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Joined 11 months ago

I just shut everything down.

I can't think of a scenario where I need a PC/laptop in less than 10-20 seconds.

Phone? Sure, if I want to take a quick photo or something, but a PC? Where's the hurry?

6 more...

"Mr. Webley, I trust you have a license for that firearm?"

"(mumble mumble)"

"He does for this one."


"The solution is to just give up your rights to privacy, doy!"

Can't help bringing the US into everything, can you? This happened in India.

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I don't think they lost billions as much as they pumped it into black projects.

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poor people are poor as shit

rich people who are richer off the backs of poor people are not poor as shit

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Why not eat the fruit? That way, you aren't consuming 30 oranges worth of sugar.

16 more...

I never thought there would be such a thing as too much sarcasm. It bends reality and circles back on itself. Impressive.

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Omae wa mou shindeirule

"Temporarily suspend" in corpo speak is "we'll consider coming back if you change the current leadership".

They're sending a message that they're willing to work with the company if it (re)stabilizes.

IRS commin' in tellin' me "Ain't you boys goin' gimme some back taxes?"

I told them they'd be lucky if they got some front taxes.

RealDebrid with Stremio or Kodi.

Rooting your vacuum cleaner. If that's not proof we're living in the future, I don't know what is.

The only downside to this is that banking apps won't work anymore. Some of them won't work without GMS, or with a custom ROM, or if Knox is triggered (Smasnug), or even if the bootloader is unlocked.

Unfortunately, more and more banks are deprecating their web apps in favor of mobile apps, 'cause who doesn't have a smartphone?.

Otherwise, I'd switch back to LOS in a heartbeat.

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We're all probably gonna die, but a wrong is being righted here.

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You should drink water for thirst, but maybe that's just me.

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Wouldn't he be happy that there are no electronics allowed?

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Is this LemmyShitpost or CrustyFacebookMaymays?

Here comes another Chinese earthquake: ebrbrbrbrbrbr

What? They never had a native app, it was Electron.

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That goes against the whole anti-tracking idea of these frontends.

If you want to be tracked (and across multiple platforms no less), just keep using Google's crap.

Ah yes, the unbeatable "hypersonic" wunderwaffe. How many does that make now? 4? 5?

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Are we already at that point in warfare where we 360noscope our enemy?

I'm dumb and wrong. It uses Rust, SwiftUI and Jetpack Compose.

I have a gold medal at jumping to conclusions.

I'm only asking because people seem to have the wrong idea that 100% fruit juice is 100% healthy.

And I've seen people replace water with fruit juice.

4 more...

Don't you need a PC for that?

GFN allows you to play on NVIDIA's servers.

By that logic, urine is 96% water.

Yeah, you get water in juices, but also a metric fuckton of sugar (fructose). You know what doesn't have sugar in it and quenches the thirst? Water.

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The 24 hours passed.

People want the newest shiniest thing. Cars are no longer tools, but status symbols. And people absolutely will not give up status.

Hoo boy, even better.

I tend to agree with you, but I'm left wondering if the bureaucratic system would allow this hand-waving approach to budget tracking.

"It's a meme, you dip"

You can mix the fruit juice with water, that way you have flavored water without a ton of sugar.

While they do offer other nutrients (not a lot, mind you, as we're throwing away most of them), fruit juices have almost as much sugar as sodas. We were never meant to consume fruit like this - we're literally extracting the worst part of them.

NCD containment breach! This is not a drill!

Oh man, I wish that we could have that here. One app from one of the bigger banks here, straight up refuses to run if you didn't download it from the Play Store (like Aurora).

The hazards of smoking.

Maybe millionares. But billionares? It's no longer about smarts, but taking advantage and building your wealth on the backs of others.

Musk is not smart, he's shrewd.

What? Abrams uses a multifuel engine, it runs on a multitude of fuels.

US is not the only country operating Abrams, they're used in multiple countries around the world.

You could get a Mikrotik for that price, I think.