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Joined 2 months ago

So now you do not chirp, you do xxx?

aristocrats of old = new oligarchs.

Elon Musk! It's time for him to take over USA. Like he did with Twitter. Let that sink in!

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And russian trolls do their best ... or worst right now. And chinese leaders wait and smile.

Stupid overpriced toy boy!

Yeah, you true. Get out the popcorn and watch USA go down either with a 3yo minded constant liar or a 80+yo laggard. And learn mandarin.

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Holy sh*t! So some other nations have to fight for Putins Russia as russian people won't? Right? A czar without support by own people. Last time Russia had this was with czar Nikolaus II. He was killed by some of his own. With almost all his family. Bright future! For us, not for Putin.

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Yes, but with real physics, more damage for us all and neither Sandra nor George were asked to act.

There's bloody stuff under the skin?

Forever? /s

I god, obey! Chauvinism, pure chauvinism. Tho ... english ... is a melting pot of languages. As many other languages were before. So it might as well be the laziness of Americans. Forget where they or their ancestors came from and forget about politeness.

So OpenAI is next to stop using those too?

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I developed methods which can tell you what women think too. It's called Talking2M. It's fun, mostly 3d, open world scenarios, sometimes multiple choice answers ...

More details to come soon^tm^ with version 1,1b. Btw: Get a life!

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Right! Where's the downside?

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That's why the inner one is called space boot the outer one moon boot.

Elon Musk has unusual relationships to everyone and everything.

560 BC - Oracle of Delphi: Croesus, if you make war on the Persians, you will destroy a mighty empire.

2024 AD - Oracle of Delphi: Elon, if you make war on Apple, you will destroy a mighty empire.

Me: Yes, Elon, do it. Do it now!

A real eye opener for everyone (except Trump supporters) where some of the rich want the world to go to ... (or am i right?)

1. John 2:4 The one who claims, “I know him,” while not keeping his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in this person.

Could Trump be banned over Russia ties too?

E.M. tries to find every straw to boost X user base. Let's hope he does not find more of the straw in his head.

Gardening, Hiking, Watching nature's beauty without humans.

So Cybertruck goes 100% Elon now? ... turns into world's most expensive brick ...

Beauty is skin deep only. Stupidity to the core.

'I'm sorry, Google, I'm afraid, I cant do that!'

I'll prefer a physically old president over a mentally immature one. What about you?

Maybe Mr. Carlson hoped for an open door in Russia, but Russia has open windows too. Many open windows ...

I'd vote for testing this mass chat control on politicians and CEOs of the companies that want this mass control. Let's say for the next 10 years? Or 20? Pretty sure the results will be great. For people, for justice, for democracy.

Russia, maybe he goes to Russia. Putin and Trump now have the same enemy. Free western democratic justice system.

Hey Elon, wouldn't it be better for us all to not only show the likes but show the dislikes too? Even on your account.

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Sorry to tell some of you, the main part you all give to Ukraine is older weapons, ammunition to support them to fight your biggest enemy of the past AND to further curb on your own military industry. Not all the money given to Ukraine stays there. It turns back and helps local economy. And they'll have to pay back in some way some day.

'X is the worst social media app' Period

Loser ? You're Fired ???

War of Secession II ?

Don't we all ... ? /s

Putin needs to speed up. He's 72 years old, Stalin was 74 when he died. And Putins idol Stalin was left alone after his last meeting, he had a stroke and no1 dared to disturb him fearing deportation or getting killed. History rhymes, right?

Being gay in Russia needs balls of iron, far more than any western cowboy has.

Shouldn't it be 'wealthiest' and not 'most valuable'? Ever wondered bout this terms and possible incorrect use of words.

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So he's doing 'the Elon'?