0 Post – 69 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

So all you're saying is that deleting your posts to get the engagement down works perfectly?

Switch to SearxNG instead

Yeah I love moving my finger away from the middle of the touchpad and down to the clicky-thingy just to then move it back to the middle of the touchpad. I think tap-to-click is just faster while having no real disadvantages

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This is the result of company greed

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Maybe this will finally kill Xorg

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yes, we are quite good at funding foss

I hate the company but I haven't found another streaming service with a similar amount of music, sound quality and algorithm. I have a jellyfin instance, but it lacks the choice and algorithm.

Edit: I am currently in the process of switching to Tidal. It has pretty much all the niche artists that I usually listen to, the algo is pretty good (at least thats what other ppl say), the audio quality is very good and it has a really nice UI. Also, it pays Artists twice as much as Spotify.
It doesn't have a native App for Linux, but there is, which is an electron wrapper for the web-ui that is also available via Flatpak and works well so far.

Is this really a major story?

No, it's a Mayor story

I've been using it through remmina for years at this point and I've rarely had a problem with it. Big thank you to the developers

I can recommend if you are in germany

are you trying to say that this is a bad thing?

ventoy but instead of it being installed on a usb stick it is set up as a PXE Server, which then serves boot images over the network to your clients that you want to install

believe me: once you have it, you won't go back. that extra height also gives the laptop more space for a bigger touchpad, which is also great.

What you're referring to as "Linux" is actually " [RedHat|Canonical|]/Linux"

what is overrated about them?

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1776 apparently (year of the american revolution)

Do they already have their own index? Last time I used it (when it was still beta) it was quite okay, but it was basically yandex or whatever with a different front-end and site-pinning

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Wait until you hear about Biebian

ever seen a laptop with micro-sd, full-size display port, full-size hdmi and a usb-c, that is also repairable and at least committed to making their mainboards compatible with core/libreboot?

well great, cause i haven't

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Dumb question because I'm not fluent in License-Lore: which license would be best at preventing others (or me from the future) from selling / closing down the licensed work? Would it be GPL, AGPL, MPL, something else?

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I appreciated [...] sysadmin

Do we already have r/brandnewsentence over here?

that battery is way too big for the energy produced by the solar array

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same goes for flashlights. you won't stop even if you already own 15 D4V2s (excluding those you already gifted to friends and family ofc)

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Oh I thought you meant separate mouse-buttons. I still think tap-to-click is superior, but as always: if you like to click then go and configure your system to click

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That's the neat part: you don't have to take the icky parts. Just use artix instead of arch to not use systemd

Debain on servers because it just works.
Arch on desktops because you got basically every software package you'd ever need in the AUR and it's somewhat stable.

But what if I want to snort Wiesnkoks off of a dick?

Lmao that's not just for AD

I only know OpenLDAP and FreeIPA, if there are any other alternatives you got please mention them

So, from what I've heard, the 2 Main Developers of Lemmy and about 90% of the initial userbase were tankies, to the point where the project wasn't appealing to anyone other than them. That's why the Developers opened lemmygrad, where most of the tankies are now. That instance is also one of the most blocked instances on the fediverse

you can’t DRM liquid

you can’t DRM liquid yet

You can find out if you have pipewire or pulseaudio by using pactl info | grep "Server Name"

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freeipa is pretty good, although i agree that it's easier to just use AD

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i can't believe so many people didn't get that part

ya don't have to enter your sudo password if you're already logged in as root

Could've just run a benchmark or mine monero or something... A Minecraft server is arguably one of the worst ways to test performance


I'm sorry, Dave

Only one room? Pathetic