1 Post – 53 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I actually like:

  • Hackers (31%)
  • National Treasure (46%)
  • Bandits (64%)
8 more...

Chromium could be spying on you, as it communicates with google servers. You should use ungoogled-chromium, and hope they did a good job...

::: spoiler spoiler or just use Firefox :::

1 more...

That's because of monopolies... There are only two brands of PC CPUs you could own...

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I don't get it... Does this tiny change ruin it for you?

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Maybe we should write lemmy somewhere...

1 more...

I downvoted your post and laughed, but then I took it back. Sorry

I'm kind of a beginner... Can someone explain why you would make/use/have a dynamically and/or weak typed language? Is it just to not write some toInteger / as u64 / try_from()? I mean the drawbacks seem to outweigh the benefits...

10 more...

this is actually insanity...

  • GNU & Linux (Debian)

  • TeX & LaTeX (TeX Live)

  • Firefox

Edit (forgot):

  • qBitTorrent
  • Signal

Kind of crazy that Ubuntu has some packages exclusively as snaps...

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What's going on?! Everyone claiming they own X... while in fact everyone owns X...

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Someone tell these hot boys about lemmy

Telegram states at their site that: "To this day, we have disclosed 0 bytes of user data to third parties, including governments."

But according to Spiegel this is false. I don't know German, I read the article using google translate, correct me if I'm wrong.

Here is a quote from the article: "Contrary to what has been publicly stated so far, the operators of the messenger app Telegram have released user data to the Federal Criminal Police Office (BKA) in several cases."

If this is true, the fact that they are lying is very worrying...

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It's kind of funny, but also holding someone's hand does not mean you are sexually attracted to them. It's kind of heteronormative assuming someone is homosexual because they hold the hand of someone of the same sex. Don't impose your norms of self expression to others...

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It's basically bots vs bots vs admins... at least that is what happened when I logged in earlier today and joined some people trying (I'm not proud of it) to make the Counter Strike guy have a penis.

I like GNOME because I don't want customizability.

OK, I like a bit of customizability, but I'm not a designer and trying to make things look consistent and nice is a pain. I once spent days making an icon theme work in Xfce (the freedesktop standards for naming icons are not followed by anyone... (meaning both Xfce and icon themes))

I use GNOME as is and accept it and everything is swell.

Also I use a laptop and I'm addicted the three-finger swipe window preview...

hot take: maybe Game of Thrones should have been destroyed

You seem like a person who is afraid to hold their bro's hand...

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Many countries (not the US, Russia, or Ukraine) consider cluster bombs illegal. I worry seeing people applauding the use of such weapons...

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Pretty sure Chromium has Google tracking, you have to use ungoogled-chromium, and hope they did a good job ungoogling. I don't know how Chromium based browsers deal with Chromium's built in tracking...

I get a lot of pleasure, even laughing by myself hysterically, when I help "Deep Rock" become "Deer Cock", when I help make "Connecting" into "Cumnecting", and when with one little pixel I make "Factorio" into a slur...

Is there something wrong with me?

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Cannot avoid being around yourself

What happens is The Terminal, staring Tom Hanks :P

You seem fun.

The first guy:

trying to make a chess joke, not knowing this is not a chessboard...

::: spoiler spoiler it's turned 90^o^, bottom-right should be white :::


It depends on the drugs...

Is it that difficult to get the RHEL source code now? I'm sure some people developing Alma have access to RHEL. I mean, sure, they cancel your subscription if you redistribute it, but how do they know if you do? Even if they put things in the source code to identify who got it, I'm sure they can find a way to get past that.

I don't think this is what they mean. If you read the whole paragraph they also talk about "[...]the data that is not covered by end-to-end encryption"...

It says that they have nothing to give on Secret chats, and then: "To protect the data that is not covered by end-to-end encryption[...]" ... "Thanks to this structure, we can ensure[...]" ... "To this day, we have disclosed 0 bytes of user data to third parties, including governments."

I mean, I would consider phone numbers, IPs, metadata, non-secret chats (I don't know if that's a thing, never used Telegram), to be "user data".

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Call to Arms, by Lu Xun

It's a short story collection. I'm actually at the beginning, I've only read two stories so far. Kong Yiji is really good!!

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Are you Big Brother?

also this is toxicity...

I remember reading about that... Do Chromium users live in a land without ad blockers? How?! Why?!

Mitsubishi: Cars, Air Conditioners, Chemicals, ...Food Industry(?), ........Pens & Pencils(!?!?!?)

If they get caught

Won't get caught if it's closed source...

Pretty sure that's the opposite of monolithic

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Haven't read The True Story of Ah Q yet. I liked A Madman’s Diary!

A friend told me, and I confirmed, that it is inspired by Gogol's story of the same name, which I haven't read yet.

I disagree. It's very detailed and I think it can both help a novice and help a novice become less of a novice.

Only that one: That's almost homophobic...

PAUL HAS STARVED is the most evil thing :P

Also I got Madagascar, which was kind of hard...