4 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

It's obviously:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "./", line 2, in AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'length'

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inb4 senior delegates critical decision-making to juniors and only shows up once stuff is on fire

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I once "biased for action" and removed some "unused" NS records to "fix" a flakey DNS resolution issue without telling anyone on a Friday afternoon before going out to dinner with family.

Turns out my fix did not work and those DNS records were actually important. Checked on the website halfway into the meal and freaked the fuck out once I realized the site went from resolving 90% of the time to not resolving at all. The worst part was when I finally got the guts to report I messed up on the group channel, DNS was somehow still resolving for both our internal monitoring and for everyone else who tried manually. My issue got shoo-shoo'd away, and I was left there not even sure of what to do next.

I spent the rest of my time on my phone, refreshing the website and resolving domain names in an online Dig tool over and over again, anxiety growing, knowing I couldn't do anything to fix my "fix" while I was outside.

Once I came home I ended up reversing everything I did which seemed to bring it back to the original flakey state. Learned the value of SOPs and taking things slow after that (and also to not screw with DNS).

If this story has a happy ending, it's that we did eventually fix the flakey DNS issue later, going through a more rigorous review this time. On the other hand, how and why I, a junior at the time, became the de facto owner of an entire product's DNS infra remains a big mystery to me.

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I remember I clicked into one of his videos from the homepage out of sheer curiosity and ended up getting super distracted trying to solve the take-home exercise at the end

It's starting to. I think for me at least it's because I'm missing checkpoints in life. Every year used to be its own well-defined column of paint on a canvas but ever since I started working, the last few columns have felt like one giant smear.

I don't like where I've ended up so been trying to make my own goals and hobbies but it takes so much more effort than when most goals were planned for you in school. Perhaps something to add to the New Year's resolutions...

A training montage set to music? (I'm forcing myself to not Google this first)

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Biology teacher in HS mentioned off-hand that apparently chickens can climb trees. I searched for images online, thought they were funny, and made it my handle.

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...and then there's Go who just won't let you compile at all

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Not really a language you would write in but WebAssembly. I have this dream of a single WASM runtime environment across web, desktop, mobile with devs writing apps once, compiling them down to WASM, distributing them over the Internet, and users running them on any platform they like.

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I hope not. I'm pretty sure me and my coworkers would be at each others' throats if it were not for some form of typed JS holding our Frankenstein codebase together.

"Hi team, customers observing BigCannon is missing enemy about 90% of time since latest update. Red faction reported issue 4pm ET today and opposing Blue faction was able to re-pro. Can we get all hands on deck to deep dive and push a fix by midnight so both sides can start reliably shooting at each other again before tomorrow morning? Thanks"

Letting it bleed so much into life. My job and my hobby (code) have significant overlap. Stuff I learned on the job started making hobby coding not fun and shortcomings at the job started to feel like my own personal failures. I am slowly learning to separate my work and personal identities, to understand that my employer's stuff is not my own, and to leave work at work when work ends. I wish I had done that from the first day though.

This is literally how this all started for us lol. Senior wanted to try to migrate everything to Kotlin in our project. Migration never finished. Now one of our major repos is just half Kotlin half Java. Devs on our team learn Kotlin by unexpectedly encountering it when they need to touch that code.

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In no particular order:

  • VR arcades
  • Laser tag
  • Art exhibitions

Waited 3 hours for a Harry Potter ride at Universal Studios.

Family used to go to Disney World in Orlando every winter when I was a kid, and we ended up visiting Universal too one of the years. At the time, the Harry Potter section was still new so everyone wanted to check it out. We got in line for the main ride which runs through a giant Hogwarts castle. Every time we thought we had finally made it, the line snaked into a new room and we would all groan. We probably shuffled through rooms for like 2 hours until the line went outside and you could finally see the sheer volume of people ahead of us. Eventually we did make it and I was very excited to finally see what the ride was-!

Turns out the entire thing was just 15 minutes of rocking around on a seat while watching a projected video of some dudes on broomsticks.

I remember the first thing we all joked about afterwards was how much of a let-down the final ride was after all that build-up. Funny enough, today I still only really remember the wait in line and almost nothing about the ride.

This also ended up being the last of our Orlando trips. My mom found out she had cancer around that time and would pass a few years later. Now writing this out, I wonder how she felt back then, spending one of her last remaining moments in this world waiting in line for a silly theme park ride.

For me at least, the entire thing is still a fond memory with family.

The folks over at ! have been weighing books all day which has been fun :P

Obviously if team was doing agile with CI/CD to promote frequent deployments and testing they would've never encountered this mess /s

Using Jekyll for static site generation and throwing it on GitHub Pages is what I've been doing for a few years.

Netlify is a nice alternative to GH Pages for hosting. Cloudflare Pages also exists but never tried it before.

VSCode with Go language support: removes unused variable on save "Fixed that compilation bug for ya, boss"

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I got kinda obsessed with a security policy engine last year and am trying to build a visual novel around it.

The story is supposed to take place in the near future where advancements in medicine and technology have created an implant that allows humans to program their cells' semipermeable membranes via software using this engine's policy language. The implant has the promise of preventing all disease since the right policy can regulate what enters your cells. However, in reality, many people suffer side-effects due to having implants with poorly-programmed policies. You play as a tuner who needs to save ailing patients by fixing their implants' buggy policies.

I'm thinking of making something similar to Trauma Center where there will be these real-time policy tuning games interwoven with sections of VN plot. Of course it's all ideas and prototypes rn. Nothing ready to show :P

Me of course. I mean I already got famous for being me so clearly I would be a good fit for the role.

Sue Yoo, attorney at law

"Dr. Prof. Mann, I really didn't understand anything about UNIX on that last midterm. Can we go over how to touch and finger after class?"

Oh wait you're talking about torrents...

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Somewhat related: someone at my work started saying the word "metapoint" a while back in some meetings and now a bunch of people are constantly slipping the word into their regular speech. I personally find this particularly confusing considering that metapoint is not a real word and I have no idea how so many people managed to incorporate it into their vocabulary nor what this word means to each of them.

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Huh, I barely got SD to run on a gtx 1070 which has 8GB. Funny thing was that it didn't run out of memory ONLY if I disabled the NSFW filter lol

Looking at my phone, I verbally asked myself, "Where's my phone??"

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My dad usually convinces me on the pros of staying at home whenever it comes up. I did do the visit-every-two-weeks thing in college but family just felt more distant then.

Second concern is something I also hear a lot. I haven't had much luck dating though so may not be the most relevant to me rn :P

I really liked Spirit Tracks.

Train gameplay was actually enjoyable for me (especially the way it got used in one of the end game fights was so cool). It was also nice that Zelda was an actual part of the game and helped solve puzzles instead of some princess locked away in a castle.

I played Phantom Hourglass much later and Spirit Tracks honestly just felt much more polished and fun.

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Not every Corner Bakery is, in fact, located at a corner

I liked being 16. Mature enough to design grand plans. Naive enough to actually try them.

Plus the greatest adversary I face for the rest of my life would just be standardized testing :P

I'm the dev that got assigned to be the release manager lol

The project I'm on also requires deliverables from other teams that are not under my manager's control so no idea how coordination is gonna go

Not the red ones but I like yellow dragon fruit

5mi starting from my place to my then-gf's neighborhood.

She wasn't home at the time. I knew she wasn't going to be home. Stupid me just wanted to see if I could make the journey on foot.

After I made it, I ate McDonald's at a nearby mall and Uber'd straight home...

Have a lot of personal projects that I may or may not work up the motivation to work on. In no particular order:

  • Visual novel: I have a general plot and some code but realized I don't know how to write fiction nor any idea on how to write interesting dialogue between two people without the while thing turning into a middle school fanfic.

  • Star Rail Silly Wisher: I've been wanting to make something similar to Genshin Silly Wisher for Star Rail. Art hard though.

  • Crunchyroll watch party syncer: Got something together to sync videos via websockets. Still needs more polish.

Jekyll is what I use. There's a lot of canned themes out there:

We do all the rounds together since it's easier. My dad does handle most things which I guess may contribute to some of my independence worrying...

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Stability gives way to chaos which gives way to stability once again. While the state of a two-body system can be modeled via simple closed form equations, the mere introduction of a third body turns that which was once predictable into a chaotic mess whose behavior utterly escapes human understanding.

These were the thoughts racing through Dr. Wang's mind as he prepared to enter his first VR threesome. That and why he had agreed to any of this at all in the first place.

Guessing Go? (since no parens on the if statement)

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Building and running a multiplayer game on one might be cool. Websocket is nice for making simpler real-time games for the browser. Godot also has multiplayer networking support but I've never tried it before.

You do have to open up the Pi to the public Internet though to get any people to play. I use Tailscale Funnel but there are probably also other tunneling solutions