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Threads isn’t yet running in the EU - and it might never run, as the bloc has stricter privacy rules than most other countries, and it has given Meta a few headaches to cope with in recent years. It’s not the EU that blocked the launch of the app, rather it’s Meta who’s being preemptively careful.

Basically Meta is unsure if EU privacy law will allow them to keep functioning so they just decided to not launch there

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Ya agreed, I wish YouTube would've just pushed it as another app instead of forcing it down the main YouTube users throats.

Like, I don't even mind short tiktok like videos, but yeah I don't go on youtube for that

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From what I understand, hot is supposed to be like Reddit where they show up posts that are gaining traction in the day.

But yeah it's pretty buggy right now, been seeing a lot of old posts too

True, Facebook is already in hot waters with EU because of privacy laws, it's no wonder that they're scared of launching Threads there.

Ya pretty much double-edge sword

On one hand, Instagram users can bring a ton of content, which "should" be good for the overall website

On the other, it's Meta lol

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I think that's normal. People will try out Lemmy but if they notice that the communities they frequent doesn't have a lot of content they'll just leave back to reddit.

We can hope for organic growth but it'll take a long time (especially with how big reddit is)

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Damn it's like whoever is taking these decisions has no idea what he's doing

Exactly, pushing people away is not how you grow a platform

Like, what happened to just downvoting low effort or low “quality” posts? Do we have to pass IQ tests to allow users on Lemmy now?

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Lowkey it's pretty garbage lol.

But it's by Facebook and a lot of people are already joining it. I feel like if anyone can compete with twitter it'll be them (even though I genuinely despite Zuck)

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Yeah same, most communities i frequent on Reddit haven’t transitioned yet or is still tiny so I kinda juggle between the two apps.

Lemmy is nice for tech and nerdy subreddits but that’s pretty much it rnow

looks like there's very few changes aside from the spec bump and some extra lights on the back.

It's def a good start, but like @simple said I wish they would bring it to PC. There's load of untapped potential here for good creations

Flip flopping between Lemmy and Reddit ever since they killed Apollo. The main app is just a pain to use so it definitely killed my enjoyment of browsing reddit

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Yeah same. Mixed feelings about all of this

Like you said, big communities here have been pretty great, but the smaller communities I frequent on Reddit (Talking about genshin and Honkai subreddit which aren’t event small) are pretty dead here.

I talk a lot about the casual community of Reddit and how I wish Lemmy could attract those users. I see Meta as a way for this casual community to come here, but then again, Meta is bleh

Can confirm, having way less problem browsing lemmy right now. Thank you admins!

Was using IOS and Alien Blue before I switched to Android. Couldn’t find a decent app until I tried sync and it’s been my favorite Reddit app ever since

I’m dumb lmao thanks for explaining

I'm using Memmy for now. It works pretty well, aside from the issues with Lemmy servers.

I guess Facebook and Instagram didn’t completely lui themselves yet? That’s already better than Twitter lol

Agreed with the second part. I think the federated servers are a neat concept, but at the end of the day what made reddit easier was that everything was on one server. You create an account and that's it, you can browse every subreddit.

I hope it'll grow more, but rnow I think they should work on making the whole experience more seamless

I like Lemmy for the more serious conversations. Still think it’s missing a lot of “casual” communities but that’s something that hopefully comes later.

Yeah people just want an alternative to Twitter. As long as it does the primary function (tweet) and has the users, it will grow.

Exactly. Ease of use can truly impact the growth of a platform.

Like, I'm sure most people on Lemmy are a bit tech savvy, but the overall user just want to make 1 account and be able to access everything.

Right now, Threads is doing a "good" job by integrating themselves with Instagram. Don't even need to create a new account if you have Insta, just pop in and start using it.

Yeah pretty much.

Like as much as I dislike reddit, they still have the communities I interact with the most.

Lemmy is cool but it's mainly techy and nerdy stuff that I'm not that into.

Truly hoping for performance improvement. I’m getting so many complains from users at work because of teams low performance

Yea I saw some workarounds for Android but IOS is still kinda lagging behind.

I'm barely using main reddit now tbh. Mostly check it like once-twice a day to see if I missed any news and move on

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Lowkey never really liked the curved screen trend anyways. Had an s8 and really disliked it. It looks cool but in practice, really annoying

So is fediverse basically a bunch of servers, and Lemmy and Mastodon are like, different interfaces to access those servers? (I'm not sure I understand how fediverse works)

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Don’t they already have a custom chip?

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