
1 Post – 146 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

10 microns is .4 thou, about the width of a cotton fiber. Its possible to machine those tolerances, but very time consuming as machine maintainance steps up. Its also small enough that the thermal expansion of the sheets will be larger than that

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Programing is a lot less important than people and team dynamics

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Musk didn't found PayPal. X.com merged with Confinity, another online financial site (founded by Peter Thiel and others). Confinity had already begun development of PayPal at that time. In the resulting company, still called X.com, there was a series of leadership conflicts, with Musk pushing out CEO Bill Harris to become CEO, before himself being replaced by Peter Thiel. It was under Thiel that the company changed it's name to PayPal, and later went public. By the time there was a company called "PayPal", Musk was not longer involved with daily operations.

Emergenty rooms in hospitals are legaly required to help all patieints, so you would recieve care. Usually until you are able to leave the hospital. You would not receive followup care without going to the emergecy room, or paying cash. You would be billed for all services, usually at a higher rate than insured patients

Thingsthat go bicycle speed belong in the bike lane. Things that go faster go in the car lane. Things that go slower belong inthe people lane,

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airbnb has a lot of hate from a lot of directions in NYC. Hotels, yes, but also from renters and homeowners.

Airbnb units remove long term rentals from the market, in a city which is desparately short on affordable, middle, and even luxury housing units.

Airbnb units in condos and coops (which usually violata the bylaws) create noise and safety conditions.

None at all. He also doesn't understend that the issues tesla has faced are largely due to poor process design rather than automotive design. The plans may call for small gaps ore big gaps, but they certainly don't call for iconsistent gaps

When we allow aparthied states to comnit genocidal acts without protest, we signal that other countries should not interfere should our own state turn to aparthied and genocide.

Its either ok for no one or its ok for everyone

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Replace "do not exist" with "should not exist" and you are right on

It's not a pyramid scheme. It's a pump-and-dump scheme. There's more than one kind of scheme.

The one wheel works by having the rider lean in a direction to go that way. The more you lean, the faster it goes. It balances by pushing the rider in that direction. The trick is when you are leaning and going very fast, but then the board loses power and can't push you anymore. Then the board nose dives and ejects you. Its the physics of the board, so they can warn you it might happen, but not prevent it.

The average croissant has more folds than the average katana

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I have knobs on my stove and you are right, its better

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Domestic cats are the second largest source of exinction globaly, after human action

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BSD boosterism is a meme, I know, but honestly this is the incorrect take.

Anything as large and complicated as a kernel has bugs. Some of those bugs may be security related. If security is your concern, you want to use the kernel which has people actively publishing those bugs so they can be patched.

The fact you haven't seen privilege escalation vulnerabilities in BSD isn't necessarily because they aren't there. We don't know that. What we do know is that not as many people are looking.

haskell is one of the mathematically founded functional languages, which is a whole family of loosely related languages that have seen lower uptake over the years. Other examples include ML and variants, and F#.

There are a few reasons why adoption has been slow:

  • poor outreach by language founders
  • less focus on commercial use
  • novel syntax
  • core abstractions that differ from mainstream

Many of these are seeing some change. Haskell is getting better at outreach and comercial focus, and Rescript (ml for the web) has a lot of syntactical similarity to ja|ascript.

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What I meant is that Elon has set a fairly un-achievable standard, as the sheet metal parts he is talking about will grow and shrink by more than that depending on weather. Additionaly, the small parts can be machined to that tolerance, but only by a skilled machinist and not at assembly line levels.

At its best, twitter was group texting, but in public. its evolved into a semi-broadcast form with the expectation that many will read and few will engage, and in both twitter and mastodon the tooling is built for that.

within that, you follow people because they produce content you want, or because you intend to interact. Hashtags are there for topics you are intersted in so you can consume in a more ad-hoc way

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For those curious, this is a fireproofing wrap intended to help save the structure in the event of a forest fire.

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This would work if Nazis were smart enough to know how to draw a swastika. They fuck it up half the time

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What this number suggests to me is that Tumblr has revenue less than 20 million dollars. I figure:

  • about 100 employees
  • based in new York
  • average $100,000 salary
  • 10m annually in humans
  • 2-3m annually for office expenses
  • 20-30m annually for hosting

Some of these numbers can be up or down, but when I worked at a similar company in New York, we had operating expenses in the same range. (Coincidentally, we had revenue on the same range, and got sold off in a fire sale)

If we look at the rhetoric, the soviet state was certainly left wing, but the main policy was state capitalism. To my mind, state capitalism is not a right wing (favors private control of industry) nor a left wing (favors worker control of industry) policy.

This is definitely a case where pure left/right dichotomy doesn't serve to accurately describe the situation on the ground.

Literal oligarch here

They are comparing roman concrete to portland cement, the most common formula. The kind of strength being emphasized is durability, because roman concrete has unique chemistry that allows small cracks to fill themselves. Modern special-purpose concrete blends can outperform roman concrete in other measures of strength, however.

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This new mechanic is going to add a ton of depth. I'm super excited.

Also, even without quality mechnics at all, recyclers will itroduce a nice qol bump.

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that second part is exactly why there is a lack of hci work in the linux space. Hci is a specialty, just like coding is. The standard ask of "create a pr with the code" is asking peopae who don't typically code to do so, in addition to doing the work of researching the problm, designing a solution, and then testing that solution for suitability.

Since the only mechanism most open source projects have for accepting contribution is code, and the ask is usually for code, there is never even an opportunity to submit design work.

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You're completley correct. We should balance the system so that admissions allow more people of color and first-in-family admissions, instead of preferencing legacies so much

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Whats wrong with witch in the woods?

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I see you haven't met hexbear yet

Agreed. The function of the down vote is to deprioritize that post/comment. People should use the down vote when they want to deprioritize that post/comment.

Lenin ordered the Red Terror. The main difference between him and Stalin when it comes to willingness to use state violence was the size of the state. His solution to political decent was mass executions. While it was announced as a class war on the bourgeoisie, it began with a massacreof sociallists. In addition to kulaks and white army afficers, it targeted the former bolshenik allies Left Socialists, anarchists, and striking workers. The Red Terror featured the creation of the gulags and concentration camps, hostage taking, and torture.

The only people who are sad about this are tourists and shitty shadow-hotel landlords. I'll forgive the tourists.

Yeah, this. I lean heavily into coaching, which is specifically helping them apply skills they already have to a problem.

I also draw clear lines between what I can help with and what I need to do for the company, and try my best to display when I am fighting for them and when I cannot. Building trust is a key part of the relationship, and having suspicion that you are two faced kills it dead.

With this and the other things mentioned, I too have only had peopae quit because of money, and in one instance he came to me to ask if he should do so (we talked it out without me giving any advice, just comparing opportunities)

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Yes its bad programing. These restrictions suggest that the company is either doing improper storage and processing, or does not understand how to deal with passwords.

The proper password storage is a hash. This is a cryptographic function that is easy to do and imbossible to undo. The hash function operates on the underlying binary representation of your password, and doesn't card what letters or symbols are in it. A program should take your password, hash it, and compare the result to the hash they have in their detebase.

The current recomended hash algorythm is called 'bcrypt'. Depending on the implementation, the input is between 50 and 70 bytes (the spec was a little unclear so people defined the inputs diferently, but the algorithe is the same). This means a password should be able to take at least 50 normal keyboard characters, including letters, symbols, and spaces. Anything less than that indicates a poor practice on behalf of the website.

(a lot of this is simplified. There is some variation and nuance that I don't think affects the main idea)

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My understanding is that google doesn't report that the review has been made, so developers justset a flag internally. Going to leave a review, then clicking back, should be sufficient

Isn't that 10 microns? 0.01mm?

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Correction: they were all incompetant traitors

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The card stock is also much too thick

I literally cannot believe we are arguing about this bullshit when Ohio exists

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