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I don’t care about the fediverse being successful, I care about it being useful. In fact, I wish for the tiktok “influencers”, the click bait “journalists” and the drama driven “creators” to stay in their own propaganda funded hellhole

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Hey don’t feel bad buddy, at least you tried

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It can, and it does. It even has a better wsl integration than windows!

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Not so fast now! High resolution video only available on edge on windows

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Regarding that part of the second edit: a very wise colleague of mine with managerial duties once told me that he expects people to give 50 to 70% every day. First, it’s unsustainable to give 100% all the time, and burnout has far worse direct and indirect consequences than simply scaling the operation up to allow more slack time. Second, when shit actually hits the fan and you need all hands on deck, there’s no more that can be given if you were already giving it 100%

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Rome wasn’t built in a day. But people forget that it also didn’t collapse in a day.

Reddit higher ups have shown their hand. Will this end reddit? Not in the short term I think, but I believe whatever reddit will be in a year or two will be very different from what reddit was up until now

Use uBlock Origin. Not AdBlock, not AdBlock Plus, not any other crapware. Looking at AdBlock website they have a blurb about only keeping anonymised data and never selling it and yada yada yada, because it goes against their company ethics.

Company ethics. AdBlock is owned by a company. A for-profit entity. How do you think they make their money? Either they sell the data they have gathered (why does an ad blocking extension need to gather user data?) or they have agreements with ad companies.

Compare the websites of AdBlock and uBlock Origin. The first thing on uBlock Origin website is a link to the publicly available source code. That’s trustworthy. AdBlock’s website has a handpicked list of 5 star reviews.

TL; DR: please switch to uBlock Origin and ditch AdBlock, they (the company behind AdBlock) likely have agreements with advertisers (including Google and YouTube) to make money. Your data is being harvested by using AdBlock. You cannot look at the code for AdBlock. AdBlock is not trustworthy.

I think that’s their goal. Get rid of third party app and most of the power users and users that care in one fell swoop.

Reddit is big enough that they will still have a huge user base, since most users are nihilistic blobs that simply don’t care about anything except maybe being angry at something, so they’ll stay put and weather any storm.

At that point hey presto, you can cram ads to 11, add forced payments, and other kinds of fun monetisation and data harvesting strategies, have another soulless infinite scroller app like tiktok, and you make more money.

I don’t disagree with the premise that reddit should be allowed to make money. But there is no need to kill businesses based on yours, drive users away, and erode trust forever, all of which they decided to do.

In my somewhat limited but relevant experience, the amount of platform specific bugs is indeed that low. I mean, there’s of course a layer of platform-specific low level stuff which is highly subject to platform specific issues, but once you go above that layer and into game code proper, most bugs are just bugs.

I didn’t fix 400 “Linux-only” bugs, but I did fix dozens of “seems Linux specific” and “only happened when at least one Linux client was connected” bugs, and a grand total of 2 were caused by platform differences. And of those two, zero were Linux specific. The platform difference in this case was about how different compilers optimise non-crashy types of UB.

Of course, we don’t want UB at all so the fix is to remove it.

Are we reading the same article? I read it when it came out, and read it a second time now. The article:

  • is not a bitchfit
  • nowhere states CVE is bad or useless (it even links a list of CVEs directly hosted on curl’s website)

The article is about missing checks in the CVE ecosystem that allows useless fearmongering perpetrated by badly filed CVEs to spread, citing one particular CVE as exemplary of all the faults

Except it is? Instead of cramming 22 new features, 198 bug fixes, and 3 usage changes in the next version, taking 24 months of dev time, one could release the next version with 1 new feature and however many bug fixes fit in the time frame, and release it in 4 to 6 weeks

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Then why would you need to quit your job if you installed Linux on your personal devices?

You are the one that brought up that installing Linux would require you to quit your job, on a post announcing that one method to pirate windows no longer works, implying that either you use pirated windows at work, or your employer has the right to fire you if you install Linux on your personal devices.

Since the latter is extremely bonkers and, quite frankly, unheard of, assuming the former seems much more reasonable. Especially considering that tons of people do indeed run pirated windows at work, and I myself witnessed as much.

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Third from left obv. Simple, functional, stylish timeless design, ergonomic, amazing prong spacing and inner angles, small, loyal, friendly, amazing companionship in hard situations

“Unsupported” (or “your mileage may vary” as you put it) means it lacks support. As in, if you try to contact support they are totally in their right to answer “sorry, this platform is unsupported, you’re on your own” if something doesn’t work or is buggy.

“Unsupported” does not mean that it’s a bannable offense.

Given that, let me ask you: why do you think trying to run software on an unsupported platform without malicious intent should be banned, as you seem to imply?

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Preach. I got a free EA game from the epic store once. Even at that price point, it was not worth what I paid. Literally, there’s so much better shit I can fit in 100GB that even at 0$ that’s a bad investment

You’ll probably want to try to make your disinformation more believable in the future

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TAA has become so common because its’s “free”. Temporal data is required by DLSS and FSR, so if you are implementing those technologies you already have the necessary data to implement TAA, making it a no brainier to include.

I don’t know about color profile data, but I can vouch for the EDID potentially being totally wrong sometimes on even basic data like physical size or even logical size (number of pixels).

As for the why, I don’t know, but following Occam’s razor I would guess that it’s cheaper when you just don’t care and leave it as somebody else’s problem.

Maybe Eidos would love to get another Deus Ex out there but there’s no publisher interest

You know, they could just… Say this, and placate everyone. I’m honestly sick and tired of companies in general, and game companies specifically, being afforded this stupid level of opaqueness.

If you were to talk to someone that would exclusively stonewall you, you’d be quick to stop talking to this person. When it’s game companies though, everyone bends over backwards to try to find justifications for their behavior on their behalf.

So, again, you are either implying that you run pirated windows on your work machine, or you are saying you can’t install Linux on your work machine. Neither is what this is being discussed. Having a boss is completely irrelevant

I don’t know, I’ve been using Linux for the better part of 15 years now, on my desktop, so for me it’s been the year of the Linux desktop for a while.

Sure, there are some issues here and there, but far, far fewer than in windows. Even 10 years ago.

It absolutely is a good reason, and I did to escape the heat.

It is meaningless to engage in bad faith discussions. Are you aware of the paradox of tolerance? Tolerating intolerance only serves the purposes of the intolerant, while the tolerant get pushed aside (which could mean anything from disenfranchisement to death)

Therefore, the tolerant must be intolerant towards intolerance.

There exists no good faith or tolerant argument in which removing pronouns makes sense, it is at its base a message of intolerance.

There are no complexities and no discussions to be had, you are either intolerant yourself, or naïve, if you think this is a topic that can be discussed.

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Contact lenses in a nutshell

Waypipe ad krdp

First one is network transparency for wayland apps, second one is plasma wayland rdp server

Been using AMD and arch for like a decade, and I don’t remember of any major issues of note.

The only exception is with some issues related to my old 1700x which caused Bluetooth issues and OS freezes sometimes. Zero issues since switching to a 3700

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Reread the OP. They say:

not on GNOME, because you have a panel at the top


when usign GTK apps on those [non-GNOME] desktops

So you would not “access the controls above the app”, because having controls above the app is not covered by this scenario.

The scenario is:

  1. You don’t have a top panel
  2. You have a maximized GTK app

Which makes the close button be in the corner of the screen, but without actually extending to it.

On topic: never knew this was a problem, guess I got spoiled by the Qt environment

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if you’re using windows and expect any privacy at all […] throw that notion out the window

Correct. And the same is true even if you are using linux, macOS, android, or a butterfly to manipulate bits to send a message through the internet.

Because if your message ends up on the screen of a windows user, it’s also going to be eaten by AI.

And forget the notion of “anything you post on the internet is forever”, this is also true for private and encrypted comms now. At least as long as they can be decrypted by your recipient, if they use windows.

You want privacy and use linux? Well, that’s no longer enough. You now also need to make sure that none of your communications include a (current or future) windows user as they get spyware by default in their system.

Well maybe not quite by default, yet

I was dining out once and ordered a spicy pizza. Had this tiny red chili pepper in the center, maybe the size of the tip of my pinky. I thought nothing of it and popped it whole in my mouth.

I was sweating and crying for 10 minutes, 10/10 would do it again.

Op’s description is legit mouth watering, and now I want a slow-cooked spicy stew with roasted whole chilies.

Both work flawlessly for me. In fact, discord on Firefox works much better than the standalone app specifically for calls.

Sounds to me like something is broken or misconfigured on your system.

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Used discord on Firefox within the last week, no issues detected.

Disable all your plugins and check if this still happens, a few months ago I ran into an issue where every tab would load for a good few seconds before actually opening, even super lightweight stuff. Turned out to be caused by an addon that was umantained because the maintainer passed away.

Don’t remember which addon it was, but I can try and remember / search if you are interested.

The “or later” is optional, the FSF specifically doesn’t have the power to update the terms of every GPL-licensed software because the wrote the clause in such a way that they don’t.

If I give you software licensed under the GPL3, and a GPL3.1 comes out, it doesn’t apply to your copy of the software. Likewise the copyright holder of the work is also not forced to relicense their software under the GPL3.1. And even if they did, copies of the software distributed under the GPL3 would still be licensed under the GPL3.

The “or later” clause simply means that if I received a copy of a GPL3 software, I can redistribute it under the GPL3.1 if I so wish (where “I” in the previous sentence is everyone with a copy of the work, as the GPL gives everyone with a copy redistribution rights)

Yah, and phoronix is usually a very to-the-point website. But I still found it funny :)

If you enjoyed the sims 3 I think you should check out Life by You. It looks like a bigger and better sims 3

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I thought Life by You was trying to fill that gap.

With both that and Sims 5 (edit: oh an Paralives of course, was forgetting about that) on the horizon will this new studio be able to find its space in the market?

Guess more competition is always good, hopefully it doesn’t flop immediately.

Interesting. I have more than 1500 hours on it and I think the last few DLCs are way way better than usual. A lot more content, a lot more creativity. However, I also stopped playing after — IIRC — version 1.30. That version made the game something like 3 times less performant (or rather, things took 3 times the time they took previously), and it was already slow to begin with.

That completely killed the game for me.

If memory serves, no systemd and musl as a first-class c std lib. Something of the sort.

At work we use lld as opposed ld. With ld, the project I work on links in 60-something seconds, with lld it links in less than 6.

Mold is faster than lld. It is absolutely worth it

I agree with you on some things and disagree in others. Random mobs don’t need to be particularly complex imho. I have skipped D3 but in D2 the most complexity random mobs had were the immunities, which imo is also not good design. The boss battles is where skill and brains and preparation should play a role, and in that regard I think D4 does a good job. The problem is that when playing I felt everything was a slog and enemies were a damage sponge at all times.

Also, seasonal resets were a known quantity and are standard for this kind of game, so I don’t really see the point on complaining about those. PoE also does resets and it’s never been an issue. The forced grind is where the problem lies.

As for Lilith, I didn’t feel she was morally grey. I felt that she was manipulating everything in such a way as to always be or be perceived as the lesser evil, trying to find her way to the top via underhanded means and manipulation, but always purely out of self interest. Definitely a black character, but in a more interesting way than the simple “I am evil so I must destroy”

That said, I have not touched this game since I completed the campaign. The story was decent, but the game was simply not fun, even though I like a lot of the artistic and technical details.

Hopefully it’ll be fun at some point, for now I still consider the money I spent to buy the game strongly in the not well spent category

What does profile switching do better than tab containers?