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Joined 13 months ago

Not for long, it seems. With all that donating.

Isn't $10 the monthly subscription fee or whatever it's called? Maybe they just want to keep that checkmark besides their name.

Reminds of that reddit meme of a guy realizing he has been discussing the taste of Italian food with someone who drank their own piss.

And it's bizarre that some of them seem to get angry when someone else points the issues out.

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Probably because 10 out of 14 of them are porn lol

Edit: Someone else here found that the license basically means all the code you write with it becomes theirs. Seems like we found the catch.

Bahaha if this is true, then this tool is basically pathetic as it's almost completely useless.

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I have a very similar concept: with gameplay somewhat inspired by job simulator or keep talking and nobody explodes.

The general aesthetic is focused on silly and cartoon aliens, not serious at all.

You're in your alien apartment dealing with some machine that kinda reminds you of a printer (but silly and strange due to the silly alien theme), but you have no idea what the hell it does, just that it's broken beyond belief. (If made interesting enough, finding out what the hell it does could be a good hook for the player to keep playing)

The general loop consists of calling support and having the support people troubleshoot you into getting the thing working (you have to mess with it manually, opening flaps and moving pieces like the games mentioned above), except since it's a silly alien machine, some of the parts have silly names and are silly looking (think of the Plumbus from Rick and Morty), making figuring out what the hell the operator's talking about a challenge.

For added funny, you could see the portrait of the various operator's (silly aliens), and even better: you could animate them getting more and more exasperated or bored with you as you try to figure out the machine.

For even more funny, you could maybe give some funny references to common irl printer problems like complaining about no ink when you just replaced the carts. And maybe at the end the machine could do something really silly and stupid, fitting with the comedic tone of the game

On my end, the icons disappearing happens sometimes when switching with the keyboard. Also, I happen to use full labels on the taskbar items (like on 95 to vista) and they're all sorts of broken, especially when changing virtual desktops.

Also, despite having quite beefy hardware (Ryzen 9 + 4090), I can't use an image as wallpaper (only a solid colour) otherwise changing virtual desktops has like a inexplicable 1 second lag after pressing the shortcut keys.

This is the kinda shit people would give up on Linux for.

Genuinely curious: what made you think that? The iMac itself doesn't really strike me as a "simplified" computer, but I might be missing something.

Maybe they really lost their ladder. Why Todd would know where it is beats me, tho. Or maybe Todd is one of those people you lend stuff to and will never give it back.

Same in Portuguese, except mosca and moscardo instead. They almost sound like a Pokémon evolution line

Jungle Fevah, Jazz be damned, Dark groove and Tubelectric kick ass! (Not that the others don't, I just particularly like those ones)

Alexander Brandon is a legend

It's just bait (just look at their comment history). Please ignore and move on.

Nonsense, they can't all be your favourite.

Hello, cousin!

Yeah, it’s one of those images you can’t make head or tails of it.

The white character is easy to understand, but the blue and red character? The only thing I can understand about it is that it seems to be grabbing a spray can, so at least one of the appendages is an arm, I assume.

Edit: nvm, after 5 minutes I finally understood what I’m looking at. The blue character is sorta facing the camera and the long polygonal red thing is it’s head, with the bottom-right corner of the red thing being it’s face. Man, the weird head and being partially obscured by the title really makes it hard to understand the image.

Your spoiler tag didnt work for me on, just fyi.

Same on Connect (Android).

I like it, even tho usually I include a "R" there for romantic minorities(eg people who might not be a sexual minority but are a romantic one) when discussing this with other people, but I guess it could be argued that they still fit into "sexual".

R or not, I like that it includes everyone without any identity being shoved into a letter or a "+" along with lots of others as if they're an afterthought, not as important as the ones that get to show up as their own letters.

I played like 30m of the demo and didn't like it at all...then later made the huge mistake of giving the demo another go. Spent a couple dozen hours on just the demo. I'm afraid of getting the full game.

Quite irresponsible of you to just recommend those games like that without any sort of warning :P

What does you having calloused hands have to do with Valve's influence on the handheld PC market? Did steamOS damage your hands or something?

No, dummy, it's obviously the 2020th game

I don’t think aerodynamics are a big deal in a vehicle like this.


Afaik its for iPads only. Into the breach, however, is on mobile.

(not the person you replied to)

Yep. Both use the same protocol (they communicate the same way) and are connected with each other, so they can see and interact with each other’s content. Pretty neat.

Joel also has a real-time flight from Sweden to Brazil in Flight Simulator that's very entertaining despite being several hours long.