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Joined 1 years ago

This is a complete reach, comon now.

Blizzard bringing games to steam is news. Lots of people care that games are on steam. No surprises here.

One is about the merger which is current news.

One is about declining overwatch 2 players.

And then one about overwatch 2.

Yea some “conspiracy”.

Straight rage bait.

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What? The whole point of Lemmy is to be defederated. A leftist safe zone still exists, they have their own instance.

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Don't bother using the TV, get a separate box. Even Google TV shoves recommendations down your throat.

Hate to say it, but the Apple TV is probably the most debloated system out there. It is more or less the easiest way to get just a grid of apps.

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I disagree. What made Reddit for me is that there were so many people on it, than any niche hobby had it’s own space.

Sure the main big subreddits were shit shows, but the hobby subreddits were great! Something that still isn’t a thing for Lemmy. Specialization.

I still find myself checking Reddit out for subreddits on specific niche games for example.

Like there is literally a subreddit for almost anything. Robot vacuums. Sins of a Solar Empire. Crusader kings. Fish tanks. MotoGP.

Things that probably will take a while to get running on Lemmy.

Right now Lemmy is too “general” for me to really have a feed of things I actually care about.

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Can we please stop with the misinformation campaign.

Everyone on here is trying to pat each other on the back by being better than Reddit.

So far no one on here acts differently from Reddit, no matter how much you guys like to pretend lol.

“Shadow accounts” lol. It’s literally your instagram account. Threads is built on top of Instagram. None of this is some hidden secret.

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Well I can kinda see where they are coming from. How do you know it’s gonna stick around if it can’t make money? It isn’t even about making a profit either, but covering costs.

There are costs associated with hosting all this stuff. Right now donations are how instances keep the lights on (most of the time).

What happens when there is more and more users joining?

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Can I get an explanation as to how these companies are “marketers of ai panic”?

Glad to see the same bad hot takes on Lemmy as on Reddit.

MAGA supporters are white ev drivers? Lol.

I mean if you're gonna be making a literal english joke like this, then if there is no user input, then there is no user input to sanitize, which means no excuse is needed.

Political compass memes is the first place I ran into a tankie, followed by latestagecapitalism. Too bad they are already here. At least they keep to their own instance.

It’s 100% going to be.

Lemmy isn’t “special”. I’ve already seen hot takes and other things to get people riled up on Lemmy.

This is where you lose people. It’s been proven time and time again that the mics on your phones aren’t transmitting things back without you knowing about it.

Facebook isn’t always listening in on your conversations. They don’t need to. It’s useless data.

Voice isn’t how they figure out what you like and are probably talking about at any given moment with other people.

Here’s a short podcast episode that gets the point across:

You could literally physically destroy the microphone of your phone, and you’ll still get ads served up like “they are listening to you”

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Can we get some more information about what the problem and solution was? Or a link to your other thread?

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I wasn’t gonna start a fight here though lol. The entire place was infested with tankies. The dude I responded to is probably a tankie.

I laughed when the complaint was liberals invading Lemmy lmao.

I don't like it, and will always apologize if it is my fault.

Honestly, I think its terrible advice lol. This is the type of shit that makes people not like management.

ChatGPT isn’t that good at code generation lol.

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Nothing wrong with a "boring" life either. If anything, a "boring" life is probably a good thing lol.

Literally full of shit lmao. Who on reddit mainstream is talking about how the US is the greatest place on Earth.

Usually its the entire other way around where Reddit is acting like the apocalypse is about to start at any point.

Here's a new one for this thread. "People who complain about Americans over the dumbest things". It's straight up like you have a chip on your shoulder.

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r/politics problem isn’t that it’s infested with maga nonsense….idk what you’re even talking about.

R/politics problem is that it’s a doomer cesspool that doesn’t actually like talking about politics, but likes to complain and talk about Trump all the time.

I’m a borderline socialist, so pretty left leaning, and that subreddit is way too toxic for me. I’m not interested in that type of discourse.

Lemmy got rid of the auto refresh you’re referring to. No more live updates.

Idk, find it hard to believe sexually explicit content is what is gonna make or break it. The author seems to be talking about different degrees of promiscuity in the same article, so I am having a hard time following exactly.

In one paragraph, author is talking about how its boring cause it won't allow sexually explicit material. But goes on to talk about how people are getting written up for harmless stuff like saying "boobs", which to me is a WAY different problem lol.

How’s it any different than buying a new game though?

In the end, is paying $30 for DLC and getting another 50 hours of gameplay really that much worse than paying $60 for a new game?

As long as I actually use the DLC, to me it’s equivalent. I’m paying money to extend the hours of entertainment I’m getting.

This is borderline toxic management lol.

Trees is still around, so idk lol.

As Reddit has proven, this is not how the masses use downvotes. I have seen unpopular, but harmless opinions be downvoted.

I have seen people getting downvoted heavily by saying they don't like x game. That creates echo chambers.

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Well, you have one of my recommendations of a Shield with a 3rd party launcher lol. My other would be an Apple TV.

NSFW means no ads as well.

I also remember the announcement was sexually explicit content won’t be served through the api, so they must have a way to differentiate then.

Ah you mean the channel itself. Never used it myself.

Agree with you, but I don’t think all achievements should be easily accessible.

Reaching level 100 should be an achievement. And I’ll never get it, and that’s ok.

I’m in it until this happens.

A mix of limited menu during the week, and food prepping are the biggest things.

If I know the upcoming week will be busy, I’ll batch cook on Sunday and just reheat the rest of the week.

Otherwise, learning simple recipes I can whip up quick. Practice makes perfect after all, and the more I cook, the faster I get.

Honestly, this might be a hot take but when it comes to food in the modern western world, people are really privileged lol. Why is the expectation that you eat something different every day for every meal?

Struggling to see any resolution here haha.

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No, I don't care at all. If I want to speak to Romanians, I go on r/Romania, r/RoCasual, etc. etc.

We are only 20 million people. Americans are 330 million, and its an English speaking site. I don't expect to see Romanians catered to in any way what so ever in the generic subs.

Already seen racists, nazis on Lemmy, and enough tankies to arm an entire country lol.

Unfortunately they will just congregate everywhere. Best we can do is defederate.

Yes they are.

Of course doing them at 2am is a dick move and I wouldn’t do it then. But anything until 10pm is alright in my books.

Most of those places are major cities…….you guys forget how many people still live in the rust belt?

Na dude have fun with your honeymoon, we aren’t important haha.

This is an extremely weird ass take to have. Why would the average user give a shit?

Compared to most problems people have, the intricacies of social media platforms is not high on a lot of people’s list. They just go where the content is.

What a very insufferable opinion to have lol.

Like god damn, I knew that the early adopters will have the hardcore with em, but some of you guys need to relax.

None of this is what I was looking for.

Meta is plugging in USBs or connecting to people’s accounts en masse to get into people’s encrypted backups? I think not.

People keep claiming Meta does this, does that when it comes to microphones. Where is the proof? I haven’t seen a SINGLE piece of evidence to show that Meta is listening to you at all times when you aren’t using the app. I only ever see people’s anecdotes of “it heard me talk about something cause it popped up later”.

I also use Paprika. Great app! I use it for storing all the recipes I like.