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Joined 11 months ago

Wise man say- forgiveness is divine, but never pay full price for late pizza. 🍕

This games title and logo make me think it's about taking a nap. I think I'll sleep on this one.


Because there's more money to be made by releasing HD remakes that they charge you out the nose for.

It's a lemming.

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Ha! You beat me to it. My dad loved that joke.

"Do you have honeymoon salad?"

"What's honeymoon salad?"

"Lettuce alone, without dressing."

I think they are implying that Jimmy was the "original party animal" like Slurms. Either that or it's how they "look similar" in this photo due to the Hawaiian shirt.

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Right. Because FBI doesn't already monitor any suspicious activity.


You joke, but I wouldn't be surprised in the least.

It's not just that. Many games these days are so detailed, it's like having a second job that you don't get paid to do, but instead pay them to be "allowed" to do. No thank you.

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Speaking as an elder Millennial, probably. As I get older, I get lazier and desire convenience over shiny and new. I recently got back into rebuilding my music collection and the high seas have changed since last I sailed. That being said, my desire for music drove me to learn the new ways, even though I didn't really want to. The bigest things that stop people from keeping up with technology is desire and ease of access. Most people could give a fuck less, so they don't bother with it, and the older we get, the less fucks we give. Those of us with a desire, for whatever reason, will choose to learn.

Uh... I hope they've heard of Dragon Quest. They own it.

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The thing with No Man's Sky is that it's supposed to be in the vein of old pulp sci-fi which was usually quite scientifically inaccurate and more fantasy and philosophy.

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I said this would happen back when it was just the ISPs having data caps and cell phone companies charging for every text/data caps/ peak hours. Oh, but I was just a raving lunatic then. Fuck the human race. We get what we deserve.

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Including family and friends.

Conker's Bad Fur Day on N64 was definitely up there.

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Fuck the shows, too. That money goes to Ticketbastard. Buy their merch, directly if possible.

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while it's generally taboo to cite Wikipedia directly, you can cite the same pages Wikipedia does as an easy work around.

Yup! Back in my college days, my English professor said we could use Wikipedia, but we had to trace sources all the way back to their origin, preferably a physical publication if possible. Meaning if Wikipedia cited a source that cited another source, you had to cite that source. That's just how academia works!

Looking at their recent actions, they would definitely seem to be pretty fuckin dumb.

Yes. Loading up No Man's Sky. My wife just cleaned my piece for me. She's so thoughtful and loving. Gonna take a couple tokes of fresh green from a clean bubbler as this planetary system finishes loading.

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Porn drives technology. VHS beat Betamax because of porn. BluRay beat HDDVD because of porn. The internet is for porn.

Fuck the MPAA

Thank ye, matey! We be pirates, after all...

They would do a lot better if Japanese companies would stop with the shitty DRM and provide actual support for the games they release.

What if I don't have a friend without a printer?

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I don't know if they did here what they did on reddit, but since trees is cannabis communities here, try searching marijuana enthusiasts to find arboreal assistance. If that doesn't help, try searching using terms like arborist, arboretum, and other tree terms.

The circle is complete.


If I may add, there's also things like "I have purchased this same album 15 times in my life, I just want to listen to my music".

Ok, I gave in and while it's a little confusing, I already have one of the albums I was looking for and it's flac. Thanks for twisting my arm!

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I love how he DAREs TO BE STUPID about it. I guess it could get EVEN WORSE if he went OFF THE DEEP END.

It's already on Steam. It's on PSN. It's probably on Xbox and switch, too. It works just fine. There is absolutely no reason to remake this.

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Tool, Deftones, The Offspring, nine inch nails, Korn, Rage Against the Machine, KMFDM...

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You're good people. 👍

People are just awful.

Ok, I gave in and while it's a little confusing, I already have one of the albums I was looking for and it's flac. Thanks for twisting my arm!

Nintendo gonna sue

Sony needs to get their shit together and realize they could dominate the game world by keeping consoles for those that want the convenience/price, and also release their titles on PC. There are so many PS games I would buy; even more if they release some old titles, too.

Yeah this post seems kinda sus considering how many times they've avoided saying what game it is. And not wanting to use Steam at all? Steam is the one corp you can still have some trust in. I see a post like this and it reeks of them doing something most likely illegal in a bad way, or they are a bad actor trying to fuck with our shit again. Either that or they're a weeb that's too embarrassed to name the furry porn game they're looking for.

Xenotilt is early access.

Moonring is early access. Hell, it's technically some sort of beta-not-a-release...thing.

I played Inkulinati in early access.

I played Potion Craft in early access.

They were not without their issues and bugs, but they were typically updated and fixed within reasonable amounts of time. (Sometimes too reasonable... Get some you time Dene!) If it was something game-breaking, it would get updated asap.

I guess the lesson here is small indy studios are usually a safe bet when it comes to early access if you do a little due diligence, but never trust the big corpos.

There's already enough garbage in space. Better to launch her directly into the sun.

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Oh man... that 3D billboard in NY...