. Whilst it may seem similar, it's more nuanced. And that's what a lot of people don't understand.
Block-listing all users from from interacting with beehaw would be an amazing ability. That would put beehaw in a read-only state for users on, whilst still allowing beehaw users access to
Unfortunately, the current admin/mod tools do not allow for that. And manually dealing with the huge influx of toxic users (posting death threats, illegal porn or trolling) was taking too much time.

Besides, the admin is working on custom tooling to deal with this issue. Because it is their users causing this issue, and it is their problem. And there is no higher authority - there are no Reddit admins to say "stop brigading".
Shitjustworks, last I heard, weren't responding to communication.
I have no doubts that beehaw will refederate as soon as sorts their mod issues, or the Lemmy framework allows for more nuanced mod tools.

You have to remember that Lemmy is young.
It's been around for a few years, but the shear scale of what is happening now is less than 2 weeks old

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Whilst I agree in principal to "healthy to see opinions you disagree with", I don't want to see things like "trans people are mutants" (which is disgusting rhetoric).

I don't think this necessarily brings around "ignorance is bliss". News articles of Trump blaming "mutants" are enough to remind me why I formed these opinions, without having to debate it with people of dissenting opinion.

I think a lot of them are either going to be support subs (like stopdrinking), or they will be subs asking their users what they should do.
The modcoord subreddit is full of support for continued protest

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The modcoord sub that organised the initial blackout are encouraging subs to remain dark in response to this. It seems like a lot of subs are going to remain dark.

If a sub doesn't want to go dark (stopdrinking was given as a community support example), then a touch-grass-tuesday is recommended to close the sub every Tuesday as an ongoing reminder.

Seems like Reddit has taken the protest as "a bit of noise, but business as usual soon". So, time to kick it up a notch

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Nah, they aren't trying to keep the internet free from hate... Just the part of it that they have control over and that others want to share.
And that isn't impossible

Ah, the new Lemmy switcharoo!

This would be great, because it would "validate" GDPR.
Data protection requests would be more likely to be planned-for and succeed if users didn't have to say/prove they were an EU citizen.
Certainly, as a UK citizen who has these protections, but not specifically GDPR, it can be difficult leverage these rights.
More countries adopting these kind of laws will hopefully resolve into a global standard of "right to be forgotten", as long as it doesn't collapse into an XKCD#927 scenario (

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"several hours" being the entire expected length of the expedition.
Because previous dives, the sub had lost communication for long periods of time.

This whole thing was a "how not to submarine".
Like, you know how OSHA/HSE/whatever laws are written in blood? Yeh, prime example.

Probably because they are less conservative and more ... Contrarian?

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I don't care about Manifest V3. I care about ublock origin.
When that stops working, then I'll swap.

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I just have to say - looking from the outside in - "faith & freedom" is a terrible political slogan

This is how mixr - or whatever it was called - died out.
They bought in a couple big streamers expecting the rest to follow.
But what makes twitch so good are the smaller communities.
They often play niche games, have their own fantastic history, raiding each other, nice people, nice streamer interactions.

Some streamers I know have talked about kick. Apparently they are offering a 95% split.
I know twitch is probably extremely inefficient, but if twitch is struggling with a 50/50 split, how the fuck can kick maintain a 95/5 split? And if you move your entire community to another platform, just for that platform to die?

YouTube is probably in the best position to rival Twitch.
But their live stream system and discovery is severely lacking

Well, that challenges my perceptions.

Government corruption is fucking horrendous.
But then, people wanting to get out of a war is fine by me.
But also Ukraine needs to be defended.

The rest can go rot in hell. But that line, I'm torn on.

Anyway, wtf does my opinion matter.
Fuck corruption, at the very least!

Never mind flaky internet, what about people that do events?

Things like PowerPoint presentation machines, VJ systems, video servers (for massive multiscreen playback).
You can't go into a field for a festival and expect reliable internet.
You can't go into a theatre and expect reliable internet, especially when 3k+ people turn up.
There are a few systems that run OSX, but Apple's hardware doesn't give you as much control as something like an Nvidia Quadro with sync cards. 99% of the big shows will be ran from Windows OS

That is some excellent context, thanks.
I know a few streamers that have been chatting about kick. The gambling origin/backing makes it seem sketchy AF.

Take your time.
Jerboa seems to still be working (for me at least) despite the error.

Seems like a major version bump with breaking changes

Utah’s safety net for the poor is so intertwined with the LDS Church that individual bishops often decide who receives assistance. Some deny help unless a person goes to services or gets baptized.

Soinds like coercion

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To be fair, I heard a lot of rumours about it not coming to Xbox because Microsoft required parity of features.
So, I can understand your misreading

The 2 Lemmy devs have funding. About 1500 total from community support, with the rest coming from a sponsorship/incubator type deal. A deal which pays out when targets/goals are achieved.
Which made me laugh at this:

sure, let me stop doing my day job and start planning on this completely unpaid enhancement

Which is entirely what you are asking the Lemmy devs to do.

Thanks for raising awareness of the spam-bot-account issue.

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I think getting to a bank, explaining where 1M in cash came from, getting them to accept the deposit, getting them to count it, then spending it in less than an hour is not feasible.

Because, depositing it in a bank is not enough.
It has to be spent.
So, if you don't spend it then the bank is left without however much disappears... If that makes sense.

And, given that, I don't think investing is a suitable application.
Otherwise, just invest it directly at the bank.
Maybe you don't get inflation-beating interest (ie, if it was your 1M you would be losing money), but after whatever-term you get 1M of clean money to spend.

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Theres some that aren't just money.
There are bots that mirror content from Reddit, just linking to them.
I've seen posts that are 3 or 4 crossposts (between community/instances) deep.

I want content.
I don't want bot content

For me, that source redirects to that twitch stream.
It's the same people running it. It's just that the original site for overloaded. So they swapped to twitch to live stream the data

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That's not a hot take.
That's where I think the threadiverse/lemmyverse/fediverse/whatever is (hopefully) going to end up.
The big instances are like browsing /r/all. The focused instances are going to be where it's at.

"Oh, rust? Yeh, you want the rust instance, or maybe the programming instance. Not here in the gardening instance"

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For me, it was a notepad.
Not a note app or anything digital.
Just a book to scribble the random thoughts in with a pen.
It lets my mind release it, and if I circle back to it when chilling I can always re-read the notepad and make changes or whatever.

If I find myself super bored when trying to have a few days off, I can collate any notes into more concrete notes.
But always pen on paper, in a notepad.

Next time I'm at work, I can reread my notes and make more objective decisions on their quality/implementation

The 3 things to fix:

  1. Our collective feeling that things aren't going well
  2. Our general distrust in current authorities
  3. Our collective belief that an authority is good/necessary


Also if we want society to be less susceptible to this we need to fix one or all of the three things

Ok, so:

  1. Fix things that aren't going well (or make people feel things are going well).
  2. Have authorities we can trust (or make people trust our current authorities).
  3. Reject authority (or make people believe that needing authority is a good thing).

I have no idea what you are trying to say.
It all seems really wishy-washy.

But I agree that people aren't stupid.
I mean, on average, at least half the people are stupid. By whatever metric that is.
Chances are - however - they are irrational.
Despite all the evidence, they still want something to be true.


If you describe someone's feelings and behavior as irrational, you mean they are not based on logical reasons or clear thinking

99% of conspiracy theorys are irrational.
By the time you know about a conspiracy theory, it is probably being tested and will likely be disproven. Or it has already been tested and proven to be wrong. Otherwise the conspiracy/theory would be a working scientific theory.
Believing otherwise makes you irrational.

Look at LK99. Huge deal, claimed proof, seemed legit. Within 2 months it was disproven to the satisfaction of the scientific community.

Now there will be stories about LK99 being legit, and the "scientific community" (read government) rejecting it because UFOs are going through US court whatevers. And LK99 came from extraterrestrial origins, or whatever.
This is irrational (edit: as pointed out in a comment, this is actually rational. It follows logic. But it is based on an irrational premise: that aliens exist).

Or ... scientists made a mistake.
This is rational.

( Never mind the extremely infinitesimally small chance that extraterrestrial sentient life exists and coincides with our time, travelled across the universe and failed to survive an encounter with our planet (or that they successfully contacted only the government via means they were able to keep quiet, who then successfully kept that a secret). )

Rationality is different from stupid.
You can be stupid and rational.
You can be intelligent and irrational.

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So, Scots is an old language from Scotland (like pre-1700). It's been recognised as an actual language, and is making a bit of a come back (although, maybe an "online comeback" because lots of people in Scotland speak Scots or are influenced by it. Scots never really died), and there are many ways to actually write it.

Anyway, this drama came to a point a few years ago on Reddit.
Basically, an American teenager created a bunch of translations of wiki articles. More than a bunch... Like A LOT.
To the point, that some of the translations became referenced in other sources as being factual, despite the fact that they were mostly "English with a Scottish language".
Like, you know how AI generated data might be poisoning AI training? That kinda thing.
So, there is was a huge undertaking to review the Scots translation of Wikipedia, and ensure it is accurate.

My understanding is that they did reach out - and are continuing discussions - with the admins of these instances. are working on it with some custom mod tools, however are unable to establish a timeline. As a result, the issue still stands and may continue to be an issue for weeks or months.
Shitjustworks have not responded.
The beehaw admins are continuing discussions. They don't want this defederation. But it is currently the only lever they have to toggle, and they are prioritising their own community and community goals over other communities outside of their control. And they will reasses this defederation regularly

However, this has only come out in subsequent discussions and comments. So I can understand your frustration.
It would be nice if they made an edit to the post to include steps they have taken, what they are currently working on WRT this defederation, and what's likely to come.
However, it is a developing situation.

Beehaw has always been clear on their goals, their ethos, their whatever-you-want-to-call-it.
Beehaw defederating with other instances was always a part of that, although perhaps not explicitly stated.
Ultimately, this entire situation is unprecedented, and the Lemmy framework hasn't prioritised the tools to deal with these situations with the nuances they require - and quite rightly, too: Lemmy has never been big enough to require it, and there has been many other issues to address first.

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I mean, better loading feedback would be better than an arbitrary "interactive within 1 second" blanket rule, leading to this whole "press button to continue" workaround.

That's like a generator needing an earth rod, and the engineer putting an earth rod into a plant pot. Sure, the earth rod is there, and sunk to regulated depth in dirt... but it's a plant pot.
Just make an accurate loading screen with accurate feedback.

I don't think it helped that there were incredibly salty people (or even bots) in some of the smaller subs that would just downvote everything.
I frequented a few subs where honest questions or helpful answers would sit on 0 votes.

The salt water won't come into contact with anything except pumps, a heat exchanger and the exterior of the container.
The servers live in a nitrogen environment, so it reduces corrosion, I doubt there would be any dirt or dust. It's going to be an incredible sterile environment.

from everything I have read (and some of it since I last replied to you!), these specific defederations arent about echo chambers or dissenting opinions.
Its been about dealing with an excessive amount of abusive/toxic/harassing users that have come predominantly from specific instances and are interacting directly on the beehaw instance. Its about things like death threats, child porn, and trolls.
These aren't different opinions. These are users that are against beehaw's ethos. And there is a quantity of them beyond what beehaw admins can deal with manually.
And until there are tools to deal with this sorta thing, defederation with these instance because of the quantity of bad actors is the admins chosen (even, only) solution.

Wow, that closing line is brutal.
Seems like a solid analysis

DVI and HDMI are actually the same video signal. Which is why adapters are so cheap.
DP can carry an HDMI encoded signal (and thus a DVI signal), which is why DP->HDMI and DP->DVI adapters are so cheap. It's called DP Dual Mode or Multi Mode or something like that.
I haven't encountered a device that outputs DisplayPort that cannot output the Dual Mode HDMI encoded signal as well.

HDMI/DVI->DP is an active conversion - ie it is re-encoding it. Which is why the converters are significantly more expensive.

However, it's all digital. If the signal quality degrades, it will be very obvious because it stops working (sparkles on a black screen, lines, flashes, all sorts).

In my view, or at least why I left Reddit (and support the strike), it's not about the API charging.
It started as the price. Then it was also about
Lies about the 3rd party apps.
Lies about 3rd party app developers.
The whole process from January (no API changes planned) to announcing there will be a cost, to 6 weeks later giving a 1 month deadline and stating the ridiculous prices.
Back up by years and years of failed promises from Reddit, as well as whatever bullshittery they seem to concentrate on instead (chat, streaming, NFTs)

It's not a mod wand. Wands have a super rare chance of having more that 26 slots.
I think there is an effort to gather seeds and locations of 26+ slot wand spawns, in order to try and make calculators/finders.

I would agree that a run should be a run in isolation.

Go to steam, right click the game and browse local files.
Navigate to something like Deep Rock Galactic\FSD\Content\Movies and delete (or move) them.

I've played other games with annoying intros. Normally, deleting the files means the don't play on startup.
Where they are depends on the game. A quick Google found this solution.

You will probably have to re-delete them after an update, and after running a "verify local files".
I've done this with EAC games without issues (incase you are worried)

As a European, I've found beehaw snappy and responsive in the morning.
Between 14.00-16.00 it starts slowing down.
I've noticed this across a lot of instances as well.
I think it's just the surge of NA users

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The 2nd quote does.
They are investigating, and don't want to list anything because it's all up in the air.
If they listed alternatives, the discussion would be based about them, the pros/cons etc. They also explicitly state they don't want suggestions.
This seems like a formalised information post about previous discussions, rather than anything concrete.

Whatever backend/service they use will also dictate the app used to access it.
For example, if it's a forum based software then jerboa isn't going to be able to interact with it at all (as jerboa is specifically for lemmy).

It's nice to know that even the threat of an application reason is enough to deflect some toxic people.

The protocols Lemmy uses rely on additional instances and federation to scale horizontally.
That's kind of the point of the fediverse. There shouldn't be big instances.

The issue is a lot of users want to be on the busy instances.
Whilst it shouldn't matter which instance you actually join and use, some instances might have community/moderation that aligns with how you want to experience Lemmy (eg beehaw)

Lemmy hasn't been developed for a single instance to scale horizontally. Throwing bigger hardware at it is the correct way to implement scaling when a project is this size/maturity.

Having stateless middleware, running caches, sharding databases, database replication, read/write load balancing on databases, having the actual front end load balancers....
It's a difficult problem. Companies have entire teams that work on this, and it requires a lot of skill and attention to keep all the parts working correctly, and ensure things are fault tolerant.
Most instances are run by volunteers and community funding.

Like I said, hopefully Lemmy will move to a format that allows for easier scaling. But it's a lot of work.
There is probably more value in squashing bugs, improving user experience, adding some well-needed features, and any optimizations they find along the way - than there is in rebuilding the stack to support horizontal scaling.

Remember, Lemmy has a core team of 2 developers.
And this massive influx of users became apparent at the start of this month.
It's going to take some time, and things will be rough round the edges.