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Joined 1 years ago

Printers i swear all of them hate me. I love it, but just cant deal with printers.

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Lol That's awesome, less of a workaround and more of a "we fixed it already, but whatever you're using probably hasn't caught up yet".

You were the first to purchase WinRAR

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"Not to worry, I have a permit"

Yes, that's why we should always call it out in all forms about how any person of authority can extort people and the importance in ensuring it doesn't happen.

This application looks fine to me.

Clearly labeled sections.

Local on one side, remote on the other

Transfer window on bottom

Thats how you know its old. Its not caked full of ads, insanely locked down, and trying yo sell you a subscription service.

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It's a kanban board that atlassian a popular company that makes apps for developers bought out.

Not sure if you used a kanban board before but basically you put items that need to be done in columns with typical headers (can be changed) of "to do, doing, blocked, done". So that one can keep track of work/goals etc.

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ChatGPT/OpenAI also doesn't allow for AI generated girlfriends as part of their usage policy.

We truly are living in the worse timeline

Sounds like your background is very different to others. Most people have their entire lives tied to their job, through no push of their own. Especially in the US where your very healthcare and family healthcare plans rely solely on keeping your job. Not to mention food in their mouths, education, car and you might even have a house to lose whether mortgage or just rent. Leaving your family homeless, especially when so many are already just making it week to week, month to month, without any opening for rest.

Don't get it mixed up, people don't stay in shitty situations because they enjoy it. And corporations has put lots of lobbying around ensuring you are dependent on them so that they have the power.

Why do you think they freak out of unions or free health care or anything that gives power back to the employee.

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he sold out too early

I'm actually kind of interested in this point. Going public for many people is about the growth in the company. No one wants to put money in apple because its stocks are expensive. Its because they forsee it going up.

But i thibk youre right he sold out too early. Peope are willing to invest because of the potential outcome of selling api data to ai companies. People are interested to hear the potential financial increase of api prices making more profit. People may be interested of the potential change of nfts or whatever to drive more money.

But all of that has already happened, hes sold out all those items before the ipo. So i feel like a lot of people are like "what growth left is there?" And infact "is that growth negative going forward as users turn away or are hungry to jump ship if possible"

Who knows though what will happen, maybe im entirely wrong.

Chemistry is so weird like that, you should see the Nile red stuff where he turns paint thinner into cherry soda

Or plastic gloves into hot sauce

Or cotton balls into cotton candy

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I wish I could choose size of font, so many games have a font that only works on certain TVs or played in handheld mode.

Also I wish we could all align in settings menu at some point, so I'm not hunting down these weird unexpected settings.

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I want to add to this that it's also a self circulating thing too. It's easy to start reading text that's antiwomen, seeing videos about it, slowly further looking into more and more negative things. Some guys literally brain wash themself on this. That's why some media worry me.

For example I recently watched a video that discussed the negatives of Captain Marvel as a movie. Not long after my videos started showing negatives of other shows and movies like velma, shehulk and snow white etc.

Then not long after that all my videos started showing anti women, and more just outright incel videos.

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A big thing in my country, business buildings are expensive because of location and what's around them. But if employees aren't in the office, restaurants, cafes public transport corner shops etc lower in demand or even close entirely. This makes the building itself less in demand and harder to rent out at a higher price.

A lot of these buildings are owned by banks, CEO's and financial institutions who have the money to push for changes like government to make people come into office and can use any reason like "think of all the failing cafes!".

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Exactly right! And each time we give a company a free pass with this bullshit, they'll take it as a win to do worse next time.

Can't stand the copium some people have with this, its bullshit they added it, they should be called out on it. Plain and simple.

I mean, it's written into law in Australia

And you can be sure that data is shared with 5eyes.

Lol get this, I don't know if I heard right, but the install count was based on their own telemetry added to the game. SO if someone pirated your game, it could still count as an install.

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Career growth. Works keeps telling me for years about how they want to promote me into a new role, but I keep turning them down. Like bruh yeah it's more pay but it's more hours ya know.

I'd rather finish work 5pm everyday then stay back till 8pm for a few grand more which is even worse after tax.

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It came from a long time ago. See the power of people like Elon was being rich enough they could throw money at shit with little risk and also be rich enough to get smart people to do all the good shit.

But he was the face of it all for a long time, people legit saw him as the person who brought in electric cars (yeah i know he wasnt) and thinking space x is the rival to NASA.

Many people idolized him as a genius.

Then he ruined it, and you know why? Because he opend his fucking mouth just like the podcast you're talking about and many people saw him for the idiot he was.

The problem? Elon himself believed the bullshit, he hinself thought he was a genius. And now hes trying to "run" things and its all falling to the ground. Because he never realized the only reason he had anything good was because of the actual smart people employed there.

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Well I eat quite unhealthy, so I'm thinking I'll probably die earlier then most. Sooo I guess I got that going for me.

I used to trust a lot of things, but then i stopped

I actually think this is the case. I could be completely wrong but I swear I saw the same question like 6 years ago in another forum software that looks exactly like this one lol. And people compalined about it storing plain text, but the response when asking the forum people was that it was only during that password creation, it's not actually stored.

I don't know if it's crazy for me to think it's the same forum from that many years ago, still doing the same thing and getting the same question.

Definitely for me big alarm bells.

Look a remaster should or could have obvious upgrades, sometimes it's visuals, videos, style, controls etc. that to me is good.

But that quote specifically tells me "the game has been changed for current day sensibilities" and I hate that. I feel it takes away from what the original had in mind, for good or bad.

I understand that many media have been racist/misogynist/ageist and accept that it was a product of its time. But I don't think it does it any good to essentially pretend that it didn't happen and I feel we're just pretending it isn't what it truly is when it's changed.

I do think remakes are different however. I feel they are taking the idea of the original but redesigning it in a way that the new designers for see.

BUT the fact is, that quote is only ever seen on media that hides the past, not remakes the future.

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Well yeah, but the problem is win 10 isn't built from the ground up to be able to cater for ads inserted into your welcome bar, explorer bar, settings page, start menu and personalised ads ...... :( we live in the worse timeline dont we.

Imo this is a key problem with police in the US. You're meant to take something like this video, analyse it, grow from it and provide a better procedure/training in what to do in that sort of situation so that it is more safe for both police and the public in the future.

Instead you get "police tried to stop a robber by shooting into a crowded street, two civilians were killed and the robber only has slight injuries". And the police response is "oh we have qualified immunity, this is actually whats meant to happen, we stopped the robber didn't we etc etc etc" and nothing is learnt.

Lol at this point I wonder if it's easier for Microsoft to just buy Unity like their other studios they've been buying. Then they get free installs and charge out to Nintendo/PlayStation.

Reminds me of Tay, the Microsoft chat bot that learned from Twitter and became racist in a day

Honestly hard question because essentially you want a game that would be worse now. Something that playing now would tranish it then make it better even with updated graphics/movement. Or something you know the company would take a direction which would make it negative.

Something like redoing the original Super Mario 1, 2 and 3. Where the updated graphics and changes to game play takes away from the original pixel feel. As I feel Nintendo would probably use modern day Mario design.

or mass effects removal of zoooming in on mirandas butt

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For me it's getting people to play KOTOR, I know it's old but it's just sooo good and the story is so great, and please just play it. Pretty please.

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Sounds like someone wants to have his cake and eat it too lol

Yeah they did this with Winnie the Pooh and afaik it wasn't great. I get the idea, but lacks creativity if "it's just opposite" is your draw card.

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Eh I don't think we're obsessed with it, it's more just like the likely outcome due to human nature. Largely pushed by:

  • greed
  • differences
  • And only asking "could we" and not "should we"

Haha the thought Emporium is similar too, but more biotech sort of stuff (which can be disturbing to some). He makes chicken soup out of chemicals as it's just taste buds manipulation

Milk into socks

Or a meat leaf

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You forgot "I want those cool socks" for arch Linux :P.

I think it's also worth noting that not everyone's coming to Linux for an easy time. Or essentially sometimes people are looking for the full experience like I did when I was younger. So it might be worth including path ways for those who want to compile everything themselves or even run so minimalist they essentially just using a terminal.

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There's a lot of different views, many with some truths to it. I'll try to give an answer but please take into account my answer is quite bias too.

The question, unlike the title of the article, the actual vote is on

whether the Constitution should be changed to include a recognition of the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice.

The problem is, how exactly or what exactly is an Aboriginal/Torres strait Islander voice. It's not like Australia is voting to not give these groups voting rights like many articles seem to suggest.

It's about what does this voice mean, do they have the power over government, can they stop laws, does it even help, whose even in it?

And there is no answer real answer, most answers I see are "it's about creating a voice" or "we want to see Aus support before putting into action" etc (this may have changed later but that was the initial info I was getting), so you basically asked the Australian people to vote into changing the consitution on a potential something? Which for many feels like a permanent change or an unknown thing.

So all the no side had to do was be like "oh if you don't know, then best to err on the safe side and vote no". "Who knows what this could do". "You can always wait and change it later".

Imo the votes would have been very different if it instead just asked "would you like to see an Aboriginal / Torres strait Islander voice in government" and not touched the constitution. Or if they just made the voice/team/group and showed Aus how helpful it was before asking them to change the consitution.

And (I'm prob showing more bias here) if the yes side didn't just call everyone racist who looked at the no vote (which I believe many are swing voters), it couldve provided enough time/listening to make changes to the argument that would change the voters. For example if they made it clear that it would just be used to support better decision making and help understanding etc. Though I can't be too harsh when many of the no side arguments felt objectively like lies.

Mr McAfee noooo.

Sucker Punch.

Maybe it's just me, but after watching 300 and the trailer I thought it was going to be some full on adventure story with badass women (which I get in some ways it is).

Just to be the only person sitting in the middle of the cinema (me a fat dude) watching women being subjected to abusive or sexual content for like 2 hours :/

Just didn't expect it all.

To add to the other users comment about it not being strictly a tech tool. Many people are using it to keep track of their New Year Resolutions :D. 🎊 Happy New Year

Yeah even api and secret keys!