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Joined 1 years ago

Emeralds instead of gems would be more appropriate.

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Place your bets! What will be the Pixel 8's glaring release flaw?

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Jesus, I make like 3k less and never finished college. I do a shit job on phones. She gets peanuts for putting up with BS and doing 1.5 jobs for a school. Teachers don't get enough.

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Do I see a little moustache growing on Benny's lip? Total Victory kinda sounds similar to "Final Solution"

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He believed in the teachings of a 20th century cultist who said you excreted mucus based on dietary choices, and therefore didn't have to worry about health or bathing unless you ate poorly. (Stinky dude who also made an 8 yr old cry for eating a cheeseburger).

Wish everyone health but guy was as extreme as it gets in regards to being an asshole. Denied his daughter, settled child support days before taking Apple into the public market, etc.

Oh look at that. The sky is blue. Oh, and water is... wet! It's wet everyone! Oh, no, not water, it's piss being thrown at us by our government's lack of representation, ethical apathy, and greed.

"Without Reddit’s volunteer moderators, the site could likely see less helpful content, and more spam, misinformation and hate.”

Enjoy the multiple requests for user data and histories regarding what I am sure will be an 80% spread of r/TheDonald. Like the various inquisitions of Twitter, so too will your lives be mired in government investigations. Have fun moderating 100k subs with no mods, and enjoy paddling up shit creek with your dumpster fire yacht.

Maybe its due to my age, but I use YT for tutorials on diy or fixing shit. I get 20s in, then whammo, ad. Just as the guy is focusing in on the area I need to see. I am watching a 5min video and 2min of ads.. it is ridiculous.

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Corporations are people. Thanks to Citizens United. Though I'd gladly give up TikTok for the court to reverse this decision.

Well by certain new laws a child was present within a few feet. The woman behind them was pregnant. Such exposure to a child so young... so egregious.

This happened to me on my daughters Lenovo. Got a windows update overnight. Updated while traveling in the car. Wouldn't boot. Apparently the BIOS updated and there was no fix. Had to send gor a replacement under warranty. Sent it off, took 8 weeks to get it back. Wasn't even the same serial number, just a replacement with no sdd.

These companies think of fines for damages against people as cost of business. Turnabout's fair play.

Les see... there was music, tv, then DnD, then computers, then video games, and smartphones. Just in my lifetime. Remember how video games created a generation of psychopathic murderers? I have too many bodies to hide I tell ya...

Would corn syrup stop it from becoming solid? I love honey but budget mind thinks, "buy bulk" and 1 yr later I have like half a quart left to practice my own tar experiment.

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Wow! Good for you! Also, thanks for being real! Hope everything stays on this path! Don't let the bumps bring you down!

Accountability? In US gov? Sweet summer child...

So with airlines needing bailouts, price gouging, and cost cutting affecting safety, maybe bring back the CAB era laws?

Until hotels go on fire sale I'm not counting chickens.

I still wear mine. Steel and 2hr. The OG finally went kaput sadly. Battery life on the 2 is great (its my backup), Steel is about 3 days usually

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I didn't even get past 30 min. After seeing what they did to Mat's family and character I was out.

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"Trust your tools". Not my fault the hammer was replaced by a banana.

The Oncology pharma companies would love that! Every time I google symptoms I swear...

Yeah but giphy usually lets me drop shit at work that is HR appropriate :)


I work for a streaming cable company and we keep getting calls about this. It's not us, its Roku. You have to use your tv remote. Sorry you threw it away. We emulate the basic functions, but why would we emulate an asterisk? You're cancelling because we can't fix a third party issue... gotcha.

The former. Definitely the former. Catching all the data so they can go after the higher wage classes will finally allow more penalties that will pay for this in spades. Historically the IRS has gone after low wage earners who still claim 5+ credits on their tax returns, because it was easier. That's usually like $4k per person.

I left mine. 11yr old account, 18k karma, 0 posts now

I don't really get why they got fined when they did the best they could. The satellite was launched 20 years before the law was in effect. It's not like they knew that in 20 years they would need x amount of fuel (though to be fair, it probably would have been about 150k in extra cost back then)

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Soups in a soup thermos (get the steel good ohes, dont cheap out), shit stays warm for 8+ hours. I lived on that shit working security.

Pretty awesome tech, but obviously not for the peasants.

I'm fine. Central HVAC, no need for a breeze

See General Motors and jaywalking

But Sosh uh izm!

Just for my info... any moderate militias out there? Purely informative of course.

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To be fair I'd have a hard time concealing my ak47. It doesn't get fired much, ammo is expensive. Most of my ammo is for shotties and the .22 for putting down nuisance and injured animals.

Honestly some algorithms aren't bad. Like the Adobe motion deblur that clears up long exposed photos. AI is BS. Individual algorithms have their places as tools. Teaching a machine to place extra safeties if unaware workers or vehicles is another great example here.

I actually get pretty good info from TT. Lawyer insight on Trump trials, video quotes from politicians, summaries of new laws, science summaries for dummies that don't have physics degrees, etc.

Ask Coke about Sierra Mist...

Wonder if it could build around laptop mobos... I threw together a design around my daughter's broken laptop (screen) with Tinkercad and cut it using a laser engraver, but it bugs me it has an open gap around the ports (I am not that talented with a caliper, and I'm a little lazy)

Seven Mountain followers want this fight to end horribly. They're actually attempting to hasten it.