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Joined 1 years ago

Almost like white noise, right?

Thanks. In 10 years of soldering, never once had I had this thought. Now I can't unseen it! Damm

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14 and 20? WTF!?!? That's way too young for a partner 20 years of age.

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And humans want to replace some of this shit with robots.

Window washer working on sky scrappers? Sure, I guess it is a job that can be done by robots.

Bricklayer? Why the fuck???

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As soon as I saw they would be using denuvo I said to myself "nope! Fuck this game"

Hope they keep their promises

Is that a single piece of orange?

Cause, from where I am, orange is cheaper than watermelon. So... Wouldn't it make more sense to have more orange?

This is confusing...

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Regifting it because you don't need a second one? Or because the one gifted to you is of lower quality?

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Exactly! And why the fuck the majority of employers say they can't afford to pay more?

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Don't worry, with all the pollution, war and climate change going around, we ain't staying on this planet for too much longer.

I would like to have seen more data on that table. The time it took to run each video compression.. the final bitrate of each stream. Besides that, very interesting results.

Maybe not just Americans...

Lol, to me you seem more of a bullshit user than an expert user. No offense...

Well said!

Last game I bought was crew 1 for 5€ many years ago. All the games I have were redeemed using amazon gaming.

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Is the original worth a play? Amazon prime gaming has it for free this week. I just redeemed it.

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You might have it in 20 years The question is... When will we get servers that support that speed? XD

Agree. I have a POCO F5 and, while it is not as awful as you say, it still sucks.

However, I flashed a custom ROM on my so's Xiaomi Mi A2 Lite, and that android experience is just bliss.

I don't hate the place. I hate many of the residents.

I switched to Firefox on windows and android on the same day as I saw that WEI bullshit.

I don't know why the fuck I was thinking it would be a worse experience... It's the same thing.

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Soooo. They know it's going to be bad. But they ain't doing shit?

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We all know how well people responded to COVID...

We might be more screwed

Or WordPress

Because, like many other fast food businesses, the prices have gone up across all of them.

Your wife must be a deep sleeper. Mine would be awake in an instant.

Too true...

😂 dudeeeee Give your mangalho some rest please

Well, good for you to show up for your grandma. 👍🏻 That's what matters.

Why does it need to be a different third option?

Just like in sex, two holes can serve as input/output 😅

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You woke up and choose violence? XD

What? Show us please

You're wrong friend.

Even for people that are not depressed, brushing their teeth is almost a chore.

You brushing your teeth, not only shows great resilience, but also improvement

This makes sense. I wonder if it's different now, since reddit has became such a big platform.

So fucking revolting

But the thing is, we don't have to replace Joe with a robot. The hard part about being a bricklayer is having to make cement, carry that cement in buckets, carry concrete blocks, amongst other things that I don't even know (I watched my father in law working a few times). Why can't we just replace the "heavy" part with robots?

Let's use robots to our advantage, but keep people doing jobs they actually like.

That's a bit ironic considering one might interpret your username as 'FatPussy' 🤣

I'd rather wait for a game and get a great experience, than beg for a rushed game that needs 2 years of updates until it is playable.

Nice! Thanks for the heads up.

I would like to hear it

Good for you for taking the medicine. I did the same... Small dosage over 6 months period. Really helped me in the same way as you.

People like to complicate things.

You should have given the reason. Details gentlemen!