3 Post – 34 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How many password managers have you been trying out this week?

Actually I'd say it's the other way around. It's hard to switch a social network, since it only makes sense to switch if the people you want to follow are also on the new network (The Network Effect).

However, for sites like reddit, it matters less. I don't care who posts the cute kittens in !, as long as they're there. Much lower barrier to join. Once a network is primed with good content, the people will come.

More inline with OP: it also helps that there was already a huge exodus from twitter to mastodon a few years back, so they've got a bit of a head start.

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Removed as a protest against the community's support for campaigns to bring about the deaths of members of marginalized groups, and opposition to private entities working to prevent such campaigns, together with it's mindless flaming and downvoting of anyone who disagrees.

As a postscript for this discussion only, be aware that virtually all the replies to my comments quote me out of context, or claim I've made arguments I haven't. It's safe to disregard them.

Quoted verbatim here, just in case you choose to edit it again.

The only reason you got downvoted to hell in this thread is because you want to paint everyone who opposes corporate censorship as transgender murder supporters, in, what the article itself describes as a futile, neverending effort.

And now that you are time and time confronted with the fallacies you employ, you decide to edit all your comments "in protest". Stopping only to call everyone who opposed you even in the slightest an accomplice to murder. Very mature.

Edit: Ah cute. They delivered another show of their good intent in my DM;

Fuck off and die you harassing, lying, piece of shit.

Everyone who disagrees with you must be pro-kiwi huh? I rest my case.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they had, actually.

Still, a spam bot can just use the free license - they won't make nearly as much api requests as a proper app would.

The ones that make 60 posts per account per hour are easy to detect no matter how they post.

I could, but it would only reinforce their belief they're victim here. Nothing would change.

What kind of payment options do you provide? All the managed Lemmy instances I've found so far seem to be credit card (or crypto) only, which would be a hassle for me. In The Netherlands, iDEAL is used for most online transactions, and can be easily set up through through Stripe for example.

Either way, this is a great development, kudos to you! :)

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In my experience people only follow people to new networks when enough other people have made the switch. Try convincing people to use signal or telegram instead of WhatsApp, for example.

To move off twitter, one person will make the journey, find out that most of the people they want to follow (or be followed by) aren't on mastodon, and go back to twitter.

People don't actively seek out content on Lemmy (yet). But if they do check it out, they will be more likely to stick around if they feel they don't miss out on stuff they were used to on reddit.

For some things like text posts and questions, comments / discussion is great. For other, more content based posts like photos, game discounts or adult content, I don't mind one bit not seeing other people's comments.

Lemmit is meant to become obsolete in the long run, but it can help prime the network with content that makes it easier to switch over.

*I don’t mind a site charging a nominal fee for API access. Either to cover the cost of API service itself, or more importantly to encourage API developers to be efficient when making API requests. But that's hundreds to thousands of dollars a year, not millions.

Important caveat about the title from the article.

In a way this is the opposite of what you're asking, but this is kind of the reason I set up - To allow people to get quality content like ! automatically onto Lemmy.

Anyone can request subs to be synced, and admittedly, not all of those requests make sense, since it doesn't sync comments. But the goal is to bootstrap content creation / combat people returning to reddit because they miss content there.

What do you mean by "don't move the Overton Window"? It's not supposed to be a static thing. Once it didn't include things like voting rights for women, or gay marriage. It's supposed to be a flexible thing.

Nice! :D

As a side note: do your instances work when you put Cloudflare in proxy mode in front of it? At my current provider that breaks, but I'm not sure if that's due to their implementation, or inherit to the software.

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Side note: even after deferating, these activities still show up in activity table. (I'm on version 0.17.4).

Ha! I have been working on the same thing this weekend, except it uses the rss feed for posts and scrapes for the details. It's written in python, but not quite finished - scraping works, automation not yet.

My plan was to have a separate Lemmy instance for this, where people can also request for new subs to be included. This would reduce the spam in bigger communities, and allow instances to block it all together if they wanted to.

Beside that, I'd pre- or postfix each post with a message it's a copy and a link to the original for copyright reasons. Moderation would be a separate story - Not particularly looking forward to that. Could make it so that if a post were flagged, it would re-aync with the original. Let reddit do the moderation :D

  1. I started out with the og 2.Then created my own instance/bot Lemmit.
  2. Thought was to slow/unstable, so created an account on
  3. Gotta have a separate account for grown up stuff, so signed up on
  4. Gee... is kinda slow/unstable... Better sign up on

I'll probably retire the and world accounts though.

Which table/columns am I looking at here?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Lemmys tokens have no expiration, right? So they are effectively username and password combined.

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I still have a ~10 year old Logitech G500 that has finally started to go bad. I've been looking around, and it seems that Logitech's quality has been going down the drain - apparently sometimes clicks get registered as double clicks on recent models?

Can you (or anyone else who has one) comment on their experience with that?

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Thanks, I wasn't aware of that tool. Thanks for all the stuff that you do!

There's probably 11 fascists on kbin as well. Should your instance by defederated too?

I stand corrected, thank you.

Shameless plug: have you seen !

Source code here:

It's not entirely what you asked for, but I haven't seen anything that's like it either.

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Looking great! Bookmarking this for when I want to go live with my project.

The thing is (correct me if I'm wrong), if other instances federate with you, they'll be hosting a copy of the data you store. For images this is manageable (although animated images are basically video), but it will quickly run into the gigabytes range.

That's why they're talking about the next generation.

With AI you can easily generate 100 different ways to say the same thing. And it's hard to distinguish a bot that's parroting someone else from a person who's repeating something they heard.

Where did you have in mind?


No, it's a one way sync.

That's promising :/ I really like the shape of that mouse, and the custom weights. What did you end up buying instead?

Yeah, that's been addressed.

HTTP API instead of Websocket

Until now Lemmy-UI used websocket for all API requests. This has many disadvantages, like making the code harder to maintain, and causing live updates to the site which many users dislike.

In my short time on this platform I haven't seen any embedded videos either, so I'm guessing it's not implemented.

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There's some massive misunderstanding about my comment.

I called it a false equivalency because it's comparing both the measures ("stronger safety") and the thing is supposed to prevent (doxing and bullying) to puppy kicking.

That's just emotional manipulation done badly. We all call it out when politicians use pedophiles to warrant Internet surveillance, and now apply it ourselves? I don't know about you, but when I see bad reasoning, I'll call it out. Even if it's done by "my side".

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Both support stronger safety features in chromium and criminals and bullies got equated to kicking puppies. That's why it's a shoddy attempt at illustrating their reasoning.

Kick a puppy

If you have to resort to false equivalences like these, you're not really making the anti-WEI crowd look good.

*Edit: * There's some massive misunderstanding about my comment.

I called it a false equivalency because it's comparing both the measures ("stronger safety") and the thing is supposed to prevent (doxing and bullying) to puppy kicking.

That's just emotional manipulation done badly. We all call it out when politicians use pedophiles to warrant Internet surveillance, and now apply it ourselves? I don't know about you, but when I see bad reasoning, I'll call it out. Even if it's done by "my side".

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