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I mean, that's basically the way it works. Here it's just 'transparent'.

Want to pay workers more - food gets more expensive. It's the same thing with America not adding sales tax to the sticker price. When I get something for 2 bucks in Europe, it's 2 bucks including the vat. In America, it's 2 bucks before vat.

But yeah, it's probably not properly implemented and just a scheme to get more money out of people.

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If you lost all your devices right now, what files would you miss? That's what you should back up.

I use vscode because I do a lot of embedded.

Used to be that you had to jump through some hoops to make it work - make your own makefiles and stuff. Now, all the major vendors of MCUs are starting to develop vscode plugins as their "IDE" instead of those horrible ultramodified eclipse installs.

That's a thing of the past. Nowadays, in Switzerland you get everything unlimited for 20 a month.

In the past, messages cost 10 cents on a prepaid plan, so people started using WhatsApp for free messages at some point, and it just kind of... Stayed

Thing is. Nonbinary must be allowed to mean literally anything in the way it currently is defined.

I am a man, I identity as a man. However, if I were to Identify as Nonbinary, that would need to pass - I might internally and externally be male, but if I say I don't identify with being male - it's sexist to deny me the right to identify that way - because identifying that way is not tied to a specific thing you do.

Lemmy is not your marketing platform.

Depends on your work. I agree with you, but for example my work is different.

Yes, we have managed devices as well, but my department specifically went for unmanaged devices. Just plain old laptops. Install whatever OS you want, do whatever you want. I only have the base windows install on there for some compatibility reasons, I mostly just use PopOS.

And we're also explicitly allowed to browse private content - as long as the work gets done and we stay in budget, do whatever.

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By at some point saying 'OK, enough side quests, let's move on with the story'. I plan to replay this game multiple times, so I do not mind missing some side quests in my first playthrough.

Meh, the best programmers are probably somewhere in the middle.

This also depends on what kind of work you're doing.

Writing some frontend with lots of Boilerplate? That's lots of lines.

Writing efficient code that for example runs on embedded systems? That's different. My entire master's thesis code project on an embedded system consisted of around 600 lines of C code, and it did exactly what it should, efficiently.

A better metric to that effect would be the git activity graph. People that do important changes don't commit 20 times a day - they push a commit usually once a day tops to once every 2 weeks

Im fairly sure they manage because they have so many subscriptions from people that barely use it.

They basically pay out per song played - and server costs are also largely dependent on active users. So they balance out a very active person that might incur 15$ in cost with 5 inactive people that incur not even a dollar.

What i meant is that, in a theoretical mathematically sound world, to support higher wages, you need higher prices. The service charge shouldn't be put as a 'bonus salary' - basically the 'service charge' in most countries is included in the price of the food, and is paid out as the hourly wage to staff.

I mean the whole point that xboxers were making when the ps5 was released was 'but gamepass!'. Now that ps also has their 'game subscription', I do not really see the appeal of an xbox, especially if you also own a pc. PS has exclusives, xbox does not - at least not ones I'd be interested in and couldn't play on PC.

The way transistors and integrated circuits are made is called lithography. Stone scribing. If you describe it that way, electricity sounds like magic.

Usually, not too weird.

But I guess what qualifies as 'weird' is that I enjoy consuming snus / oral tobacco when masturbating. And exclusively when masturbating.

I'd also be very interested. There's an m3u playlist you can find very easily on GitHub but that one barely works, stuttering or endlessly buffering most of the time

I mean, I can get symmetrical 25gbit/s for 777 bucks a year IN Switzerland. No limits, big ipv6 subnet, great provider. Init7.

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No, computing (as in general computing) will barely be affected. Computing uses semiconductors, which this (AFAIK) isn't. Switching losses always occur unless you switch instantly, which is impossible. Most of the heat of cpus comes from there.

Specialized things like quantum computing are a different story.

What this superconductor could mean though: you could have a relatively thin cable from say, the Sahara to Europe, that can losslessly transfer energy. No losses whatsoever. So you can produce energy wherever energy is present, and use it where energy is required!

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Ljdawson does this with his sync app - if you buy premium you get a nice little notification

See Heise for example, they have their own instance for their news posts. It's great.

Yup. The mentality is great. 'you get a line - a 1 or 10gbit line costs us the same once it's set up, so you pay the same price'

IT specifically has an option for unmanaged devices, exactly for developers like me :)

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You can't really compare an 8800gt to a 1070 to a 4080.

8800gt was just another era, the 1070 is the 70 series from a time where they had the ti and the titan, and the 4080 is the top gpu other than the 4090.

If you wanted to compare to the 10 series, a better match for the 4080 would be the 1080ti, which I own, and paid like 750 for back in 2017.

Sure, they're on the money grabbing train now, and the 4080 should realistically be around 20% cheaper - around 800 bucks, to be fair.

Thing is though, if you just want gaming, a 4070 or 4060 is enough. They did gimp the VRAM though, which is not too great. If those cards came standard with 16gb of VRAM, they'd be all good.

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Your calculations don't hold up. If you get a driver from a 25/75 pool, you are 25 or 75 percent likely to get that gender as your driver, no matter your own gender. So this 0.5 times is not needed.

Beehaw is cool. There's good discussions about things.

I am, however, personally opposed to the whole safe space trend. I do not care if some place is a 'safe space', and I'll play by the rules a place has. But some little part in me finds all these 'don't do x, don't be y, don't think of z' rules very off putting. I wasn't planning on doing any of these things, but the fact that these things get pushed to the forefront when you're registering or reading the rules of a place so much - it just rubs me the wrong way.

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As someone not in those circles that just stumbled upon this post in all:

You look 'different' obviously, as you yourself know. That's going to get some reactions from some people - you can't really help that. That's fine, be yourself.

Other than that, don't make your whole identity that you are who you are. What I mean by that is - don't base your daily actions, what you do, what you always talk about, the friends you make solely on the fact that you are a transman. Just be a normal, decent human being - and I think you'll find a lot more 'general acceptance'.

Then again, just my 2 cents as an outsider, this is just my opinion and as I've obviously never had to go through this myself I have no idea if this works or not.

Yeah, same here. My 1080ti still performs more than adequately enough.

That's also a thing about all this gpu pricing - things are starting just to become 'enough', without the need to upgrade like you did before.

Same thing happened to phones, and then high end phones got expensive as fuck. I mean I had a Galaxy note 2 I bought for 400 bucks back in the day and that was already expensive.

Thing is, yes. Yallo or wingo or all those providers are "cheaper". But - for example in the case of yallo, you get double-natted - which means you could not really set up a home server accessible from the outside world even if you wanted to. Then, there's also the support of wingo and yallo and so on which is... Terrible. I actually ordered yallo Internet at first because I got sold on it over the phone - the next day, before anything got shipped or anything, I wanted to annul my contract because, well, I found out about their shitty stuff. I was redirected like 8 Times across 8 levels of 'support' until I got it through.

I went for init7. Day it was supposed to go up, it didn't. Phone support was competent, said everything looked ok from their end. If I was sure the problem wasn't on my end (router, settings, fiber), they could send a technician along the next day - but if the problem would end up being on my side, I'd have to pay for it. As I was sure about what I was doing, the next morning I had a competent technician in my apartment who within 20 minutes total identified the issue and fixed it (broken fiber in the distribution center). That is good support.

I am willing to pay more to support init7, because they're doing great work.

But yes, we have lots of low cost options. For example, I pay 23 bucks a month with yallo for unlimited 5g data, calls and SMS across the whole of Europe.

Used to be the case in Switzerland, now most beer bottles have a twist-to-open cap that still looks like a normal beer bottle cap.

Jo hä i letschter Ziit heds amigs gwitteret

Exactly. American workplace monitoring is crazy.

Yup. The only time I pirate a game nowadays is when I can't get it on steam for the 2 hour refund as a demo.

Yeah, while I'm not a big hiker myself, being Swiss I know how prepared you need to be.

Walked around in Taiwan when I came across a hiking trail. 1.5 hours, like 150m verticality only, labelled as easy. Cool, but not enough water (only carried a 2l bottle). Went to a local teahouse and got me 4 more bottles to be safe and went for it. Walked past countless others because I was underprepared, and am glad I did because those could have turned out not so nice if I did go.

For me it's stfu

Your phone can play music just like an mp3 player can.

Your phone doesn't have an e-ink screen.

That's the whole reason.

If you're looking for a free self hosted server - I have been using the oracle cloud free tier for months - especially their Arm based server, and I'm more than happy.

However, if you end up going that route have some kind of backup strategy set up, and set it up in a way where you can reproduce the server easily, as they reserve the right to suddenly take it offline.

I'm using a hetzner storage box for backup - which I also use for my personal automated backup with borg.

There's two kinds of rules in my opinion. On one hand you have the rules that are just understood, without having to be talked about. On the other hand you have rules that you just tell everybody, and with that you show people rules that they really should care about. The problem here is, if you explicitly State rules to people, then you partly seem to expect people to break these rules.

If you take a look at sites like 4chan, you can see that even without any rules whatsoever, there still is at least some level of decency with most interactions. Of course there's a lot of Filth and really non-decent Behavior going on on 4chan, but that is not the point.

I myself am a believer in humans generally being decent. I don't mind people being banned for going against the sites 'community code' - and it's good that it's laid out clear. The way that this rubs me the wrong way is that rules that are front and center, shoved in your face, can kind of act like 'gatekeeping'.

The rules for beehaw are actually well-stated, in a way that shows what they want to go for. But for example a standard top level rule on mastodon instances is 'No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, or casteism.'

Sure, the intention behind it is fine. I know where they want to get at. But these words are, currently, all very charged. Does a guy saying 'I do not like having that many foreigners in my neighbourhood' constitute xenophobia? You don't have context - maybe the neighbourhood the person lived in has a lot of people living there that all speak a different language - so the person feels 'left out' of the community. That has nothing to do with the fact that they are foreign people - just with the fact its a foreign language. What about stating criticism on your countries' immigration politics? At what point, exactly, does this go from 'civilised discussion' to 'xenophobia'?

I'm going with xenophobia as the example as I think it's the most easily illustrated here, but this goes for all rules.

I have to say, the first time I read those rules on my mastodon instance, I was put off. The mere presence of that rule kind of indicated to me that this was made for a specific group of people, that I do not really belong to - judging from past experiences. This turned out not to be the case, and I like interacting with people on mastodon.

I would just like to have people assume other people to be decent beings. It is good to have rules written down, to accurately pass judgement on whether something is allowed or not allowed - but shoving them into people's faces when they join might put people off.

Tldr: it's less about having rules, it's about stating rules in a way that they're clear, not open to interpretation, and that the rules are relatively 'clear' of ideology - so that the place the rule applies to is welcoming.

December, and it's already been long without one. Next one coming up in September, then again around December, then sometime early next year probably

Definitely. I assume the actual cost for the cable is <10$, but engineering work gets very expensive very fast if you're small scale.

I'm interested in something - say you got an order for 1 million units, what's the price per unit you could offer?

Edit: just looked at the DIY option - seems right now you're just using off the shelf parts, which is fine. Clever use of them, even. Main part seems to be 'present usb device - once the usb device gets removed, lock down the PC'. So, you specifically just need some usb device with a cord that attaches magnetically - and securely enough that it doesn't disconnect randomly, with some mechanical way to fix it to yourself. So yeah, at million scale, seems you could definitely sell it for 10 bucks a piece.


Oh boy, the AI has no filters.