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Joined 6 months ago

They use discord because it's popular. Insert Ouroborus argument here, and at the end of the day it's still the most popular app.

Using this logic why shouldn't I just download chrome and forget this project exists?

I think it's pretty clear the ban will be overturned. Congress just attached it to Ukraine aid because it was popular enough and they could ram Ukraine and Israel aid thru. The Supreme Court ruled in 1965 that Chinese propaganda is protected speech 8-0, in the middle of the red scare.

If they want to truly go after tiktok we're gonna need data privacy bills and oversight that affects ALL social media platforms. Congress isn't serious about fixing issues. This isn't a serious ban. They just want sound bytes to play back home.

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Oh my god this whole post is amazing, thought I'd share my favorite excerpt:

This entire class of person is, to put it simply, abhorrent to right-thinking people. They're an embarrassment to people that are actually making advances in the field, a disgrace to people that know how to sensibly use technology to improve the world, and are also a bunch of tedious know-nothing bastards that should be thrown into Thought Leader Jail until they've learned their lesson, a prison I'm fundraising for. Every morning, a figure in a dark hood7, whose voice rasps like the etching of a tombstone, spends sixty minutes giving a TedX talk to the jailed managers about how the institution is revolutionizing corporal punishment, and then reveals that the innovation is, as it has been every day, kicking you in the stomach very hard.

Where the fuck do I donate???????

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Honestly, maybe this is pure hubris here, but I think Biden is in for a big win in November. They have so much fucking money on hand they can blow it in Florida to troll Trump and Desantis. I think roughly 10-20% of the Republican party is, because of Jan 6, never Trump voters. We see Haley getting about that much support in these late primaries, even after she dropped out. We haven't had an election with Trump on the ballot since Jan 6 I think this is the sole reason he won't win. Moderates fucking hate him over Jan 6. So we have completely disengaged moderate conservatives, big donors are walking away because they don't want to pay Trumps legal bills. State GOPs are bankrupt. And to top it all off, Trump is going to be in court all summer over __________ crimes

Meanwhile Biden has strong issues to campaign on: Abortion and threats to American democracy. We still haven't managed to hit a recession yet, even tho its been predicted for the last 3 years. Things are improving, albeit slowly. Also what nobody in the mainstream is considering: Polling is completely broken. Pew research did a poll and found that 12% of respondents were capable of operating a Nuclear Sub (the reality is less than 1%). Online polls pay per poll, people are very clearly just answering question as quickly as possible to get the pay outs.

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Even if it was 100% offline. For how long? Microsoft can change that with a patch at any time. Suddenly all your personal files are being fed into GPT with no consent.

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I am a gui only user. AMA. I have to use command line occasionally but it's less than once a month, if that. Im on EndeavourOS desktop for over 2 years with Bauh managing updates. My home server runs Unraid with a web GUI interface maybe used CLI twice in 5 years? They told me Linux could be what I wanted it to be. I don't want to use command line, so I don't!

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This user is being extremely pedantic, I recently moved my discord server to a matrix instance and I promise you, it is not that hard. Download Element, make an account in the app, log in. It takes no longer than any other service.

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There's a big chance that the Japanese were going to surrender anyways, and if not, maybe just the threat of dropping the bomb (maybe, say, after a demonstration at sea or otherwise away from civilians) would've been enough.

They believe their Emperor was a God. The invasion of mainland Japan would have resulted in the Japanese fighting to the last man, woman, and child. Millions of civilian casualties. You suggest a test of the bomb would have forced Japanese surrender. But history tells the exact opposite story. There was a 3 day gap between the first and second bomb. Japanese high command thought the allies only had one bomb, refused to surrender. They only surrendered after the second bomb, when they realized this was repeatable.

Element is just a client, while Matrix is the chat protocol. But yeah, I have recently switched my discord server to a matrix instance and its been pretty great. Some pushback by users who didn't care about privacy or security, but overall the tech is solid. We didn't like that discord was moderating private chats and they don't offer any type of encryption.

What this study shows is that a gun is likely the first choice of gun owners who are trying to kill themselves. It cannot determine how much less likely they would have been to kill themselves had they not owned a gun, if at all.

I wonder how many people choose other methods of suicide (Hanging/Drug OD) when they had a gun available.

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EndevourOS (alt Manjaro) Cons: Manjaro has died on me once, and is a hassle to setup right and keep up. EndevourOS has no Package Manager GUI, and is over reliant on the Terminal. Can’t use pacman in a terminal the commands are confusing.

I hear this and I highly recommend Bauh. Its a GUI package manager that supports Arch, AUR, Flatpak and Snaps. Will even automatically generate snapshots in Timeshift before you update. Super easy to use. I can't recommend it enough, I use it on all my desktops.

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Matrix isn't using Activitypub, so it isn't compatible with the rest of the fediverse. However, with Matrix anybody can host a chat server and all servers interact with each other. So just like the rest of the fediverse, Matrix is fully decentralized, free, and open source.

I find the documentation to be very good for Arch based distros. The EOS forums or wiki almost always has what I need. Otherwise the github page usually has Arch install directions that are very clear. The major things I've had to do in terminal is just initial set up of applications, enabling things to run on startup or changing configs. For example, and this is the most complicated example I can think of. I use grub-btrfs to put my Timeshift snapshots into the grub menu. All I really had to do was 3 commands:

sudo systemctl start grub-btrfsd

sudo systemctl enable grub-btrfsd

sudo systemctl edit --full grub-btrfsd

The first two commands start the daemon and set it to run on start up, the 3rd command is editing the config so I could use Timeshift over Snapper. Again this is the most complicated example I can think of and its 3 lines. Not only that but I was able to find documentation on two different sites. In under a minute of googling.

I'm with you. I have very limited time for games these days, and if it's not on Steam it might as well not exist. I really could not care less about these corps complaining about Steams cut. You want my money? Come to me!

I was a late switcher as I had to wait for gaming support. Once I saw what the steam deck was doing and how amazing proton is, I pulled the trigger. It gets better all the time too, sounds like Nvidia users are finally gonna be getting proper Wayland in like less than a month too! It's been so smooth I was able to convince my wife to use it too. She LOVES Minecraft and after I showed her Prism Launcher she was sold.

I've used Pamac, and I did like it but had to move off Manjaro for other reasons. Bauh is leagues better. Pamac is really cluttered UI whereas bauh is just search and install. No frills, pure utility.

I use a modified version of the app that I don't get shown ads or tiktok shop videos, as well as natively increasing watch speed.

Please share with the class!

Also, it's very sad to see you have downvotes for just honestly answering the question. Lemmy is great, but the nerds on here need to lighten the fuck up. Use an app to connect with your wife? How dare you!

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Very well put. I think the only way out of this, post war, is for a Palestinian state to exist. Proper UN membership. The only way this is going to happen is if Hamas goes. Hamas must die. Israel is using every excuse they can to prolong this war and Hamas is giving them plenty of excuses. Everybody sucks here except the civilians who are hopelessly trapped.

Elimination and illegalization of Zionism? I'm not a Zionist by any stretch, but this is terrible thinking. You're gonna kill and arrest people for ideas in their head? My god, no thanks.

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