
1 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There's a difference between source available and open source. For example, actually being allowed to distribute modified versions is pretty damn important:


  • No Distribution of Modified Versions: You may not distribute modified versions of the software, whether in source or binary form.
  • No Forking: You may not create, maintain, or distribute a forked version of the software.
  • Official Distribution: Only the maintainers of the official repository are allowed to distribute the software and its modifications.

Yes, but that's bound to be merged quickly, the protocol itself was the main holdup from what I understand.

Well, this is the root cause of this specific issue if you treat nvidia's part of the stack as some barely changable black box (which is what it is right now). It's not that I disagree open source drivers would be better, I just already own an nvidia GPU :/

The MSYS2 environment on Windows uses pacman as well.

Nouveau should have already been fine, this should fix the proprietary driver's issues. AFAIK this is a core issue of the proprietary driver, so should affect all cards.

I tried Wayland on my 16xx series GPU, Electron apps were only annoying, but games were unplayable. The desktop itself and Wayland native apps worked fine, though.

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The open source licences of Linux and the BSDs allow verbatim copying. That's kind of the point of OSS.

In fact, Mac OS is a verbatim copy of a BSD.

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SELinux is a pain on Arch, it actually working nicely could be viewed as Fedora's killer feature.


Not sure, but either way the article is crap.

Was very short on Arch :(

I do not use whisparr specifically, but generally for the *arrs you can use jackett to support way more sites. It essentially converts site specific data formats to well known formats that the *arrs support.

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It's looking great! I joined just 2 days ago and the communities I subscribed to are already looking much more lively today. Thanks, Reddit blackout!

Also written in Rust, btw :)

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I mean, you probably already have electron compiled, no?

While Linus' handling of the situation is terrible, I agree there is nothing this waterblock could do to change that conclusion for the price that it costs, so the drama around that does seem silly to me.

No, because this is common terminology that has no reason to be messed with, even if it is technically unclear.

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Just a bigger update, should be fine. AFAIK they did not do any major overhaul from a regular user's perspective, but there are some pretty big changes under the hood. If you use a distro with regular releases, this will probably be included in the next one.

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This is AMD64 - extensions to x86_64/AMD64 are created all the time, after a while they become expected by software distributors and compiled software relies on their existence. That's why new games don't work on old CPUs.

I mean it worked for long enough 🤷‍♂️

source lines of code

The name Linux is trademarked, so you cannot use it without permission, yes: https://www.linuxfoundation.org/legal/trademark-usage

But other than renaming it for trademark reasons, there are no real requirements for making improvements or whatever.

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Music streaming is also much cheaper to run than video, so they can offer more reasonable pricing.

Yeah, still gonna be a couple of months, but that is the last signifficant issue for me, fingers crossed.

WMs typically do not include stuff like a custom GUI for system settings and do not have a suite of GUI software associated with it (think Kate, Konsole, Dolphin etc) - it is just a piece of software for managing windows, you have to put the rest of the desktop together yourself.

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No way they will ever be in sync.

Those are the same type of people that moved from twitter to bluesky.

Check this out: https://stackoverflow.com/a/62142025

So adapted for your requirements:

echo '/stop' | socat EXEC:"docker attach mcbe-world",pty STDIN
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Make sure that port forwarding is actually working - on ProtonVPN the port allocated to you can change regularly and QBittorent's settings need to be updated accordingly. Easiest way to check is to click through your active torrents and check if any peer has the I (incoming) flag.

If you have not set up something like this, port forwarding is probably not working: https://github.com/mjmeli/qbittorrent-port-forward-gluetun-server

I would personally just run the plain script as a cronjob on the host though, to not rely on some random docker image.

Native games need to add client side decorations to be usable on Wayland Gnome. Currently most games just run in XWayland.

The way I see it, GTK is really a framework for building cross-platform GUI apps. Then handling display server compatibility makes perfect sense to me.

If this was meant to be a dig at Wayland, I'm pretty sure GTK also needs explicit and direct support for X11, Windows and MacOS. It just already exists.

Except with dynamic linking there is essentially an infinite amount of integration testing to do. Libraries change behaviour even when they shouldn't and cause bugs all the time, so testing everything packaged together once is overall much less work.

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Sure, but it's nicer that I would stop using my phone because it's not worth repairing anymore rather than because it's not supported.

Plasma 6 X11, 550 proprietary driver.

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Depends on the ecosystem around the language - there are tools that just plain don't work or work poorly on Windows.

Alternatively you could try developing a .NET Framework v4 app on Linux, if the OS doesn't matter (no, mono is not equivalent).

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And where l is not the same as 1

I plan to move to EndeavourOS, because I cannot be bothered to install Arch and wanted something (b)leading edge, but community based. Already installed on my laptop, looking good so far.

Kind of unfortunate that there are no true community driven rpm distros :(

The flipside of this is that you as the BDFL are not in any way entitled to community contributions. If they decide to not like your furry board, they are free to fork the project, but splitting the development efforts could very well kill both projects, so sometimes it is better for the project to listen to the community.

Right, but that's nothing compared to Gnome 2->3 or KDE 3->4.

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I saw a comment from an nvidia dev somewhere that XWayland support is enough to resolve the flickering, but compositor support is needed for best performance.