Tucker McKnight

@Tucker McKnight@saltylike.us
1 Post – 4 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Software developer from Salt Lake City, USA.

@BlinkerFluid @hedge I agree with your overall point: social networks where you subscribe to a community seem to get more replies (and longer replies) than ones where you subscribe a person. They also make it harder for influencers to take off -- anyone's post has a chance of generating discussion. They deemphasize who the OP is.

Mastodon's ability to follow those communities is, IMO, a killer feature that I hope more people discover. (Case in point: I'm posting this from Mastodon right now.)

@aciDC14 @opensource Not sure what you mean; Funkwhale is a self-hostable application for streaming music. Uses ActivityPub for sharing, too.

v2 was in the planning stages on their forum, but the website has now been down for 2-3 days (that I know of).

@Telorand @opensource Maybe. But I didn't think there was an actual funkwhale instance at that URL -- I thought it was just the project's website (forums, git repo, etc). I could be wrong, though.

If so, that's an unfortunate way of learning to separate the two, I guess. 😩

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@opensource I see that a new whois record was created for the domain name just today. Any chance it expired? 😬 cc @funkwhale @cda

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