
1 Post – 112 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Our new keyless ignition vehicle wouldn't fully close the hatch with the doors locked and the keys in the car. It would go down half way and play the "I can't close" noise.

It's got some real scientifically based dragons vibes.

"take your reputation anywhere you want on the Internet."

How is this supposed to work exactly? Does any other site care about your reddit karma?

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It's a call out to all the bills republicans are passing to require use of birth names so people like Rafael Cruze and Nimarata Hailey can benefit as well.

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The Civil War Unknowns memorial is presumed to hold a number of confederate remains, and is quite close to Arlington House (Robert E Lee being the former owner). That should be enough of a monument to those who tried to overthrow the United States.

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Some of the comments in the article are quite humorous. How can Justice Rebecca Bradley say with a straight face that the WI Supreme Court is undermining democracy when the republican party candidates got just under 45% of the total statewide vote but still somehow have 2/3 of the seats in the legislature? Democracy surely is being undermined, but I don't think Ms Bradley is focusing on the right things.

Broadcom used to be a worthwhile company, but now their whole M.O. seems to be buying up mature solutions and price-gouging the companies that rely on those solutions. They sell off the parts they can't price gouge with and then the solutions stagnate. They did it with CA, and again with Symantec, and now it's VMware's turn.

If you think that's bad, I had to get a $1,000,000 umbrella coverage policy for our swimming pool to cover liability in case someone gets injured. I don't think it's unreasonable at all

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Get a carbon monoxide monitor for your house.

And I banged this giant who is also my mom and I'd like you to meet our kids: a giant wolf, the world serpent and the Queen of hel.

Elon will just say the owners are holding the battery wrong when it inevitably fails.

A gifter? A grafter?
They're all a bunch of bastards.
What can we do
but give them their due
with ridicule and laughter.

Just take it out of the oil and gas subsidies.

David Bowie had a permanently dialated pupil from an injury he suffered as a child, not differently colored eyes.

I honestly think that JSON and YAML should be swapped due to YAML's strict indentation rules whereas you can just pack an entire JSON object on one line.

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They do, there is a wide range of genetic tests done on newborns. Mostly looking for rare genetic diseases that need treatment from birth. https://www.genome.gov/genetics-glossary/Newborn-Genetic-Screening

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No it's 10G, so much higher than 5G. The only thing better would be 11G.

Violating the transitive property? Go home JavaScript, you're drunk.

The Patsy from Monty Python in the PHP section got me

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So do those of us in Gen X who remember being young. I'm just disappointed in my fellow X'ers who seem to be following "the older you get the more conservative"

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The same verses that the Pope drives his authority from say that he can so change stuff. Matthew 16:17-19.

17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven. 18 And I tell you that you are Peter, b and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades c will not overcome it. 19 I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be d bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be e loosed in heaven

But he says right in the article that it's not the maps. Republicans earning 45% of the statewide vote but ending up with 2/3 of the seats in the legislature is completely fair, apparently.

Probably an umbrella because it's based on Seattle where it rains constantly.

This is what finally pushed me fully over the edge to Linux on my main PC. Nothing wrong with it but they just don't like it.

Animals get a necropsy, but that would have given away the punchline early

Congratulations you have voluntary control of your tensor tympani muscle.

B&H seems to be the best bet since Newegg went down the drain. I'd always gone to them for camera gear and never had issues. I'll be going to them for electronics from now on.

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Dr. Oz is the living embodiment of the Appeal to Authority logical fallacy. He is a Cardiothoracic surgeon, and by all accounts a good one. However that doesn't qualify him to be an expert in any other field, including politics.

Which means exactly nothing in an at-will work environment like most states in the US

They did go as far as setting up "false electors" who have all now been charged with election law and forgery felonies. https://www.michigan.gov/ag/news/press-releases/2023/07/18/michigan-attorney-general-dana-nessel-charges-16-false-electors

Well you're in luck. You can play Kingmaker then Wrath of the Righteous

Especially since it goes on to say

the address was known to the officers and had “been the scene for dozens of violent and sometimes armed disputes” between Nakala Murry and the father of one of her children

I'll take rating 3 with low light enhancement, image link, and flare compensation.

If being prosecuted for doing crimes is troublesome for you maybe stop doing crimes.

When I was a wee lad reading something I would ask my parents what words meant and we would look it up in the dictionary. Eventually I just did it by myself so the answer to your question is "most of them". I haven't had to check my dictionary for some time recently but my Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary is still in a prominent place in my bookcase, right next to my Roget's II.

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Super Troopers.
"You boys like MEXICO?!?!?!"

We chose to land an International Astronaut on the moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too.

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The article doesn't say just how much more expensive heat pumps are when comparing to gas furnaces. I live in one of the states at the top of that picture and just replaced my 20+ year old furnace and AC compressor. I specifically asked about heat pumps and they were reluctant to even price it out for me. It was over twice the cost. In addition they said the area I live in would almost certainly require an aux heat source, which they recommended gas for because direct electric heat is so horribly inefficient. I ended up going with the 98.5% efficient gas furnace, which also came with incentives and rebates from the power company.

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We are just carrying on the tradition of das blinkenlights