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You can use a controller on PC and also connect to this display with the same responsiveness and colors. I always thought consoles were for the exclusive games and to play with friends, not performance or graphics.

Please, i don't want to be self aware of my accent in my first language.

Also the two pronunciations of "the" noted above are different mouth shapes. "Uh" un butt versus "ee" in jeep.


Info Wars with Dan and Jordan would be a hot summer fever dream come true

Let's start with infrastructure.

Buses/metro/any public transit, barriered or not, sparsely or rarely exist. Even painted bike paths/walking paths, these usually exist ONLY in dense or older urban areas. You have either 1-1.5m wide sidewalk elevated 10cm or nothing separating you on foot from car traffic.

So that 250m is often on the shoulder of car lanes.

Now let's talk property liability. You are responsible for injuries others sustain while on your property unless you have clearly posted signage expressing they were not allowed on your property. Even then and at best you'll have to disrupt 6mo of your life tied up in courts+fees. (No right to roam. You do get the "perk" of open manhunting season on trespassers)

So that shortcut through the neighborhood where your neighbor laid out gravel because they care about community? Nope, that's cyclone fence or cinder block wall. That alley between flats? Gated off.

It's not even scale that's the problem. You ALWAYS have to go around the ENTIRE block. A 250m Crow flight can easily be and most often is 1+km by foot, and only ever with a curb as your protection from traffic. You can't safely get to geographically nearby places without putting yourself in mortal danger.

Also note European road design limits traffic in residential areas where the US grid system means every road is a main road and wide enough to promote excessive speeding.

Source: anecdotal/American living in EU

Nationalized services do not need a profit motive.

I wish we could slap it through our heads that socialized systems are OK to be lossy. They are paid for through taxation. They do not need to profit off the consumer. Privatization reverses this. It defunds them and moves the cost to the consumper, implementing a profit motive.

There are few simpler concepts.

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  1. you've described youtube in 2008 and it was a much better platform.

  2. the issue isn't what time to show ads, or where. It's the furthering invasion of marketing into private spaces and lack of apparent concern for end-user consent. There are security concerns when devices can hijack eachother. This technology is likely to rely on some means of detecting idle time, like comparing consecutive frames as the article states, so you try reading a long text on screen in an RPG, and then you're local kroger brand ad plays.

Big economy, long time to fall. See example: rome or whatever.

They're not even going to profit so much off the ads as they will having a new way to distribute them. Even then its, "line go up this quarter", not "what if sales go down due to this?". They'll license it out to every offer company who needs it for line go up.

The fascists never forgot, nor did they ever stop, they're just not afraid again.

All paid by George Soros even

Not really a tourist but...

Netherlands, Ireland, and denmark on par for restaurants and bar pricing. Good sourcing is ubiquitously higher quality. Norway expensive restaurants and bars. In general US has better small/micro-breweries.

In EU, women don't seem as wary of being alone in public or in the presence of masc presenting people. People seem to care less how others present themselves(they're not offended by eccentric styles). I feel safer in general. America has a bunch of creeps who care that your shirt is pink or your hair is too long for a good Christian.

Healthcare exists. That's $3k-$10k+ you don't have to worry about every year.

Public transit exists. Like good public transit. The best systems in the US are garbage in comparison with the exception maybe of NYC. Though US public transit tends to be cheaper.

Can't speak for Mediterranean or eastern Europe.

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Honestly convincing the public that privatization is a functional solution to any problem is one of the biggest achievements of right wing propaganda and political action of the 20th/21st century.

I only struggle when someone pauses after making a point that seems complete, only to start adding more points the moment i begin to reply. The most annoying part is that i feel like an asshole for just trying to engage. So then i sit there trying to multitask listening, holding into my response, editing it, and managing anxiety, which leads to missing most of their additional points. This varies wildly individual to individual.

Luckily people are pretty forgiving...

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Your united data is going to be tied to an email. They could just use that. It's reasonable to see this as further invasiveness, similar to Meta™ account recovery.

I don't think this will change much. Biden's response might. But politically, identity politics outweigh martyrdom in US. The right will get rightier and the left leftier. Most likely outcome IMO is emboldened like-actors on either side. Undecided voters could react maybe, but are they really that keyed in to be undecided in the first place?

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I used to drink heavily daily. Turns out it had more to do with anxiety/stress/depression than biology. I used to be afraid to be sober in a night. Now it's not even on my mind and my tolerance has dropped to nil. Two light beers on friday hits me like a sixer of 8% used to, and i can enjoy it instead of it just being an escape.

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The specific language you speak has significant impact here. For some, "to make food* is used to refer to cooking. Where as in English it's not so clear. I prefer the use in terms of survival. IMO, if you can make any food enough to survive you can cook, because in English there is not a better colloquial verb. Though i wouldn't call you 'a cook' or 'a chef' if you can't apply heat to produce edible food from raw.

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Long term maintenance. Meaning not a simple bug fix but providing support on demand and possibly prioritizing requests by the contract grantor for an extended period.

That's the septic tank to store the waste from enshitification.

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Agreed. I write slow and incomprehensible. I read slow with shit comprehension. Passed engineering school with very high GPA and am successful in my engineering career. These metrics are bullshit boomer click bait.

Almost as bad as "Gen z/a can't read analog clocks!"

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Employer provided healthcare only covers about %54 of Americans. So in general it's not a safe assumption.

He seems very happy to keep working on it and he's bringing on help as he needs. He's even taking breaks from other project to prevent burnout. Seems like he's practicing good balance. Why does someone need to move on from a passion project they're approaching with a level head and have invested their career in?

They all have a story like this. They are all terrible.

I think Gareth Reynolds said it or was it Jordan from knowledge fight? But once you reach a billion you should get a medal saying you won capitalism then be 100% taxed the rest of your life.

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Some games support it on windows but not Linux. The list is small. That said, windows HDR support is garbage ime. I don't feel like there's a good option that's set and forget in any case.

Plasma/wayland integration is coming along but it's not there yet for HDR in gaming.

I just said screw it and live without it. Forgot i cared after 20min.

I assume practically the same in terms of child safety. Teens will find a way around or a more underground alternative to hang out with each other online.

To your question: More headaches and invasion of privacy for everyone due to enforcement. How do you enforce it other than state issued ID? It would also exclude a lot of people who either don't have that ID or don't have access to it. Then there's the whole question if whether you want the government to know what media you're interacting with. For legal reasons the social media company would need to keep evidence on file of your identification, if not report it. Keeping is regardless of whether it's part of that law, CYA and all.

I've never noticed any delay after first discovery. But i only use 3 devices so 🤷

Left left looks at her time as Attornry General of California and sees her as corrupt and responsible for high incarceration rates among other general issues with the overall Democratic party platform.

libLeft sees her as solid dem if not their new prophet, though not like the right worships trump.

Center will probably see her similar to a batman police commisioner. Generally assumed good and unencumbered politically.

Right will only see gender and skin color, and not in a good way.

Vanilla to anyone not fitting neatly in those categories.

Her not being seen for the last few years is good for dems as there's nothing for the Republicans to latch onto beyond racism and mysogyny. They don't have the long developed hatred that they have for Hillary.

Realistically it's the least divisive choice the dems could make.

Even in court you have to use some judgment to determine what the whole truth is, under what context, and to the extend of your memory or a reasonable expectation of enforcement of the idea.

There's also limitation with self incrimination/5th.

But as a generality, omitting information on socials, whatever registration form, etc... In everyday life is a reasonable practice for preserving privacy.

Being dishonest with friends & family is messed up tho.

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I ain't zooming in for obv Rick Asstley.

Business interests, evangelicals, and cops/white supremacists.

Oh yeah, and that 50+ year campaign of gerrymandering, voter suppression (e.g. vote on tuesday, in person, during business hours, no time off work), abstracting the election process away from the ballot, and designing the court system to favor conservative calls in disputed elections.

America has a rather anti-democratic voting system...

Yeah, if nothing else trump will use it as post election legitimization for using lethal force in protest suppression and later, even more grievous acts. Not that he would have cared or needed it.

I'm putting this in the "less caustic" category of VC bro gig/hobby/hustles.

It's niche, and that niche means it serves the upper class. They at least seem aware and forward about that.

They do this with all their sites ime.

Article specifically quotes about the people being hostages of respective political leadership. Albeit a somewhat moderate take in context, still rather antiauthoritarian which tends to be anti war/genocide.

Norway has an actual tax schema for corporations centered around VAT. So companies actually do pay taxes. Salaries/wages are also generally high. They are investing massively into tech to diversify from fossil fuels.

Coincidentally they also discovered massive phosphate deposits

Still, things are changing and there's plenty of silicon valley types and Elon fanboys. The rightward shift of the last 20yr has also hit to some degree. But there is still a strong left which is helping to weather that.

All in all a significantly better condition than in the US even though their prosperity is directly tied to US oil industry.

Learn to recognize when you're responding defensively to a statement made by those around you.

-There wrong about me, they're the problem

- I'm fine i don't bed to listen to that

- etc...

Think about it for a few days, once you're over the initial emotional reaction. Be critical of your own response and contemplate the motivation for the statement

- is it out of care for you or manipulation

- Is it honest or malicious? 

- Are they expressing a need?

That's when you have the greatest opportunity to grow as a person and build deeper relationships. It's also when you have an opportunity to break your mindset and get out of malicious ones.

I use SW and Fusion daily for work and i think FreeCAD is at last comparable. Definitely as stable if not more reliable. Simulation is well featured. The interface is slightly clunkier but it's being improved rapidly. Even few years ago it wasn't usable for me but now i can comfortable make parts in it.

Were already seeing a drop in product quality and reliability. Just try a search engine for practically anything. Chances are you already type "wiki" or "reddit" or "Lemmy" or whatever along with your search terms. AI(LLM) is just advanced cargo cult development. It won't translate to physical design even though that's being pushed by management level and marketing. Products will stop being useful altogether.

That's on top of the tailoring to business and wealthy class as others have argued here. But even that will have to endure enshitification. Ultimately the wealthy will pay for labor on their toys(they already do, we just can't afford those).

This us a marketing and executive delusion issue.

IKR like if America just stopped giving them bombs they wouldn't have to use them, smh...

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Who even plays games that don't run well on Linux/proton these days?

You don't need to be a nerd. Just need to watch a vid or follow ubiquitous guide on how to partition a disk or install second disk. Installing and running Linux is easier than windows these days with most common distros.

The learning curve is easier than the one for each windows update too. At least for plasma, i would assume gnome too.

Still, some enterprise class software only running on windows is a reasonable excuse(for the user). Also not everyone has the drive space or can afford extra hardware. Obligatory privilege check ig.

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