2 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

check out their modlog. they have way too many unnecesary bans or post removals. wasting energy instead of focusing on the real trolls.

thats great! people think differently.

Did you like youtube removing the dislikes? Having a negative opinion is just as important as a positive one. We could remove all voting like this.

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"i like the fact that i cant have an opinion"

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Not every criticism has to be constructive. Do you tell the schef why the food sucks exactly if you dont like it? No. You just say "fuck this" and leave or ask the waiter to take it back because its bad. Not the best example but you get the point. You dont just ignore everything you dont like. I dont understand what people think the difference is, between up and downvoting. They are both the exact same. One point up, or minus one point. Each is just as valid as the other.

Good point.

Thanks! Makes much more sense like this.

Dont run this shit.

Donated and helped with translation here and there. Im not familiar with coding.

approx 25% of the banned posts are deserved

PopOS is shit. Use anything else.

Sure. We'll see.

What i can say for a fact that is better than reddit is that we can work together as a community to make it better. I just have this same concern for mastodon too. Maybe the more i understand how this works the less ill worry about this.

I've been contributing to foss software for years. Maybe that gives some context. Im speaking genuenely, with no maliciois intent.

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This is not a smart statement. Im sure you figure out why. Try to apply the logic to anything you dislike some parts of.

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they want a "safe space" lol

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Well im saddened if thats the case. New users wont sign up if we just have a "serviceable" platform. I think we can do better than this, but i appreciate that we have anything at all.

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Slightly better. You end up having the same kind of controlled enviroment but with stuff all over the place, having to explain the workings of the fediverse for every new user, to not get them confused.

You must be really emotionally unstable geez. "If you dont like Android and have some issues with iPhones then dont use a phone (insert nerd emoji)"