
1 Post – 83 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Since it wasn't said yet, nukes. No one needs them.

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Yeah. It's called windows 10.

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All these decisions from this guy as head of Twitter really put those videos of SpaceX rocket explosions into a new perspective.

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Well, it wouldn't be a Tesla if it didn't.

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Is sudo even necessary? I bet the command would execute without any resistance.

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I could be totally wrong, but these kinds of billionaire class investments sound to me like a big money laundering scheme.

Just like "art" investment.

Welp, if all of that is ADHD, what's there left? 🙁

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Yes. Put the ads directly into my subconscious. Lovely idea!

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As it once was with FDR.

Train to Busan. Shit was INTENSE.

I think it's vital that the community now makes the effort to recreate what was made around Unity with the voluntary support material and everything that made it a reference of approachability, over with an open source alternative that may become definitive.

Going to Unreal Engine, even though it might look like the obvious move atm, might be near sighted, and unwise.

What's preventing this from happening again down the line with another big corporation? Monetary incentives always change.

Is it Godot? Maybe.

The community needs it's blender, and now may be the best opportunity to do it. It's a matter of organization and foresight. It's been proven to be doable.

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Portal 3. Come on, Valve! Don't you want my money?

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Their pronouns. Vegan/Arch

Unweaving the Rainbow by Richard Dawkins

The Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan and Ann Driyan

Read them when I was in my early 20s. Changed the way I see the world.

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All this "AI" talk is starting to sound like a load of bs to me. Just like nfts and crypto. Specially compared to crypto, the tech is interesting, but maybe it's being implemented and used in the worse way possible, fueled by greed, and probably denying us of it's full potential. Or at least moving it further away into the future.

Well, we will, though.

Now we're talking.

Just try Linux, people. I bet at least 1/5 of you would be just fine with the change (I still have to dual boot because of work related stuff).

Ironically, Microsoft is making this the reality more so than Linux/GNU + Valve.

Yep. Since 1987.

Are there even distinct groups we're talking about anymore?

My grandfather: "Life is hard only for those who are soft."

I do a little dance.

Friendzoned by chatGPT

What truth of Christmas?

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It's the 70s all over again.

The Connect app is awesome! Using it right now. Super happy with it!

How much is that in intel/AMD gigafloppers?

Yeah, I'm really liking this app. Works pretty smoothly and has great UI.

Prepare for the deep fake remake of all the biopics ever made.

Having as much sex as possible with as many individuals as possible.

I think we can all make our own conclusions. I mean, don't get me wrong, the app looks great. But I think the subscription model and the data gathering maybe isn't the right approach in this instance, since we're talking about a different culture in Lemmy. This is not Reddit. I'd be happy with a simple, straight app purchase with no bs data mining, thank you very much.

When giants are fighting, we the little ones can benefit, if we're smart.

That's just entropy doing its thing.

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I fucking love the Thinkpad design.

Wasn't figma acquired by Adobe recently? Also, refering Hitfilm Pro for people looking for an alternative for After Effects is just a joke.

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Don't you became blind if you're invisible?

How will your eyes function if they can't control the way light hits your retina?

Lets revisit this comment in 3 years.

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Definitely. As a total layman in this kind of stuff, I believe I've read The Selfish Gene first, but at the time I was so eager to consume as much knowledge as possible in this subject, that I could maybe be misremembering all the effort and research it took for me to understand it. It's a fascinating book, but more specific.

Imo, Unweaving the Rainbow has a much broader appeal and is much easier reading. They're both very different books.

These are rookie numbers.