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As others have said, lack of privacy is what makes BitTorrent not the best tool.

Other things may be inconvenient (like good old XDCC or using Google Disk for piracy), or "invisible Joe" (like ed2k, gnutella and Usenet, due to all of these just not being sufficiently monitored by law enforcement or neighbors interested in your porn taste) cases.

And Freenet, I2P (with iMule and what else there is, there was some sharing thing similar to ed2k in experience), RetroShare are not sufficiently popular.

In general good things are not popular.

My point is, let's wait for Locutus and whether it succeeds in transforming the Web.

I came to Reddit in 2019, it felt nice then (avoided anything but tech discussions, though). Since 2020 it has been consistently getting worse, maybe before that too.

Anyway, centralization is bad. I'm not coming back.

A good thing in general, maybe this will help improve compatibility with old stuff and its old bugs, cause it'll be simpler to emulate those bugs with cleaner code.

BTW, has anyone managed to run Rogue Squadron 3D under Wine? I'm just interested, I'm having that menu input bug not allowing to do anything.

I mean, that's the way trademark laws in theory should work. Who got there first gets the logo. And the other side gets Jobs' mummified dick with some salt.

Possible if they respect your opinion, not really if you are a weird guy with a disorder whom they like, but are not going to take as a tech authority or something.

I already had this with recommending Linux (and other Unix-like OSes). All my attempts to even talk about it were taken with zero understanding, but once another person tried Fedora and liked it, this started spreading like a virus.

Nobody and nothing living forever is one of the reasons centralization is bad. But humans sadly like to flock.

RH is approaching the end of its life cycle. First they were hackers. Then they became a useful and aspiring business. Then RPM-based distributions were what made Linux not marginal anymore (though probably this also has something to do with Mandrake's success). Then they became something in the center of things, connected to everything happening with Linux and other Unix-like systems (at least on desktop). Then they realized that and started milking that slowly. Then they became arrogant.

Well, many Chinese and Japanese plainly consider all non-Asians (and many Asians) savages. Racism is normalized there. Hierarchical centralized clan-based societies and thus certain lack of agility in social ties and traditions.

I mean, they are not much more racist that Middle-Eastern people. Just the Middle-East is (I know this may sound funny) socially more progressive in many places.

Maybe systemd gets grouped with wayland and xorg with other init systems simply because of usability?

I mean, I got used to the thought that what I prefer is less usable, because some pretentious UX designers say so, and we Unix nerds use inconvenient things because we are all perverts.

But when I read about industrial design and ergonomics, it seems that my preferences are consistent with what I read, and all those UX designers and managers should just be fired for incompetence and malice.

Back to wayland/xorg and runit/systemd (for example), same reason FreeBSD may seem easier to set up and use than an "advanced" Linux distribution - there's less confusion.

Living in Russia, I have mixed feelings about this slow controlled collapse TBF.

For Russia itself, maybe things being over after a couple of months (or years) of civil war starting in 1999 would be better.

But for everybody else, of course, there are bigger risks associated with that. Not really something nuclear even, just economically less pleasant.

You mean that RH hates ergonomics? Agreed here.

About the function of systemd (or docker, or pulseaudio, or gnome 3, or wayland) - well, I don't need it, but I understand the usual arguments of its proponents. It does solve problems other init systems don't. Only it's such a PITA to use that I'm a Void Linux user.

Especially sad considering that this was entirely different in the Gnome 2 times.

One thing is chain reaction, another is that these media mostly came to existence in the same period of time. So they were aging synchronously.

This was predictable and predicted many times. Just like a building constructed with violations is not going to collapse immediately after it's finished, these things were not going to break (in various ways) immediately after being launched.

They are breaking now. Oopsie.

I hope XMPP makes a triumphant comeback. It's not dead yet.

Well, analogy is not a sufficient method of argumentation by itself, but I suppose things I'll write would be even more visible in Chinese villages 100 years ago.

In Russia the peasant commune as an institution was created artificially (so all those Russian narodniks glorifying it as something perfect and wonderful untouched by bureaucratic machine coming from the depth of ages were just stupid ; it's one thing one can't argue with Lenin about - they didn't have a bloody idea of what that "people" they considered inherently virtuous was) somewhere around Peter the Great's time. So it's had enough time to mature.

That commune had enormous families living together, with the patriarch (the oldest man still able to work and do things) being basically a despot. It was literally not so rare for him to casually sleep with wives of his sons and nephews, for example (if not daughters and nieces). Nobody could refuse him.

Again, that whole family would live in one bloody place, together. No personal space or individuality at all.

In such an environment, first, you don't act differently (either you'll seem weak or you'll cause envy, both are worse than any gained efficiency justifies), second, your value is so low, that nobody cares if you make it, third, in a despotic system your own attempts at planning usually don't work, so you don't learn to do it, and planning is what's needed for more honest behavior to be advantageous.

So yes, you are right.

That quote seems more like Usenet. But yes.

Would be nice to have the same identity for Lemmy, XMPP, Diaspora and whatever else.

Oh, I remember this from my childhood. Actually it was a very special feeling - physically getting a VHS with a movie, watching it and then returning it.

There's such a word - ergonomics. This has sunk very low in our days. Maybe the lowest since WWII (well, I think I've read somewhere that WWII was what made industrial engineers realize that interfaces should be intuitively understandable).

Moscow, Russia. You can usually drink tap water in Moscow, but it's something unusually good for Russian bigger cities in general, and it's considered a good thing to boil it. Actually depends on local specifics and where the water comes from.

I know this feels like mockery from a person with GPON to the door, but people like you still existing may be the reason the Web hasn't gone completely apeshit in bandwidth usage.

Ah, well, that's what they are used to. All that obscurity in recommendations, weird way comment scores change over time (bots they don't fight or their own messing), weird way those affect karma, inconsistent application of rules, and so on.

Social media mods like obscurity which is alone a sufficient reason not to use that crap.

I mean, the Finnish military should have inherited some things from the Russian imperial military, so this is to be expected. And it was a nationalist and traditionalist force which fought against Bolsheviks and won, getting itself a country (this kinda gets forgotten since the public image of Finland is very progressive and almost leftist now). And military is the most conservative institution in any country usually. Still weird.

Just like in Russia nobles would hire French and German servants to look good. Like an expensive horse.

Well, yes, this requires production of similar scale at every stage of the chain. With animals it's animal food, drugs, various machinery in production, etc, which also cost less due to scale on which they are produced.

Green alternatives in this case have a potential to be honestly (without subsidies or anything) cheaper in the end.

This is a chicken and egg problem, today's Web is so horrible exactly because most of the boors in it treat it with disgust from the very first moment and try to avoid choices, thus make the worst choices possible.

I mean, it's a golden rule - if you don't know what to do, do something. They don't out of fear, just consume what they are being given, which is the very thing they should fear.

I mean, collapse of Russia is something very much expected in Russia by many people since 1993.

What makes it less expected is that it hasn't happened in 30 years, though.

Consider that for Arabs the old school way would be using their left hand and sand (well, in more humid areas - water). Which is the reason you should be careful with your left hand while interacting with a person of that culture.

I think I like some paper between hand and ... more, than sand, ya knaw.

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So sad for Sun. Just touching their products as they were before getting eaten by Oracle is an amazing experience.

Also very nice artistic language in visual design, I know this is not the most important thing.

Why would it be funny?

Having a plan for an unlikely event is not funny if having such a plan is your job. There are plenty of people who should do exactly that.

Because not having a plan for an unlikely event that bloody happens is, eh, negatively funny.

Humans need some meat in their ration, and lab grown replacements etc are now too expensive for most of the planet.

However, "some" doesn't mean a burger or two every day, so yes, there's space for improvement. Meat is really expensive in terms of carbon emissions.

Frankly I'm not sure how one would notably reduce emissions of anything without actual control (like by force) over most of the world, where green stuff is less relevant than hunger and illiteracy.

But maybe it's best that USA and EU and similar developed countries don't have that control. I mean, green energy etc sometimes seem more important than actual lives being saved for many.

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I just listen to the "Enclave Sublevel" track (more rarely others) from KotOR II OST, or sometimes "Bastila Shan" track (more rarely others) from KotOR OST, or "Polyhedrons" track (same) from Disco Elysium OST, or theme 2 (same) from Ascendancy OST,

I've met people saying that animals are property and thus something like this is not a crime.

Dunno why it came to my mind now.

Ah. That it's a good test showing that rights and responsibilities can't, in fact, be completely symmetric. An animal may not have responsibilities, but it shouldn't be abused.

Same age here. However the problem is not only that, but also our (as in "people enthusiastic and understanding of it") failure to communicate to "normies" (yes, it's a derogatory term, but a deserved one) what the Web is and how it should function, and what are the threats.

I'm very optimistic about Locutus (Freenet 2023), looks quite similar to things I dreamed about for a long time, only this time it's real. Imagine dreaming about spaceships and then seeing one built for the same general goal, but for bloody real.

It may really be a changing point (provided it doesn't get banned and regulated, which is unironically a risk ; remember how BTC ban was being considered in many countries until it became clear that it doesn't have the potential to be a daily currency due to well-known downsides).

That's why they should make becoming an ISP something much more achievable legally, and not try to pay existing ISPs for something "universal". Then the problem is going to be solved really quick, almost as quick as laying cables.

Supply and demand are real, because they provide motivation for both sides, the consumer and the provider. Not the case with such bills.

Same, only maybe that point for me is a bit later, ICQ and old Skype were nice as well ; I would rather fancy these, only replaced with more decentralized things like XMPP and something instead of Skype.

Good by me. I bloody hate the very idea of social media.

The degree of "social media"-ness allowable for me is contact directory in the old Skype or old ICQ.

The social spaces in the Web for me are Web forums. The ways to unify them for me are Web rings and catalogues.

Oh, these are not automated? Well, a machine can't do that very human function of choosing whom to ally with or not. Hand-edited Wikipedia is a satisfactory way of getting information, albeit not perfect, and automated Google search is not.

Well, there's a question of how exactly are they going to do this.

XMPP? Everybody who had XMPP has dropped it. It's not at all obsolete, but the fact is that companies don't like it.

Closed federation between friends with some proprietary protocol (possible with XMPP too, though)? Well, so I'll be able to write to WhatsApp users from Facebook Messenger or Viber. Doesn't change much, TBF.

I mean, I can imagine them setting something up for identities and private messages from them going back and forth. But practically important features would likely still be locked.


How much more expensive would such a diet be? Some plant-based foods can cost a lot depending on place and logistics.

That's the question, and it's an important one - it's the same reason as why, say, WWW which started decentralized has become what it is now for most people. People do what's easier and cheaper for them.

I'm not calling people "soy boys", but people for whom you have to make such a diet not even plausible, but cheaper or as cheap as the existing ones, do not live in developed countries. Talk about the environment is not worth anything else for them.

Ah, student loans are, in fact, a problem. One-time relief of student debts is a good thing - provided there are no new debts on such a scale and the mechanism changes after that.

Charity sponsorship of students is a good thing without doubt. Private stipends are a good thing. But when loans which are not going to be returned in a normal way are becoming that common, then something is wrong and should be fixed, not poured more money into.

They are a cause of inflation in education (which, of course, harms the students as well), of people like AOC talking and being listened about economics, because on paper they would be qualified, and so on.

Well, I personally get drunk quicker due to metabolism and my hangover starts the same day.

That is, compared to most Europeans, but I've heard that for SE Asia this would actually be the norm.

So one can say in this case culture just follows structural difference.

But - yes, it's much nicer to be with friends when they are not drunk.

Except for beer, there are weaker sorts, and the effect of hops on people I actually like.

And also separates your hand from the substance you are removing, not joins it. (Sorry, I just couldn't)

That's to be free of discrimination by the state, which usually will treat your obligations independently of your rights.

While private discrimination is always something in the grey area. By private discrimination I mean both a banner saying "<any grouping at all> are not welcome here" and having face control (something quite normal for night clubs, and you'll also pick your tenants if you rent out).

RH is the maintainer\developer of great many things. Of course it'd be nice for them to have good competition (like what Canonical was), so that they wouldn't use that power for evil.

Still them becoming weaker is not a case for optimism.

I'd really like something like Gentoo with official binary packages (and relevant tree), so that building from source would be an option and installing a binary package the usual way. Well, also simpler installation maybe.

I mean, Calculate Linux does that, but I think it's a Russian small-business oriented distribution, so not exactly my use case.

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