
0 Post – 82 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

please don't

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is laying down to let them shoot and rob you the winning strategy?

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ray smith looking like evil conan

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yeah you get ads in the terminal instead

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being shot often entails dying.

they're advertising their paid product, don't really see a difference semantically

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what voting?

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i can recommend battlebit, very clear visuals and it's fun. also insurgency sandstorm, not sure how active it is nowadays but I bet he'd like that one too

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advertisement /,ædvər'taɪzmənt/ noun a public promotion of some product or service

what in the hell, lol. i think you've been on the Internet too much

my girl's favorite number is 14, guess I gotta break the news to her that that means she's a Nazi 😂

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i would go check the air in your tires rn if you didn't know what that was

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at least wobbly windows stuck around though. i've had that on for like 10 years

On Windows, there is a Secure Audio Path API to prevent interception of the audio signal.

this would mean no, you're not good.

and you need to take their second bit of advice to heart! always shoot for higher bitrate files if you're learning to produce. manipulating lossy files will often sound nastier, so get FLACs/WAVs of the songs instead. with those two reasons + the fact that Spotify could possibly have unnoticeable watermarks while streaming even if it does work, I would strongly advise against getting your samples this way

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apple yum yum? instead of blueberry yum yum? that's a good joke right

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i've been pirating things for ~15 years and still don't understand private trackers

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consider trying other games too. i've always been pretty bad at street fighter and mortal kombat, then i tried tekken and it clicked for me a lot better

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can't even pick a decent black hairstyle in the character creators. 90% only have a fro, 9% that weird comb over dread style bc it was in black panther, even tho i've never seen a real person wear it

for reference

my issue right now is that i use one of those charging + 3.5mm splitters in the car, but when they're both connected there's a loud ass buzz. a 3.5mm ground loop isolator works but made bass sound terrible. i'm probably gonna get an old phone just for music in the car 🤦🏽‍♂️

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juice is such a common nickname. but ig if you said so, they all nazis now. glad we have you policing forums n keeping us safe 🫡 ppreciate you

fair. if you're interested in giving it another shot, there's actually a ROM hack that brings the much tighter controls from the GBA Metroid games into it:

Otherwise just playing a GBA title like zero mission, which is a remake of the first game, I can highly recommend

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i like my car :( and i'm paranoid about features in new cars. i can hear a noticeable difference in quality with bluetooth vs wired too. never been a fan

regardless, cars that people primarily use 3.5mm for aren't going away too soon!

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i put the pussy on the chain wax

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I put zorin lite on my girlfriend's old ass laptop, works well if you just need stability and snappiness and won't mess with much

hey, at least it won't get stolen with a USB cord now

As an audiophile, Dr. Dre.

what do you mean by that?

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as a current user, the android TV app is pretty rough. im crossing my fingers for the findroid developers to help with a TV version sooner than later

Just set up a Plex/jellyfin server

With the arr suite + overseer + qbittorrent + Plex/jellyfin

im a home media guy too but all this is not more convenient for people compared to just installing the netflix app

CS:Go? fwiw, your rank resets after not playing a while, so you might not feel that way if you hop back in

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honestly, not a bad idea. i've already got the tinnitus but i need to step it up

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lmao. body count is a band

unfortunately, yes

i disagree, since it's the only one that's a turn based game. I'd start with either Yakuza 0, the prequel, or Yakuza kiwami, which is a remake of the first game

uhh, most of the world's professions have nothing to do with their computer. you know... some people even don't have one. shocking. i really don't even know what point you're making. that throwing them in a landfill is better than reuse??

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cool! good on you. i love hearing about how different everyone's forms of happiness can be, sorry your families don't seem to. hopefully they'll warm up to it eventually