
0 Post – 56 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

idk, just your average failure who hasn't touched grass in a while.

It's just a living body makes so many minute movements we don't usually notice.

Lungs Expanding and contracting, flow of blood (yeah you can notice that), texture of the skin, muscle position, etc.

We have evolved to quickly differentiate between a living body and dead body. That's why the uncanny valley exists.

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Definitely AI generated. The right hand sleeve has wierd looking gold drops on it. But otherwise it serves it's purpose! This is what AI images should be used for! Its pretty good.

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No way.

Content without baked in ads are available. You just gotta look for it. I still recommend the movie web (dot) app

Yeah, last I checked it was used in the 1980's and only in like US and UK(only like 5% global population). Half the people in this community wasn't even born then. When most people hear the term ricing they think about theming their desktops, not about the car culture thing.

The word rice has been central to the whole unixporn community since it started. I don't like it being banned due to some white guilt.

Well, technically you could make a virtual parrot powered by machine learning. It'll still be cute.

And why stop at a parrot for that matter 😏

Apple is a snobby company with terrible overpriced repair. All of their products are heavily locked down wildly expensive milled aluminium.

Sure the new m1 chip is good but the amount of vendor lock in is too much and of course mac OS is a trash bsd distro. TLDR: overpriced products, trashy company.

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Well, since it is just a an organised frontend for a multiple HLS streaming sources, I wouldn't worry about my IP leaking (it's not P2P).

Your ISP can only see the domains which you are connecting to, not the content that is transferred (cuz https).

If you are still paranoid, just route it through tor! It's just a website after all. (ik it's slow but it works!)

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Newpipe for Android. Hands down the best iv used.

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Yeah, tbh most people do not use it to its full capabilities!

Lack of humidity in the air is a big problem, but op does have a point. As a person living near the equator I'm surprised by how many people are intolerant to temperatures which I find comfortable.

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Is there like any advantage of vuze over something more mainstream like qbitorrent?

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Wow! It looks really good. Doesn't the transparency affect the readability of the code?

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There is a launcher called salwyrr which has Linux support. Iv tried it and it worked for me.

btw, i too use arch.

There are countries other then the US.

Oooh so it's my first time hearing and after looking it up, WHY AREN'T PEOPLE USING IT? Like why pay for a VPN, when you have stuff like this? What are the limiting factors for XDCC?

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Ooh, that's actually a pretty good idea. But it would require each "tape" to have its own motor, right?

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It's seems like it's only a dns level block, so changing to non-isp dns might help you bypass that restriction.

zrok might be helpful. looks like it's an alternative to tailscale.

The selection of which software to use heavily depends on the scope of your project as well as the knowledge of the people maintaining it. As a rule of thumb, always choose the more minimal one over the complicated feature rich one. Most of these software are over engineered anyway.

Anyway, If it's just communication, use IRC! It's easy setup an IRC server and install clients on all the devices in the community.

Or if you are aiming for survival, use radio. Like have a proper ham radio setup, it's much more resilient and reliable (survival stuff is best be kept low tech.)

I'm sorry I have zero knowledge about intranet/extranet stuff. Ig if requires setting up your own like routers and direct wiring between the two communities.

What does those meteorites in the top left represent? Are those workspaces?

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Whoah, that's cool.

Just use new pipe, The home page is just videos from your subscribed channels and there is no one click way to see an endless stream of shorts. You can still see them if you search them. Bonus: no ads.

Well... I use arch btw.

Is it something like legendary?

Ooh, thanks for the info! 🤗

Always check for gog versions, they are much more easy and safer to work with since they still have the certificate.

Ooooh, I didn't know about that, thanks 😅.

Try testing it through tor/vpn. If it works via that way then it's the isp messing with you.

btw how the loading time? For me even without extensions, the time between the login screen and usable desktop is very high.

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Wait really? It takes like a whole minute for me

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well, they can fly, so there's no need for walking 😉

Well... Is it though? Sometimes for simple things, the first solution is the best solution. Ruminating over it is pointless.


What's actually the difference between them? In both case you get started in the tty, follow the installation guide and all the rest are mostly the same right?

Sorry if I sound stupid, I'm a newbie.😅

+1 for Open subtitles

Just don't intentionally change anything, that's fucked up lol

Well, you just gave me an idea I did not have before.