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Joined 10 months ago


death to Unity long live Godot

Prominent Palestinian doctor, Iyad Rantisi, was tortured to death by Israel

they can eat my shit I'm not going to a war just because some dipshits told me to do so

and I'm also not going to join this "don't ask why just do it" hierachy

btw our former head of state advocated for the Iraq war so yeah fuck no

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Ask your american friends how well a war against terrorism works.

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total victory sounds like "wollt ihr den totalen krieg"

say that to the uighurs

1.2 terabits is actually a doable amount

where the fuck should they go

Android apps are sandboxed by default while packages on Linux run with the users permission.

There is already something like this with Flatpak since it also sandboxes every installed program and only grants requested permissions.

working with highly sensitive data uses windows

that sounds like it's going to blow up at some point

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dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda status=progress

hmm why is it so fast



and then a kernel panic yeah my fs was gone

it's probably just an internal link

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goodbye ralph

oh jesus christ ... wait

laughs in guix

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one way trip, it won't come out again


the mug so I can put plasma in it and boom infinite energy

rocket the raccoon

GNU Guix

peak hackability while also having binary downloads

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I use voyager

wait until you hear about collisions (missing more bits than your hash output length guarantees a collision on average)

I have tasted it

it smells like it but it tastes like lye without the sodium taste

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not suprised tbh

scriptable configuration makes sense if you want to be able to extend or modify the program like with vim while data based configuration makes sense if your program is already extendable/configurable enough like with i3

NASA is also really funny and uses millimeters as their base unit for everything.

*cancer culture

biji apo biji kurdistan

it's not only this government but every single one since 1948

It's like Nix but has some extra features and uses Scheme instead of a custom language.

OMG THULIUM MENTIONED!!!!!!!1!!!1!1!!!!

yeah it uses /gnu instead of /nix

no more like a link between 2 nodes that belong to the same AS