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Joined 8 months ago

Climate change effects are compounding, as polar caps melt they release trapped methane which is more effective greenhouse gas than CO2.

As temperatures heat up, people just gonna turn up HVAC more, more energy usage, which means we either get green real quick, or this feedback loop will continue until we break.

But all this is known. We're all gonna be scrambling when we reach that point, spouting "We didn't listen" like that episode of South Park about this very issue.

Meh, im sure the rich fucks have contingencies for themselves, so it's all good.

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This whole vehicular size arms race needs to go away please.

It's so retarded that people think they need to get bigger cars to "protect" themselves in accidents. Just feedback looping stupidity.

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because the rich have convinced one segment of the working class that the other segment of the working class sucks

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Unless she is has some sort of disability, you typing for her just seems like enablement.

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Planet will be fine, our ability to live on it not so much.

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It's a smart clock

21st century business innovation seems to be make everything a perpetual subscription model, rather than providing better value with new products. It doesn't make you brilliant as a CEO, may as well just replace you with AI, right? That's what all the cool investors care about now, right?

Labour adheres to supply/demand. Now that boomers are retiring who primarily made up most of the blue-collar workers, there's a derth of them and its only going to get worse.

So homeboy with the hardhat is gonna be making 6 figures easily out of 2 year apprenticeship while your fancy university degrees will be competing with all the other Asian students raised with this mentality.

We were all under the assumption automation was going to replace manual labour first, turns out its actually the code monkeys and adminstrators who are biting the bullet.

You may not like it, but Lara Croft pyramid boobs is peak graphics

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Sadly, the age of garage tech startups is over, big tech made sure of that. They now just buy tech start ups with no intention of leveraging their innovations, but rather to maintain the status quo. Late stage capitalism...

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this is why i save money and spend less, so i can amass wealth until I have "fuck you" money where I can just dip if they start this shit on me.

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That vehicle looks like its trying too hard to be futuristic.

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First, good servers are far and few between and yet the expectation is always there (even in Canada for some bizarre reason). And people's definition of good is also different. I don't care about service with a smile, or being periodically asked if the food is good. That's actually annoying to me. Just get my order right and get my bill within a reasonable time. Even if you are juggling 3-5 different tables, you have a notepad for a reason. That's not worth much to me, especially since those are requirements of many other min wage jobs (ffs EMT personnel salaries are not paid much more than min wage, you see them asking for tips?).

Second, tipping culture goes easy beyond dining in. They ask for it whenever you pay, even takeout. That's just rude imo.

Third, anecdotally, service quality is not correlated with tipping. The best servers I've experienced have been going to Japan where they don't do tips.

And it may seem that this is punching down, but it is not because conceptually tipping is a mechanism to justify suppressing wages/value of labor by businesses. Instead, "hating The game" should be about raising min wage as a whole so businesses pay more, and if that means goods cost more, at least the consumers are more informed that way.

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Wow a site that doesn't fill up 90% of your phone's viewport with ads? Color me impressed

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windows updating the UI/UX with every new OS kills me. Wheres the 'fuck off' option when it asks for me to set up my personalization options and info?

I just wish they would literally and continued supporting Win 7. Everything after is just subpar from a usability perspective imo.

fuck tipping culture. Why I never dine in anywhere, unless its a one off social event.

Mmm, love the smell of spaghetti code in the morning

After 3000 years, feeling the air will make you explode.

Where da single player homies at?

Poor crash compatibility, and for reasons to do with chicken imports from Europe in the past (Not just bikes covers this), light trucks have less regulation in NA compared to cars, incentivizing the manufacturers to push them into consumers as well.

It's shittiness all round and government is like that cat from the "bachelorette woman crying" meme.

then why they layoff like 10% of their staff recently?

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Damn that hurts lol

C'mon now, we don't all have quantum computers to do division

Cringe is love, cringe is life

Ytubers joked about this, sadly it seems reality doesn't realize it supposed to parody...

Ugh, why do people just want to confront people on here by focusing on some petty semantics like anybody gaf. It's such Twitter behavior

The Pope tried banning crossbows

He's complaining that his standard of living has decreased...

At least SK got rich before it got old

If by assimilating them, you mean castrating the men and raping their women, sure

Camacho was smarter than some candidates today as they are willing to let the SMEs handle shit

Some of them even got raises

Let em go. Clearly role model employers

On-call jobs can go to hell.

It's all raging clues

If 2 is not being fulfilled, it should really be a fire decision

Depends on your issues. If its something esoteric and/or too high level to be useful, yea it sucks. If its issues that are easily reproducible but you can't address it immediately, adding it to the backlog and having that context in jira really helps. That's all predicated on the story reporter providing steps to reproduce and good context. But there are some things I would consider it adds which are less than useful, like story points, where its almost bait how it starts a conversations with PMs who don't know how to ask the right questions over why is it too high or low...

This is just a pr stunt.

Nobody gaf about others psychological well being, so let em have the new opioid. At least there's no collateral damage with this

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I didn't see this being pressed in that new apple ad

But it is partially their fault: they have the largest political clout by generation so welfare and zoning policies have always suited them at the behest of everyone else.

And even if people don't have kids, the rich aren't going to be impacted. They just use immigration as a stop gap until everything is automated away and we see wealth imbalance get taken to 11. I'm talking gated communities everywhere with poverty in-between (e.g South Africa)

It's going to get increasingly harder to find competent young workers because entry level positions are getting automated away, as well as our deteriorating collective attention spans to actually give a shit