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Joined 11 months ago

this ability is so strong they forget what pronouns even are

ive seen women wear less when going to school, should i mark them nsfw?

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he does not refer to anyone as he is too self-obsessed for that

edit: narcissism is a mental illness, i'm sorry if i offended anyone. when i made the comment i thought i could use it as a way of saying he's self-obsessed, and knowing very little about mental illnesses i didnt even know NPD was a thing. if the term self-obsessed is also bad, please give me ideas for what i should change the word into

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experts say you should get rid of your ceiling because that'll increase your vitamin D

nice NO NAHs, bro

yes, thats what the vaporeon fans have that we dont

they didnt have the budget for the wolf's face

where the hell did that image come from

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what did you do to the controllers

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because of how evolution works, humans will start being born with weird ass hands, sine their parents are always looking for those messed up hands (thats totally how evolution works, trust me bro)

dude, i love the first slice!

please dont take the context of the meme, as it might look bad

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"um actually thats a tortoise" is what i almost said, before remembering tortoises are in a group that counts as part of the bigger turtle group

did you really repost a meme from reddit and not even crop it?

everything sucks. we all suck. (but we suck on different things)

if youre not rich and/or use linux, use gimp instead

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this is so wrong, owls are the cats of birds, they should lean cat!

what is cat's use if not seeing whats inside a file?

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i need to know where the fence and grass background was taken from

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oh hey i did that with queztalcoatlus 2 years ago

we're still dating

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yes the white pencil isused to make sounds, more specifically by breaking it

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you have won the award of most creative comment on lemmy (as of 2019)

i became asexual but ill try it when it releases

i wish i knew a russian laser too

they dont care about appearance, what they do care about is whats inside!

i didnt want to say it but theres something wrong with your pig...

edit: forgot the r in your

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hello sir it seems you have gone bonkers. please contact the nearest psychiatrist as you need to take your meds.

you missed the chance of putting the bonk img as ur banner

homosexuality has been seen in nature as well, we only dont see trans animals because gender is itself something only humans have

also, it doesnt matter what the body, dna or whatever says your gender 'should be'. the gender is defined by how a person thinks and nothing can change that

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no, the eyes are open in ":3"

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thank you ivwas looking through comments to check

you didnt think, you have to share now

i like how this isnt nsfw but random memes saying "fuck" in the caption are

ex plane plea ease

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yes and thats worse than human tits... the tits are such beautiful and fluffy borbs...

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oh no you didnt say rule in the title

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i am moist and this is false!


why is this nsfw

none, i choose my girlfriend

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i love how you just reposted the same thing and now youre getting upvotes