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Joined 1 years ago

No shit. My lease on the Model 3 I got in 2020 is up in a few months and the requirements we had for the replacement was "anything but Tesla".

(which turned out to be a VW ID.7)

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Many countries have lowered the max dosage of Paracetamol from 1000mg since there's indeed a worry that it will cause liver damage. I'm in one of the countries that still go with 1000 (Sweden) and my suggestion would be to use 500mg Paracetamol and 400mg Ibuprofen taken together instead. That's what the medical professionals themselves do.

That said, something in your life is causing you to have morning headaches and it's a better idea to fix that. Regular painkiller usage is one of the things that causes it (!). Other possibilities can be waking up during the wrong sleep cycle (deep vs light), sleep apnea causing bad sleep in general, overdosing on caffeine causing withdrawal symptoms in the morning etc.

/Not a medical professional

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Tenacity is a thing.

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It was always a russian influence operation. That effort is probably spent on another operation atm.

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I switched to Firefox directly when my iPhone asked me to make a choice. It's the browser I use on my other machines so why not.

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Setup Gitness in 30 seconds

Install with a single Docker command. Lightweight enough to run on a $4 Digital Ocean droplet.


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"The common cold" is a name we've given to hundreds of different viruses where the common denominator is "less severe than the flu".

"Well over 200 virus strains are implicated in causing the common cold, with rhinoviruses, coronaviruses, adenoviruses and enteroviruses " - Wikipedia

"the war of the ants" (myrornas krig)


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When you live in a sane country. I can't imagine this applying anywhere in Europe for example.

Test drove the VW ID.7 yesterday. Lease is up on our Tesla in two months and the ID.7 seems to be a great replacement.

With all that said, Cloudflare has shown that they cannot be relied upon. No business can work with a supplier that will just suddenly cut you off without there being some clear breach of contract and the possibility to clear things up.

The behavior from Cloudflare shown here is what you expect from some shady Russian "cheapo SaaS for you!"-provider.

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afaik it's S 3 X Y C A R S

R = Roadster S = Semi C = Cybertruck A rumored to be the "model 2" idk

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Ubuntu user here. You can/could install .deb packages with the UI?


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Swede here. In our society parents share responsibilities. That includes bathing/showering kids when young.

Americans are weird.

Here's the full quote. Sounds a bit different then.

“We will certainly not risk Ukraine’s security, which is why our hub in Rzeszów, in consultation with the Americans and NATO, continues to play the same role as it did.
And it will continue to do so.
We are no longer transferring any weapons to Ukraine because we are now arming ourselves with the most modern weapons. If you don’t want to defend yourself, you must have something to defend yourself with – this is our principle.
And that’s why we have made increased orders (…) – we are focusing on quickly arming the Polish army.”

I will buy it.

On PS5, PS6 and PS7.

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Ah! Might good sir be a fellow Mechanical Engineer?

(no one else considers stuff that break instead of bend to be "harder")

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Yeah I was able to install sliding-sync on Dendrite without issues. A bit surprising that I didn't see any guides made for it yet.

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A lot, likely most, of the trolling we seem to take as a necesserary consquence of social media seems to be influence operations from Russia and China (as the largest players, of course there are others).

That's what strikes people the most when they go from X to Mastodon. 90% less followers, but more actual engagement and practically none of the harassment.

It seems most people simply don't troll.

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What part of their existing plan were they in breach of? And why was there no description of what difference in cost there would be for different usage once they were told of the plan Cloudflare considered right for them?

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No you're absolutely right. Russia's even behind some of that "anti-semitic tensions in Europe" stuff making headlines.

It's an actual influence operation.

A lot of software developers use Linux on their work computers. That's a lot of page views done during work days.

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Tomorrow's psychologists will be the ones to "program" AIs. It will be a very important profession.

I haven't installed it yet, but I'm going to try out Gitness for this:

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I have now installed it and I like it.

I saw a clip where a car was plugged in but hadn't charged "for three hours". If this was one specific charging station then obviously it was having issues - not the cars.

/Tesla owner (until lease is up next month) in Sweden

Rote learning - anything. That's 50% of the time currently - which can then be used to shorten school days with the same. We're living in a world where information is available at our finger tips - and that won't suddenly become less so.

Every generation suffers from the same faulty thinking. "Because this is the way it was for me it must be the right way also for my children".

(Cursive writing was a waste of time already when I went to school in the late 80s)

The whole point of the article (written by Mann) is that the policies already in place keeps us below 3 degrees.

Regarding your "currently happening", this quote seems fitting:

"I often encounter, especially on social media, individuals who are convinced that the latest extreme weather event is confirmation that the climate crisis is far worse than we thought, and scientists and climate communicators are intentionally “hiding” the scary truth from the public. It is the sort of conspiratorial thinking that we used to find among climate change deniers, but increasingly today we see it with climate doomists."

Do you consider yourself better educated on climate science than Mann?

Kids of today have vastly better fine motor skills due to extensive usage of computer mouse, gamepads and touch screens.

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"this author" being Dr Michael Mann, climate scientist.

Why do you claim Mann is lying?

What's with all the climate science deniers here downvoting a statement from an actual climate scientist ... !?

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They're as bad as any other school in Sweden. Stuck in the 1800s. They're just wasting the kids time with stuff that once was important but won't be in the future they'll live and work in.

/father of three school age children

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Exactly like humans.

You might want to read the article. Doomism isn't climate science.

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"Current policies alone likely keep warming below 3°C (5.4°F), nowhere near the “worst-case” scenarios."

  • Dr Michael Mann, rather well-known climate scientist

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