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Are you saying Nazis are your allies?

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France is making a large part of its own defense system (fighter jet, navy ships, etc.) and for it to be financially viable, sells some models to other countries. One very good client is Saudi Arabia. You will never hear criticism from this government against Saudis.

The only reason you don't eat those meats is because you are not used to it. People ate horse meat in Europe regularly until WW2 and cats and dogs are eaten in other part of the world.

Cats and dogs are no more intelligent than cows but we have emotional attachment and historical use (herding and killing rats) for them so in the Western world we prefer to have them as pets.

To be frank, I'm amazed by this announcement. I take TER every weekend and a two-way trip is 108€, 54€ (-50%) if you get the yearly pass which costs 30€. This would save me so much money.

Yes it doesn't encompass TGV but with this 49€ ticket you can potentially get rid of many car commuters which is already a good thing :)

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Many countries not so well off like us in the West do not have the luxury to have a smartphone and a computer. So options with 2 USB ports would be interesting. The bastardisation of the smartphone is a disgrace.

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Wow didn't know about this metric :(

You know Nazis also despise the left and would do anything to put you in camps if they could. They are not allies. You are falling in the exact trap described by this article, trying to attract leftists on the few subjects they appear to have in common to make the Nazis appear normal or even allies.

Yes, but afaik corrosion is still a big issue in these designs so they are not ready for commercial use.

From the article:

The pass will also cover local bus, metro, and tram travel, “if possible,” Beaune said. The full details have not yet been finalised.

Of course, I'm not particularly confident that they will actually cover this but at least they are thinking about it.

I read the (original?) article on the Verge covering this and my understanding is that it's not an issue. The files/folders way of thinking is already a metaphor for 0s and 1s scattered around on silicon. Using a "laundry basket with a search robot" isn't inherently a worse way to store data than a "file system with hierarchy".

We are just used to one way and the other baffles us because it goes against our way of thinking about 0s and 1s scattered on silicon.

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We have them in France too :(

You can enable ribbon-like top toolbar in LibreOffice, I find it less confusing coping from MS Office. I've worked a lot in MS Office and LibreOffice so don't hesitate to ask :)

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One crazy idea: tax kerosene and use this to fund this ticket which will now also have TGV 😅

Been using protonmail for my main email for three years, never had one issue. But I'm in Europe, maybe in the US it's different?

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Abortion is decriminalised, so it's still not legal but it falls under civil law which is not as harsh as criminal law.

Edit: I misread the article, you can legally get an abortion at federal health facilities. I don't know about state health facilities.

I love this vibe. I'm getting back on MATE and the feeling is great. No fluff, just simple features!

I think there is an argument to be made that if you want to develop a game, for example, for the PS5 you can rely hone your game to the PS5 hardware and it could be extremely stable. This is not possible for PCs because PCs do not have fixed hardware.

However I think this was true in the olden days of the SNES where games where not glitchy compared to DOS gaming where hardware compatibility was all over the place. You can see this on YouTube channels like LGR where finding a compatible sound card is a challenge.

But like you, I don't find that this is still true for modern PC gaming.

I dont think anyone will come to share this knowledge with us since it could be used by newspapers website to block the archiving.

True fediverse experience right there

It plugs into a female connector making it a male connector.

Password-store if you are really fancy

What I call bastardisation is the many steps stopping us from using our phone as general computing platforms. Our phones have no reason to be confined by software locks like locked bootloaders, root login, etc.

As for the lack of 2 USB ports, it pictures that phones where never thought as general purpose computers. Maybe two ports is not the way to go but the lack of an interface which can act as a display output and a USB connection like what we have now with Thunderbolt on the desktop is a shame. The inability to turn my phone, which is more powerful than my current laptop, into a normal computer unencumbered by software and hardware restrictions is a shame.

The path taken by Pinephones and their Linux ecosystems is a step in the right direction. It shows that smartphone companies can do better.

As you said, it's basic economics, it's more profitable for them if we buy a new phone every two years, so they lock us out of our properties with software and hardware restrictions because they can.

Looks like there are tags available on MacOS and Windows.


Didn't find official windows article on this, but plenty of other news outlet reported on this.

I had the same reaction to light themes but had to use a light theme because on dark themes I found the text hard to read. Then I lowered my screen brightness and no more burning eyes with light themes lol.

Happy I could help :)

I enabled them for each application. Don't know if there are some global options sorry :(

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