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Guessing it’s about Unity changing their royalty structure.

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this is like following your ex on instagram. time to let them go

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Unreal, Unity’s primary competitor, doesn’t. Mainstream gamers seem to only know about the two. Anyway, it’s a meme. I use C# for exclusively boring corporate stuff, and will continue.

Me: 2024 is finally going to be the year of WASM, boys!

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If you went to the gym more often, you could handhold your CRT like the rest of us

Anyone who says boohoo has clearly never had a migraine. I’ve only had one once and holy shit. ..that was much more than a headache.

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In its recommendation text, Microsoft's AI model wrote, "Consider going into it on an empty stomach."

Unity drama

And it will keep popping up. Enjoy the rest of your life.

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For Vyvanse I feel super wired every time we increased the dose, but it would go away after a week. Pretty soon it felt like taking nothing, unless I missed a day, then it felt like the world was super distracting and my brain was throwing errors whenever I tried to speak my thoughts.

I only found out when I got an email from my local ADHD support organization…on October 26.

Big time daydreamer and conversation pre-planner over here. So, yes.

I wrote a python script that downloads my calendar and displays my next meeting on a small e-ink screen plugged into a raspberry pi zero that I attached to the top of my computer screen. Basically I tend to get so zoned in (or out) that I always forget to check my calendar. I receive so many messages like “Are you joining the call???” 10 minutes after the start time. If anyone’s interested I will share a link to the source code.

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Support your favourite artists directly. That wasn’t an option in the Napster days.

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Ah yes, The Nintendo GameDiamond

“Sorry sir, but your warranty expired five months ago”

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Grimace’s Birthday is something, though not that long or that good. But it was still cool popping a contemporary game into my old Gameboy.

And the fate of video games, themselves, was sealed. For the beast had risen once again, and would stop at nothing to ensure the crash, this time, would be permanent.

I listen to podcasts on a waterproof Bluetooth speaker. I wish I could speed my showers up though. IDK, I just always feel the need to rinse off my hands between every step, and it takes so long. Example steps: Put shampoo in hands, put hands into hair and uh agitate. Hands now covered in shampoo lather and shampoo lather running down my forehead to my eyes. To stop that, I need to rinse my hands. Awkwardly wave my hands in the thin water jets until clean. With clean hands, move the descending lather back into my hair, then step under the water to rinse my hair. Hair’s rinsed but hands not fully. Hand rinsing dance again. Next step, face wash, and on and on and on. God I wish I could speed it up.

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Yeah dude! Why do I remember that too? Also IDKFA - guns & ammo? IDDQD - invincibility I think.

The Genesis was the first console I bought with my own money. Kid money (allowance plus birthday money, etc.). It was definitely a few years into its life, and I remember it being on sale for something crazy like $60 at Canadian Tire. Everyone I knew, myself included, had a SNES, and inviting friends over to see the Genesis brings back some good memories. I remember playing Sonic 2 and discovering that you could plug a Sega Master System controller into the second port and your friend could play along as Tails. Mind blowing. The sound was so amazing too. That Yamaha sound chip brought the music of the arcades to life in my living room. I eventually sold my Genesis to EB for about the same amount and bought Night Trap for PC. Not a great move in hindsight, but I did keep all my games.

I remember the ad. I had no idea what a “Game Pak” was so I never took advantage of the offer. Seemed too good to be true if that meant an actual game.

I have seen Francophones use the word “tchat” so as to not confuse with cat

Welcome to Lemmy

Yes. Imagine more productive hyperfocus. I have been in love with the idea of becoming a computer programmer since I was a kid. I dabbled for basically 35 years until I was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Got put on Vyvanse and ever since I’ve been actually building very specific utilities for personal use from the ground up. Feels good man.

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I still have a hobby website with an AS flash animation on it that I don’t have the heart to get rid of. It was so cool.

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If you have an iPhone, put your medications into the health app and set them as critical. Even if your phone is on silent, it will give you a notification sound to remind you if you didn’t log it. I would forget my Concerta every day without it.

I wish these were just a little bit bigger.

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Sonic 2 had the half-pipe which was really cool at the time. Games journalist groupthink tells me all Sonic games are bad though, so, I must be wrong about that.

Shit. That’s a great idea.

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I’d be interested to know more. How do you determine if you pass the check? Just 11 and up is a pass?

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I also Nope

I totally agree. I repaired and upgraded my GBA SP and it was such an incredible learning experience. Also confidence boosting.

Yes. Do it. Different types may make you feel better than others.

Seriously! Another one for the repertoire

What is the device on the top left? The big SNES controller one.

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Thanks, I will look into that

Haha, perfect

IMO the main feature of this arcade game was those frictionless steering wheels. As a kid I would play with them even with no quarter.