6 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 8 months ago

Zuck I'll gut you if you ever interact with me rule

I just hope the first victim will be a techbro

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If you golf you deserve it tbh

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mmmmmmmm fried ice 😋😋😋😋

Why don't we get back to smaller smartphones like a decadr ago?

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Pictured: the inability for one to discern a criticism of the current Chinese government rather than the inhabitants of a country who are also victims of the government

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There's no president of Russia, only a dictator

Is it a rick & morty pfp?

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Let's get Gianni Matragrano to voiceover it

L for using chrome honestly

and you can't even change your language mid-game in pokemon ffs

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The Madeline avatar elevates this

I really don't care if an a*azon center gets invaded by creepers

oh i'm having sex, non procreative, that is

fake-ass thinkpad owner, not even a catgirl

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I wish I had the energy to find dank wrestling promotions


dollar store gus fring

In reality KDE projects should start with GNU/K, because thr KDE desktop environment is just a small part of the GNU operating system, which is actually the core of the operating system.


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wdym prank? He'll get to listen to some dope tunes

"It's ok we had a black person writing this"

She's the deadly sniper, SNIPERWOLF

"1000 years reich" bro Big Mouth has lasted longer than your shitass war

The most sober Kojima must have been to write the MGS series (I love them, but the writing is batshit insane, but it's so good)

Wow, now I feel bad for posting this. I haven't thought of this under this angle. Thank you for the eye opening!


Excellent, that is why you're the boss, the one and only

c/woosh c/foundthemobileuser c/ockandballstorture

What if I don't? What are you gonna do about it, punk? Huh? Huh?

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not every pizza place, just chains.

based on what

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Boromir wouldn't evade taxes, he'd gladly pay them to help his people.

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Pomni? 😳😳😳😳

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Good for you, don't forget to love yourself

...and sometimes the artist turns out to be an idiot :D


Still better than eating a domino's "pizza"

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I mean, South park...