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Joined 12 months ago

No it's not. This is similar to "Russia trying to have a new moon program". Not happening ever.

The first part may happen, the second part - ahahaha.

I live in Russia.

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Not only pedos, in general sadistic people tend to try and get jobs which would give them the feeling of power over someone, and not all of them can be dictators, warlords, just politicians, even lowly prison guards or policemen, also cowardice is a factor. So - child-related jobs.

But, to be frank, I'm not sure background checks are going to do that much good. People of this kind tend to bunch together, help each other, and can either get past the radar rather easy or utilize these checks to discredit anybody who'd be a threat to them.

It's a complex matter.

I'm really starting to think that Musk deliberately destroying Twitter is not a conspiracy theory.

I mean, with Twitter and Reddit gone, only Facebook remains.

Ah, well, there are also WhatsApp, Viber, Tik-Tok, Youtube, Telegram which need similar treatment.

Of these I casually use YT and Telegram.

The former is slowly being replaced by uploading videos to the platforms they are posted on.

The latter - well, there was a time Durov promised there would be no ads ever, there are ads everywhere now. And technically it's junk (the protocol, I mean, while the QT desktop client itself on the contrary is notoriously CPU and memory efficient for my loads of subscribed channels, groupchats etc ; it does crash sometimes, but no Matrix or XMPP client would simply survive that amount of garbage perpetually updating, so).

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Trust me, you'll find an official to bribe in such a situation in Eastern Europe. This is a PR move, to arrest some from time to time and show that in the news. Happens regularly.

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For fuck's sake, this is actually the most annoying FF bug I've noticed and it is important for me!

You guys mean it's been fixed now?


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A malware company using malware practices. Nothing to see here, gents.

Not agreeing to false logic (say, out of pressure to be polite or non-confrontational), especially when the next step would be doing something based on that logic. People sincerely don't understand why deceiving you once like this won't work another time and think it makes you an asshole.

Germans were a victim of WW1.

That's ... an interesting way to describe the power which practically controlled Ottoman empire's state apparatus so that it wouldn't crumble through the years which cleansed Asia Minor and Western Armenia of civilized presence by murdering and breaking people constituting that presence in every way possible.

Which was also allied to Austria-Hungary which started the war in the first place, and also committed plenty of war crimes in Serbia and Western Ukraine.

Obviously Germans themselves did plenty of that too.

It's just that the war wasn't on German territory mostly.

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I mean, they could. They have been cutting costs in the wrong areas, though - those harder to replace if exgoogled. There's plenty of unnecessary fat in Mozilla as an organization. They have been doing lots of expensive (in terms of developer and testing resources) unneeded crap (apparently to support the appearance of relevancy, which is different from relevancy itself), they also don't need that many management people.

Let's please remember how Mozilla started. Yes, a browser back then and a browser now are two completely different things, but the imbalance in resources has always been there. It's just that now they are spreading resources where they shouldn't, to imitate Chrome in things secondary to a browser itself. They don't have the resources for that even with Google, and of course they won't otherwise.

Also supporting something like XULRunner or in general olden times Gecko would help, so that people could use FF's engine like they still do with Chromium and Webkit. That would increase the amount of people contributing in various ways.

That's how I see it, my humble opinion and all that.

Large intranets are not a problem (that's how it was in the beginning in many places, rather fast and unlimited access to LAN resources, chats etc, but slow and expensive to the Internet), it's just that nothing inside Russia is going to be self-sufficient.

Also every dick without balls in a chair will try to get some control or share or get a bribe or just prevent this from happening so that his relative or something would get the contract.

This wasn't a factor with the large Internet being accessible (unbeatable competition), but will be with intranets (or a countrywide intranet). Nothing will get built. In the 90s such dicks simply didn't understand that this is a good business, so they allowed it to grow (still all the major telecom providers that survived had some connections with FSB etc, or so people say).

I actually really like how he is behaving similar to some 00s web forum owners (I imagine mostly forum text RPGs, cause that's what I was on as a kid).

Then you could jump to another such forum, and still seamlessly keep contact (via ICQ or something else in other countries) with everybody. Cause the forum was one thing, and chatting with people was a separate thing, not controlled by the same people.

Want that back. And the first 2 HP games. And the web browser being a lightweight program as compared to many other things we'd run.

And Opera 9.

Desktop fscking client, please. Not electron based would be nice, yes? QT is good.

ICQ-style or old Skype-style user directory would be wonderful too. VoIP is not something I'd care about, file transfers are.

This is cool.

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It’s like everyone is so afraid of being seen as a nazi

You got it backwards. It's not that they are afraid, it's that every Nazi thing you do becomes unimportant if you support Israel and yell "look, I'm not a Nazi, because I support Israel".

That's a huge, huge stimulus for support. Now if you've done Nazi things, Israel is your salvation. And if you haven't done Nazi things cause you're afraid, just get friendly with Israel.

They are basically selling modern day's indulgences.

And Israel, of course, endorses that via its puppet diasporan organizations and their moves like "anything but Holocaust is not a genocide, and if you don't agree, you're a Nazi" or "you can't be Nazi if you're Jewish" and, of course, "if you don't support Israel, you are not Jewish".

Empathy is not universal. You persuade yourself that somebody is miserable, annoying, weak, unpleasant, and you are not empathetic to them anymore.

Well, at least I feel myself to be weird for not doing that and preventing myself from doing that.

SpaceX became profitable not all at once as well.

I think we should all remember that company's success is also a function of investors' money AND public trust. SpaceX for some people was a symbol of all things modern. Tesla as well to some extent.

With such amount of trust no wonder these finally became profitable.

Ah, also companies engineering vehicles and spacecraft are rather different from a company the whole purpose of which is matching people (readers to posters, advertisers to customers, so on).

And also nothing prevents people who ruined Reddit from coming here, and they do.

Maybe because there's that concept of entropy in Markovian processes. Or in simpler words - the bigger share AI-created stuff holds in the whole corpus of texts we read and use, the more degenerate they become over time.

Eh, guess, this doesn't look simpler, but I'm just clumsy with words. The general idea is clear, I hope.

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ffmpeg, imagemagick, povray, supercollider, blender ...

I'd also say amule, qbittorrent, fopnu (freeware, but not free), retroshare.

There are likely many others. EDIT: ... I can't quickly remember.

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They are not trying to attract usual people from civilized countries.

They are trying to attract people of the same culture as them and they are succeeding. These actions and videos bring them feeling of dominance, satisfaction and violent pride (of genocidal kind, I dare say), and also of being feared.

Also they are denying Israelis the feeling of safety they had - despite all those missiles sometimes being shot, and all those buses sometimes blowing up, they haven't been for many years generally afraid of meeting armed thugs face-to-face, being humiliated, beaten, raped, their bodies mutilated and proudly shown by the perpetrators as part of a mass murder. This is a tangible result. This will weaken Israel in some ways long term (and in some strengthen it, probably, but maybe they don't think that).

Also they have shown that you can make this kind of a raid on Israel with a relatively small force and succeed. All the Arab world now knows this.

And that's only Hamas. If, say, Hezbollah, a much stronger organization, seriously tries to hurt them, it will.

It could. In fact it will make that part of the Web yet another step closer to a bot-populated SEO-infested graveyard where a living human will find nothing useful.

If only my friends would stop using VK to communicate, and my family FB for the same.

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I don't usually agree with many American leftist talking points, but really what's it with railways being so little used in the USA? When you need scale with regular routes and regular volumes of anything, it's unrivaled.

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It’s what terrorists do.

This particular sentence is not entirely correct, as it implies that freedom fighters can't use terror tactics and thus be terrorists.

Say, if some Armenian force (there are none that'd have the balls) would bomb the Mingechaur dam, the pipes and infrastructure going through Tovuz, other smaller hydroelectric objects etc in Azerbaijan, - these would be actions aimed at fighting for freedom, but very important part of their effect would be terror.

In some way any violent activity aimed at denying someone their feeling of safety is terrorism. Like, say, allied bombing campaign of Germany (its goals were even formulated like that).

I agree that Hamas are not freedom fighters, their ideology is pretty Nazi.

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Recruiting Middle-Eastern Muslims to your cause, with your cause being Jihadist and genocidal, is something most consistent with this approach.

Have you seen these recent videos with crowds in Gaza cheering over all those bodies and yelling "Allahu akbar", "Khaybar" and such things?

I mean, the very fact that they are sharing these naturally and openly should inform you about that society (if you knew nothing about it before, that is, cause what I'm trying to communicate is obvious for anybody knowing anything about West Asia).

Serbia agreed to almost every point of the AH ultimatum regarding the investigation of FF's murder. The one they rejected was about Serbian police working under AH supervision or something like that. Something no nation would accept, both extremely humiliating and dangerous.

Anyway, rejecting an ultimatum doesn't give you right to invade. It may be polite and civilized to give ultimatums in general, as compared to outright invasion without warning, but see the previous sentence.

Associating phone numbers with IM identities is awfully stupid. The good old "register with just login\password, confirm with any email" was fine, and I remember people complaining about sites which required email confirmation, it felt disrespectful and spam-inducing.

Now, mobile phone numbers - that's literally the way to inform everybody offended by your opinions or just interested about your everything, at least of the "necessary for a successful murder" kind.

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I mean, this really seems similar to Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in being unnecessary, stupid and with potential to change the target country from "imperfect" to "trash action movie" level.

(I remind you that when Soviets started all that crap, Afghanistan was a half-dependent from USSR socialist republic, and there were some mojahed (a socialist-Muslim hybrid, not really that popular today) rebels making trouble, and it would likely remain the same. Then they decided to perform a limited operation, which succeeded in changing Afghanistan's government, and then it turned into FFA.)

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Well, to rule out the "misanthropic" part one doesn't really need to have a fulfilling sex life, just meet a few people (suppose, women) who'd make them like humanity again.

About disengaged and disinterested - it's more about engagement and interest being hard.

I mean, if I know what a quadratic function and a gradient descent are, does this mean I have knowledge of AI? Then most people can be taught that in an hour (if they are sufficiently dense).

I mean, dogfooding is a good thing, right?

Nice haircut actually.

I personally just wore a messy Hagrid-like heap of hair being 14-15, some teachers didn't like it, but I didn't care. They did take offense, though.

Which worked very slowly and unreliably. It's about stretching extremes.

Today with Internet connectivity crimes are more likely to be seen, but so is propaganda from the perpetrators.

Now they've removed the former and preserved the latter.

Another extreme is that 100 years ago it was easier for witnesses to somehow get out, and today one can virtually track every inch of the perimeter and prevent attempts with precision munitions.

Which is why I don't think saying Israeli special services didn't somehow "miss" the attack or "fail" is promoting a conspiracy theory. They are led by people capable of thinking inside that logic and they are confident that they can contain the consequences as they already have.

This wouldn't be the first time of such a provocation in well-established history, and even in modern history. It's just that people usually easily forget the details of how wars start (Archduke Franz-Ferdinand's murder for most of the world or 22 June 1941 for ex-USSR etc would seem notorious exceptions, but they are really not, nobody except historians remembers the context of preceding and following days).

They also willingly participated in mass murders of civilian population (Jewish and Polish). By "free and independent" the narrative also stuffs this.

So no, whoever put that there knew very well whom they are celebrating. They are just fine with ethnic cleansing for some perceived benefit of their nation.

Which can be shortened to "a memorial to Nazi collaborators", which is the title.

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Well, if I'd have paralysis, with some probability I'd want to try even knowing all about Musk.

There's that problem though with Musk apparently being too excited about putting a cord in one's skull. Instead of, I don't know, scanning for brain waves and analyzing patterns? I know literally nothing of the domain area, it's just that maybe subtlety is a good thing.

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There's been an earthquake just a few days ago in Afghanistan, Pakistan etc, killing more than 2000 people, and by your comment I can see you don't even know about it.

And I was arguing against Hamas immediately after it happened, but now I'm arguing against Israel because the original comment is right, they have now adjusted all their propaganda tools to use the events to justify ethnic cleansing with lots of civilian dead right now.

Gazan women and children are not responsible for "their fighters" or Hamas, just as Israeli women and children are not responsible for bombs falling on Gaza.

I'm disgusted with both, but proportionally to their strength.

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A really big percentage of what you use is tested on thousands and more lab mice etc, and they do die in process often.

Not that I disagree, just real world works this way. We eat animals, we test on animals, we have been using animals for propulsion for most of our history. Also for coloring cloth, also for making it in case of silk, etc.

So ... do you take any medicine at all?

In my humble opinion until the producers of such appliances learn honesty through pain, it's much better to have a pirate streambox (with something like torrentflix or Popcorn Time or whatever, I just download torrents and watch on my laptop, so don't use these things).

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That's corporatism in a wider sense. Existed since times immemorial. It's a systemic problem, that is, defined by architecture.

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That's why we need science fiction, to not be afraid of all the abhorrent and abhorrently efficient weapons the future holds for us.

And yes, Star Wars is a very perceptive choice of name on part of George Lucas.

The scary part is that we all sit on our sweaty bottoms while such things are being developed not by bad guys and good guys to fight each other over us, but by bad guys and bad guys to fight each other over us.

I'd like netbooks to come back. That was a good idea (and sufficiently popular, and probably slaughtered due to some backstage pressure from Microsoft, cause those were often used with Linux, I even remember that some were sold with Linux).

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What's wrong with being poetic about your job? One would think it can possibly give you an edge of the true samurai kind?.. Something rather good for a military?