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I've been forced to use iOS for my work phone and it is absolute dog shit... it feels like Android from 10+ years ago. The lack of customization and dumbass work flows drive me crazy every day.

So many screens in different apps. make you reach way to one corner or the other to go back a screen. In Android, back is one motion that can be done anywhere from any edge. And that behaves consistently across every app. In iOS some apps behave differently, even the same app with a different screen will handle the same gesture differently. It's an absolute shit show.

Want to open my app list, I just swipe up from anywhere on my screen. Want my notifications, swipe down from anywhere on my screen. In iOS I have to perfectly hit the top edge and slowly drag it down.

There are plenty of other reasons.

Access to the filesystem. Wtf! Lmao. I download a PDF and can't just open it? I have to basically share it with the app, it's so dumb.

Split screening apps.

Complete lack of customization. The launcher is ass.

Horrible keyboard and the one I like, SwiftKey is completely neutered and lacks the customization of Android. And some apps will use the apple keyboard even though I changed it to use Swiftkey. Again, no consistency.

Messages will pop a notification then when I open the messenger app they are not there. I can read the message in the notification area, but there is a period of time that it doesn't display in the actual app. Lmao. Dog shit.

Many, many other things.

Apps and services dying to backgrounding like the hotspot for one will just stop working after a certain amount of time.

Want to know how I change my brightness in Android? I just slide across the status bar in any app on any screen.

When I want to turn my flashlight on, all I do is hold my power button down for 3 seconds. Don't have to turn my screen on and click anything.

So many things. The settings in iOS are also a joke and the way they are organized, I just hate everything about it. It feels like I'm running Android from 2010 with less customization.

Basically iOS is complete ass.

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Unless you actually have a need for the public to access the services then you shouldn't be exposing them. If it's just you and a few household members that need access then you should be using ddns and wireguard, or similar.

My phone auto connects with wireguard as soon as I leave my home ssid, so I never lose access to my services.

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Nope, you don't get it.

They have clients for basically every platform. That means you can control your Windows desktop from your Android phone, or use your Linux Desktop to control your iPhone... the platform does not matter. It works on any device in any direction.

Also, you don't have to expose it to WAN. You can run it locally and use Wireguard the same way to access your LAN... so why even mention something like Tailscale?

I have a Pixel and LineageOS is the best by far. Freedom to root, which I absolutely want... I want full control over my devices. I'm extremely picky about how every little thing runs and works in my phone and I can only get it with root. You can't get root with GraphenOS without a huge pain in the ass with updates.

It's hilarious people install GrapheneOS and think they are better off because Google services are installed as user apps instead of system. You lose as soon as you install them either way. They are getting the data they are after no matter if it's installed as a user app or system app.

But anyway, I've been running LineagOS since it used to be Cynogenmod over 10 years ago. It's the most established and reliable while remaining open to customization by far.

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I like Adguardhome better.

Adaway on rooted Android is pretty amazing and blocks a lot of ads in apps.

SmartTubeNext for ad free YouTube on TV. And S0undTV for ad free twitch on TV.

Revanced Manager for ad free YouTube and more on Android phones.

It's their insecurities dripping through because they deem themselves power users and learn that they don't actually know shit so they usually very ignorantly and incorrectly put it down. It's a hard pill to swallow when they realize they are just LTT gamer bro Windows users that struggle to use something my grandma runs.

Have had prime for the last 8 years but it's too much now. And the constant nagging to get me back on it is annoying enough that I don't even want to shop there any longer. Not that it's much better of a company but I've switched to ordering shit on Walmart, their online store has mostly the same exact shit that Amazon has on it. If you live close enough to one then you get same day delivery on certain things too with thier Walmart Plus which is their version of prime.

You don't need a db backup app... bind mount the data to a location then just stop the container and have borg take the backups. You can do this with all your containers.




And do that with every container. Easy as fuck to backup and restore them.

Windows is still fucking ass though and it's so bad that I can not respect the opinion of someone that claims they are an IT professional and don't main Linux. Like what? And what does that even mean, that's ridiculously broad, what do you do? I'm a network engineer and sysadmin.

Linux is objectively superior to Windows in almost every way. It has vastly superior workflows. It's more customizable. It's insanely more efficient. It's more secure. I feel like I'm wading through 3ft of shit anytime I boot into Windows. Not to mention the ability to actually have ownership of your computer. And that's just talking about the ways Linux is better. That's not getting into why Windows is ass like... telemetry data and ads in the OS and configs reverting from updates and the dumbass way software is installed on it and how shit docker runs in it and I can go on and on. The workflows of Windows are actual dog ass and literally every single popular Linux DE has better workflows and customization.

If you in IT and use Windows for anything other than a gaming machine or something like Photoshop, then I don't want you anywhere near my tech.

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You shouldn't feel shame, the reasons Manjaro haters give are moronic. There is that one site they love to parrot and every reason on it is stupid... when you ask them about it directly, they don't even understand half the reasons. Manjaro is awesome! It was the first distro that got me to stick with Linux and uninstall Windows. And this after previously trying it multiple times, as far back as Mandrake Linux. Manjaro converted me.

I mean, the website has officially supported devices. If you are running an unofficial rom made by some random on a forum, that's on you.

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No one should recommend plex any longer.

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Its better to have less proprietary which is why LineageOS is better.

That's why you you bind mount all the important data and back it up with a proper backup solution like borg. And why you also have a monitoring and notification system that alerts you if a service goes down. I will get a telegram message within 15 minutes of a service going down.

I went tplink omada router, switches, and aps, very happy.

Might want to avoid semi-trucks and AC/DC for a minute.

No that's not the exception cordless tools will kill anything from even 10 years ago in torque and speed and weight. This idiot doesn't know anything. A cheap brushless hercules drill from HF will absolutely destroy a nicad professional grade 10 year old Milwaukee or dewalt.

As long as you're not relying on RAID as your backup. Don't know why so many people struggle with understanding, RAID is not a backup. It's a solution to ensure uptime in the face of a lost disk. I would guess most selfhosters shouldn't be concerned with uptime. Use Borg or restic. Or if you are going to use zfs or btrfs then have a completely separate drive or pool where snapshots are stored.

Put a credit freeze on all 3 credit agencies.

You obviously don't know shit about tools. They are waaay better now.

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I use healthchecks for all my scripts and making sure my docker containers and services are up. If anything goes down or errors then I get sent a telegram message immediately.

Do you need to serve an actual public like a website does? If not then you shouldn't be exposing any fucking services except for wireguard for you and your handful of users.

MXLinux on one if my laptops. Manjaro in my desktop and other laptop. OMV on two of my servers. Dietpi on the 3rd server.

These fools are ridiculous. Ignorance.

Again, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Tools have improved significantly. I've been in the trades for a long time, I started at 14 years old working for my step dad remodeling houses and doing roofing and plumbing and electrical over 25 years ago. I know what tools were like back then, and the tools we have today. And the tools and processes are night and day better today. Just stfu, you have no clue.

The power tools today kill anything from 10 years ago in torque and speed and weight. Lmao... you think the brushed motors with nicad batteries were better than the brushless motor with lithium we have today? The cordess circ saws could barely make it through a 1/2" sheet of plywood 15 years ago and now tgey rip through it like a corded saw. Fucking please buddy. Ratchets and wrenches have significantly improved with less back drag and more teeth meaning less degree of swing. Wrenches with ratchet ends. All kinds of specialty tools that didn't exist Processes in plumbing and electrical with pex and other types of clamp and crimp fittings have significantly improved. I can go on and on across multiple tools and processes. You are a moron.

Until Firefox mobile has a functional home button in the toolbar then I don't care what the fuck the do because I won't be using it. Dumb as fuck not to have it.

Wtf at y'all talking about, it's usually way faster to do these things in terminal. I guarantee I can restart a docker container faster with a terminal then you can with a browser.

Alt+enter brings up a terminal, then I type literally "ssh server" and I'm ssh'd into the box. 'sudo docker restart containername' and the password and I'm done before Firefox even loads for your dumbass and I didn't even have to lift my hands from the keyboard. And for common and repeatable tasks there are these things called aliases and the ability to chain commands. I can condense all of that to a single command. Lmao. GUI plebs are so annoying with their ignorance

You obviously don't know your way around a terminal at all... I guarantee I can do anything faster in terminal than you can in a GUI. Especially for repeatable tasks like restarting a container.

You're an absolute moron. Literally everything you said is ass backwards.

UnRAID is ass.

Nah, they obviously got this so why waste my time?

No, Cinnamon and MATE are much more Windows like DEs. KDE is awful for a new user and anyone that doesn't want to spend a ton of time setting options. The options are overwhelmingly fucking stupid in it... and how they are laid out is moronic compared to something sane like XFCE that has much better defaults.

A new user should use Cinnamon, it's the most Windows-like by far.

KDE is laughably bad compared to basically every other major DE, unless you have no life and want to configure every small detail... and what's worse? You will have to because the defaults are ass.

XFCE > Cinnamon > MATE > KDE + GNOME tied in ass place for almost opposite yet somehow similar reasons. KDE let's you configure everything from irrationally organized settings panels, and you have to because the defaults are ass. GNOME simplifies everything but if you don't like it, fuck you.

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