0 Post – 18 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

SSDs are way more reliable than spinning disks, especially in a laptop that gets banged around. HDDs win in only one category: capacity per price.

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Ah yes, inovation. And by innovation, I mean buying the entire manufacuring capability so your competitors can't use it

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Is it on F-droid?

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dtrx is the way to do it. It's short for "do the right extraction", and it just works.

Also, all you have to remember for tar is "-xtract -zee -vucking -files" (extract the fucking files, but first letters only)

It's a config flag in /etc/fstab

The SSD memory cell failure mode is to retain the last written contents, so I actually don't think I agree. In the SMART diagnostics, it shows how many of these bad cells are present, which is a reasonable indicator of impending failure from age

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What is FLOSS?

Silicon Valley middle out compression, but for real

That's a text editor, not a word processor

Why away from Ubuntu/Debian?

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Sometimes it's okay to use something you're familiar with and not have to learn (Debian). Fair enough on the snaps though; need to look into them before I form an opinion.

Can someone explain what this is/does?

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Why do you want a successor?

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Clonezilla is the answer. It has all the options, and just works right the first time

How do the matrix modules work?

If you could fine one, then maybe

F-droid has a few decent ones, but it seems it varies by country quite a bit?

You're probably right, ashamed I didn't notice though