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Joined 1 years ago

ihan normi koodi työ ukko

I think they wanted people who follow orders to the dot, not people who have a sense of humor. Sounds like a terrible place to work, but I still understand their reasoning.

Here is an Iron Law I have learned from two decades on Facebook: If you are 39 years old and married with two children, you do not get this ripped unless you are deeply unhappy.

Oh man, that hurt.

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I think Zuck does BJJ, not judo. Which would be even better for the cage fight.

Also, having hydraulic joints and titanium frame helps to absorb any damage Musk could inflict.

The present government is such a disgrace. It's amazing considering how well regarded the previous one was (well, Marin anyways).

I have also noticed the absence of alt-right/populist right-wing people. But that could go under your point 2. It's refreshing nevertheless.

Also less guerilla marketing. Not missing that shit one bit.

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No, it's actually a comment section for a Youtube video, and it is appropriate to voice an opinion related to it here.

The meme you're parroting fits better when someone goes wildly off-topic, which is not what happened here.

This is very true. You even got a down vote for saying it.

I'm sure for many trolls the goal is mainly to cause a reaction, and I think the alt-right stuff is an easy way to do so. Maybe that's a better way to put it.

Then there's the crowd that populated r/the_donald back in the day. Not sure how much of that was just trolling, but I'm certainly glad not to see that activity here.

Sorry I can't really contribute to your question, but would anyway like to take the opportunity to air my grievances: I hate Youtube shorts and TikToks with fierce passion. The format of short videos makes sense and is a good idea to some extent, but who the hell decided we're not allowed to rewind our videos anymore? I want to hunt down that person, go to their house at night and tell them that they are not very good at their job so loud that their whole family can hear it.

Seems like the way to make energy out of fusion would be to burn the budgeted cash instead in a conventional furnace.

Well that headline was a ride.

I've really enjoyed the lack of guerrilla marketing on Lemmy. But indeed it's great that the platform is not so big that it needs some algorithms to decide what to show, and in doing so attracts all kinds of content optimizers.

Just to counter the "Mother" example, in Finnish the word is "äiti". One could argue "mamma" is also used, but in my opinion it's just Swedish influence and not really used in the Eastern parts.

The topic is very interesting however, and recently I've read about the theory of universal grammar https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_grammar which is a theory roughly saying that every human has an innate biological understanding for certain rules of grammar - independent of upbringing, culture and the like. For example, every human language will distinguish between nouns and vowels and verbs. The concept is fascinating, but so is the criticism. You could argue that the whole idea is just unfalsifiable pseudoscience or post-hoc explanation for what has been observed.

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Nebula is not bad. I paid for it for a year, but had some issues with not enough content and the buggy UI on Firefox. If Youtube blocks adblockers, I'll certainly go back to it.

I really can't decide if this is satire or not.

Also, I think the people who stay after the blackouts are the ones Reddit wants: the ones least likely to care about being subjected to ads and hostile UI. The ones least likely to leave or protest. The ones with least critical thinking. The ones consuming the most trivial content and guerrilla marketing. The holy grail of any money-hungry social network.

The founders want to be billionaires, as if being a multimillionaire would not be enough.

The meltdown happening right now is surely a spectacle to watch on the side lines.

The free VC money to tech ran dry, as the interest rates began to rise over the past year or so. I wonder if Reddit is feeling the pain and they're desperate enough to pull all this shit? Or are they trying to do an IPO before they run out of money and now try to push up any possible revenue, including the recent lay-offs?

In any case, keep the pop corns warm and close.

I want to hear the quotes and questions! And no, you can't copyright any of that.

Interesting, didn't know that!

The good thing about Lemmy is that it's open source. Community requests are easy to make and will be discussed. Creating third party apps should not be an issue either.

The bad thing about Lemmy, on the other hand, is that it's open source. There's no VC funding to hire hundreds of overpaid developers to fix things quickly, so we just have to be a bit patient and give the devs time to make the necessary changes.

They usually talk very slow and try to understand that some things need a longer explanation. It helps me learn things good.

I wish this was possible without the whole god thing. What do you do during prayers etc.? Whenever I've attended a baptism or a funeral or some such, all I can think about is how much mana the priest is using when casting the bless on the audience. It gets so awkward.

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Yes, I thought all magic works like that.

There actually already exists an international phonetic alphabet, which can be applied to English as well and is used in teaching English. Here. It would actually be pretty cool to see this used more in writing.

I once had a roommate in the basement who basically never left his room. He used to wear some kind of gloves at all times, and was once seen outside at around midnight going to the nearby park with a garbage bag full of who knows what. We joked that he was some sort of a serial killer, but in reality the poor guy probably just had a fair amount of mental health issues.

In another apartment the landlady looked like a stereotypical brothel madam. Sort of old, lots of make up on and a big hair. Whaddayaknow, we had a prostitute ring going on in the building. Lots of strange, nervous dudes waiting at the door late at night, young women with a lot of make up and skimpy clothes coming and going with suitcases.. Until one day there was police tape over a handful of the doors and the picture of our apartment building in the local paper. At least our next door neighbor was a lovely old man who still sends us cookies that taste strange and are borderline edible - but the gesture is terribly nice. Good times!

Edit: Thanks OP for doing a question like this here. Of course it's ok to ask technical questions, but they are just a lot more boring than real life stories - I hope we get them going and I never have to go back to askreddit.

Ryan George of Pitch Meetings is great if you're sick of the formulaic, pandering Hollywood franchise movies.

Dave Borlace has an informative, although a bit dry channel on climate change and clean technology, Just have a think - There's a lot of unreported innovative stuff out there.

And finally, my favorite, Rollie Williams' Climate Town - The entertainment + information value of this channel is just unmatched. The creator is a comedian and has a degree in climate science and knows his shit of both worlds.

Anyone care to explain what this is? I went to the subreddit, but couldn't find it there either.

I honestly found it funny in a kind of a cute way, but I guess others didn't feel that way. Oh well, such is life sometimes.

Basically any documentary about climate change. No jump scares, but leaves you with an existential dread that fiction can't just quite match.

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Well.. In that case the downvotes are deserved to be fair.

Not to be a dick or anything, but I found it funny that you chose to mention the political career and your opinion of him. Nice touch, but very much irrelevant. Keep up the good work!

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