Victor Villas

0 Post – 51 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Firefox is just the only decent option. And while at it, use Piped or Invidious while you still can, people!

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So really it’s just a polite way of saying “yeah you better be thankful.”

lol that escalated quickly

When I hear "you're welcome" the only thing I think of is that I'm welcome

Holy guacamole, Argentina was at the precipice's edge and finally decided to take a step forward

Sorry for the comrades who will have to deal with this hell

At this point I'm just holding for dear life to, because illegal front-ends are my only hope to keep watching YouTube.

I’m placing my bets on piped video instead, for now at least. YouTube needs something more tragic, like getting acquired by Elon Musk, before it bleeds for real.

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It can be useful for bureaucracy

Good read. Most often it’s hard for me to exercise empathy with people falling for the stupidest goop shit out there, but looking at the problem seriously it’s yet another societal construct that disproportionally affects the marginalized.

It’s one thing to waste time and money on crooks when you’ve got plenty of both, it’s another to flaunt this as a good idea and entice the masses to choose this over real medicine.

My biggest tip is to not be stingy with dishwasher usage. If you already have one, use it always.

  • The cheapest store brand powder detergent works fine and its way cheaper than liquid dishwashing detergent for manual usage
  • Some people like to think they're super water-efficient doing the dishes, but they're not; dishwasher saves water.
  • The only extra cost is electricity, but it's easily offset by the savings brought by cooking more often caused by the reduced hassle of doing the dishes. It's like 1-2 dollars of electricity per use (YMMV but it's that order of magnitude: less than a tenth of a dine out).
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Tldr climate apocalypse for the coffee plant might shift the market towards alternative plants. While technically true that coffee plantations will struggle in the coming years, this just means higher prices and worse average quality off the shelf.

A bit of nothing news, imho.

Coffee alternatives like rooibos are already here and the market is very resistant. Cheap coffee drinkers are irrationally attached to the bad taste they feel nostalgic for. Fancy coffee drinkers will absorb the higher costs without looking for alternatives. It’s only the tea-adventurous coffee drinkers that care about these innovations, usually due to caffeine consumption restrictions which is also a disputed market because decaf coffee quality is improving.

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H-h-how? HOW? do they ‘anonymize’ DNA?!?!

If you really curious, it is possible depending on the sections of the DNA being shared and how aggregated they are. Not saying that this will be the case - it's quite likely that this sale would be done prioritizing value instead of privacy - but it is possible. The key part is to not treat the whole DNA as a data sample, but specific sequence sections, as isolated as possible.

And the Netflix example is instructive but not super relevant here. If you already have your SNPs in a public database out there, then yeah 23andMe might not be able to effectively anonymize your samples; but you don't (I hope).

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Only in a few select shit democracies can a company push back on a government entity trying to do something so basic as to provide decent tax filling mechanisms

Dark roast does have more caffeine per gram, because there are more beans per gram, because beans become lighter as roasting continues and more CO2 is released.

Counting caffeine per bean indeed darker roasts have less caffeine, but it’s a tiny tiny difference, so the effect of the whole bean getting lighter wins out when measuring caffeine per weight.

As for decaf, all methods affect taste. Swiss Water isn’t inherently better. Water is a chemical solvent. Is this an ad?

Pakora are fried veggies, samosa is pastry, paneer is cheese, naan is bread. You can eat any of those with rice and sauce, but you can also have them without. Indian food has a lot of variation on flavours, texture, visuals, as expected from any cuisine with such a rich history.

Can you recommend something from Indian culture that isn’t what I have described above?

No because "overkill on spices, sauce and rice" is subjective. If "it’s always the same flavor" then either 1) you're keep ordering the same stuff 2) the restaurants you've been to do lowest cost easy menus 3) it's not the same flavor but it looks like so to you because you're not used to it.

Next time ask the server for "solid food, no liquids" instead.

It has been great! First holiday season away from my family as a newly minted expat, but I’m lucky to have four/five other couples from my home country going through pretty much the same thing, so we’ve been each others support . Me and my partner are positively surprised at how well things have been working (mostly)!

Who would have thought that vehicles designed to resemble armoured tanks are not a societal net positive when you think of everyone who is outside the metal box

We really are social creatures. Went big on Orkut, Facebook, WhatsApp, and of course the current trends are YouTube, Instagram and TikTok. I think the only one that didn’t really take off that much (relatively speaking) was Snapchat.

Even finance apps had way too much social features, looking at you PicPay with the worst timeline feature ever: see people’s payments to each other lmao

New Kurtzgesagt video, a new opportunity to improve my filter bubble by blocking anyone who starts parroting factoids about their ties with the Gates Foundation 🤭 great day

Agreed. I’m all in for a Starbucks once in a while, but even though they have great drinks, the roast level is the darkest I’ve ever seen. Saying it’s not “burned” may be technically correct but people don’t say that literally anyway, it means that the coffee characteristics are gone and only roast notes comes through, which is totally true.

Tofu is like a third of the sirloin stake? Did not expect that “eating less plastics” would be among the benefits of me not eating meat. Strange times.

Boomer humor at its finest…

In my case, that but WhatsApp. Can't live without it, as much as I'd like.

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It is a good comparison, but it goes to show how the framing of individual freedom supremacy warps any discussion about the collective. As soon as you hit "freedom age" magic number, suddenly you can't hold accountable the powers at play anymore.

lol did not see that coming, MTG taking Assange’s side, is the goal to smear Biden as weak a year from now? Who knows what’s inside that strange brain

It is. Among literal children, TikTok and YouTube wins because it's easy to consume without a real social network.

Among teenagers, though, Instagram goes hard.

Since 2014-15, TikTok has arisen; Facebook usage has dropped; Instagram, Snapchat have grown

So the very basic solution to the mystery is that winter foods are those that are usually harvested to be eaten during winter :-|

It's called a slope chart and it has several benefits compared to bar charts:

I for one think this is much better than using a bar chart for this use case, as the angled arrows make it immediately obvious the information that matters the most here (the rate of change) while still keeping it contextualized (by relative positions). The bar chart version of this would inevitably look more cluttered and would not be more effective in conveying the incredible progress in solar costs.

Pretty alright, but struggling with ennui a little bit. I don't know how to live without short-term challenges, and for now I have none.

Maybe add some umami to give it a non-salty savory touch?

You’d still need an account, but I think you can plug Zapier into a group to create RSS feed items from posts.

From there you can use your RSS reader of choice, FOSS or not

There’s also the graph API if you want to DIY, also needs a token with group permissions

Very true. Love my plastic spatula but they don't have scraping power, so when using one you get the impression everything is sticking.

It's plausible that handwashing uses less electricity, specially if you let the machine heat-dry the dishes. But water? If you do the comparison against a fully-loaded machine, no way. Modern machines use half the water from machines of 15 years ago, and those were already competitive against handwashing. Best case scenario for handwashing (single water bath) still uses about twice as much water. Dishwasher detergent is stronger and the machine takes longer so it has more contact time, the chemistry heavily favours using less water for the same amount of gunk to dissolve.

In your case, as you already mentioned you only cook once a day and you don't want to degrade your high end stuff in the machine, it's reasonable that you won't generate dishes enough to fill the machine. If you would be using a half-loaded dishwasher then it is plausible that you would use less water handwashing, but it's still a close call - which is why I sometimes use the machine filled 1/3 without worry.

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Am I going to be behind the competition by doing this?

Yes, because you are due a lot more diligence with open source, and that will slow down your releases.

If the most secure crypto algorithms are the ones that are public, can we ensure the security of a bank’s apps by publicizing it?

You trade security by obscurity for security by expert oversight. I'm not a lawyer or baking auditor, but I'd say while zero-days are problematic for open source software projects; they can be life-ending for banks.

Is there a technical reason they don’t publicize their code or is it just purely corporate greed and nothing else?

This is a false dichotomy. Financial reasons to not publicize the code are technical reasons. Finance is technical.

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What a complicated way of getting a building floor reassignment

BookWyrm on Patreon:

Glad someone is finally taking on a fediverse alternative to GoodReads

Mine has been working fine, but the instance did lose all my "Mark as watched" videos, and for some reason one specific channel never makes into the Subscriptions panel, but I just have it as a favourite and it ends up almost the same. The instance I was using for Piped is now borked, so I'm hanging onto Invidious for now.

Morning Show seasons 2 and 3 condensed in a single week

I think It's a matter of time. Eventually the small time brewers and popular cheap brands come in to chase any margin gaps.

I'm definitely not on the oily broth soup camp, but I guess that's because I barely make broth-based soup. I do love ramen with sesame oil, though!

I prefer creamy soups for winter, whatever the base: lentils, kabocha, black/brown beans, onions, hearts of palm. Super easy to make, if you have a handy blender to make quick work of it. That or oats & milk porridge for breakfast, I'm set for a chilly day.

My main example is rooibos because at least it can make espresso-like strong brews, and is sold at some coffee shops here and there. But I personally prefer Mate too, though for cold drinks :-) And if I’m just in for some caffeine, black tea is the easiest to source (around here). Matcha latte is also growing in popularity! As well as London Fog.

I love all of these, but I’m one of those tea-adventurous coffee drinkers who care about the taste more than the caffeine.

One of many of life’s mysteries, such as why people get defensive about their water usage due to handwashing.