1 Post – 28 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

Makes me sad to see people acting like the simple act of saying "Jews" is offensive. We survived thousands of years of persecution, the fucking holocaust, and you think this is where we draw the line? Come the fuck on lol.

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Judaism and vampirism have a lot in common.

  1. Existed since the dawn of time
  2. Universally shunned
  3. Forced to uphold their traditions in secret

When you factor in the blood libel, the connection goes even deeper.

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Wtf bro?

Jew is the correct word to refer to a member of the Jewish faith. I don't think anyone would suggest that it was derogatory unless they themselves were hateful toward Jews. It's kind of like how people who hate Americans use the term "Americans" hatefully.

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I stand firmly on the side of not stifling hateful use of "Jew" to avoid the risk of stifling regular use of it. They can't make the correct descriptor of my identity into a derogatory word. I won't let them.

Just install linux and change your gtk/qt theme. It's that easy.

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Fun fact, Anne Rice originally hated that Tom Cruise was cast as Lestat and publicly made it known. When she saw his performance she completely changed her mind.

Idk if you guys know this but you can have a best friend without FUCKING THEM, YOU FILTHY FUCKING ANIMALS

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He's the reason I want one

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I don't really think you need to worry about inanimate objects seeing as they haven't been made for good or evil specifically. On the other hand, if you write software that decides who lives or dies, you have a gigantic responsibility and the blood of any accident is on your hands

You got it boss

well, my last girlfriend was jewish.

Say it with me everyone, INDICES

I fucking love this movie so much. The AMC adaption is also amazing.

Peace, love, unprotected sex with strangers, rampant drug abuse, phony pseudo-religion, etc. Which parts were controversial again?



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Boooo don't make this sort of joke at strangers you nasty slime

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I saw that actually. Almost fooled me until I saw they had about 10 reviews each.

My soul is not beautiful

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I'm honestly shocked that nobody has mentioned mesh networks. It might also just scan for any unsecured network it can connect to without informing you in any way. Not connecting your TV to your WiFi is not nearly enough to preventing it from phoning home. You need to open the TV and ground the antenna(e) to physically disable the wireless capabilities. Even then, there may be other antennae hidden under or inside components you can't disassemble.

Short answer: No. Your smart TV is smarter than you are.

Read the rest of my comments on this website and you'll see that pretty much everything I say makes someone angry at me. Maybe your pet will reconsider

You know intelligence isn't the only merit, right?

"So your point is..."

Perhaps the single most dishonest way to begin a sentence

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You really nailed the proportional response this time. It's crazy that this started with me criticizing your wording, and now it ends with you saying I need "specialized help" like you have any authority on the matter at all. What can I say? My ability to pick out dishonest, manipulative, snake-like people remains on point.

Have you heard of mesh networks?

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Literally only leftists repond with 5x as much text as whatever you said to them

It's like I'm psychicly DDOSing you

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Is it really impossible to critisize a leftist even the slightest bit without them flying completely off the handle? I only critisized your wording.

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