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This is the best possible outcome. No one wants that AI generated shit while actors and behind the scenes people make starvation wages.

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Wait… Reddit has ads?

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When you look 25 but also 45

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It’s insane that the USA is becoming a theocracy just because 25% of the country wants that and 75% are too distracted by the NFL and Netflix and are letting it happen

Imagine convincing a judge/jury that Facebook doesn’t know how to make a social media site with pictures, videos, and short posts lmao

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You wanna get really mad? A new practice they were trying to pull off was bring in some young good looking actors; do 3d body scans, record a bunch of voice data, and then have them allow the studios a perpetual license to use their likeness for a few thousand bucks. How evil is that?

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The US is becoming a theocracy

They need to start shooting them down as soon as they enter Taiwanese airspace

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They're already using them.

Actors and writers use what they're fed, this is 99% on movie execs.

I just hope they stay safe. This stuff is extremely dangerous in Russia.

This is the world that you know: the world as it was at the end of the 20th century. It exists now only as a part of a neural-interactive simulation that we call the Matrix… We have only bits and pieces of information, but what we know for certain is that at some point in the early 21st century, all of mankind was united in celebration.

We marveled at our own magnificence as we gave birth to AI: a singular consciousness that spawned an entire race of machines. We don’t know who struck first, us or them, but we know that it was us that scorched the sky. At the time, they were dependent on solar power, and it was believed that they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as the sun.

I mean that's literally what they say in their sign up form, but a bit more self congratulatory, so it's not really a surprise is it? They don't want to deal with randos and reserve the right to kick anybody out for what they consider "asshole" behavior.

That's just the way political comics goes. It's expected and common. It's not a web comic, bruh; there's a tradition to maintain.

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I think the environment is just going to have to suffer a bit more on my part. Until someone puts out a simple EV that doesn’t constantly surveil me Imma stick with used ICE vehicles

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doubtful, they know that ships have multiple ways to shut down their drones. It's just to be a fly buzzing around the the metaphorical head of the ship

how do you guys get these things? I never see any summaries like that. I wonder if one of my adblockers is killing google AI lmao. Do you have to be logged into your google account? I never log into google any more.

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Uh unless they caught him saying it/email/memo this is pure speculation and should be marked as such lol. Not a musk fan but people need to demand sources on stuff like this or you'll just be lemmings (the bad kind, not Lemmings)

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lol I’m sure the AI profiteers will honor this

I've been using firefox almost exclusively on my macs for years. It never gives me any issues.

Does anyone actually DM in Twitter? I’m sure the checkmark bots do it not realizing 85% of the other checkbots are propaganda bot accounts too lol

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If even 1% of the people leave Reddit for lemmy it will be a win and probably enough for it to grow organically in the coming months. If even 10% had come over, lemmy would have probably buckled under 10s of millions of users all at once and the experience would have been awesome with like 3% uptime.

People are still crying because Mozilla removing the security nightmare that was XUL that was an anything goes type of interface for making extensions.

This is a bad take. Smooth brained people like to worship -something- whether it's a deity, a politician, an actor, or an AI character. Only the faces change, it's the same old situation.

We can do both :) .

that's why I point people at librewolf

when you own 90% of the wealth and resources, i'm kind of shocked that is "poorest 90%"

“Feels” and “common sense”means little in science unless you have a mathematical or logical reason why you feel that way. I’ve seen far too many metaphysical theories try to be taken seriously to not point out that “feels” is useless, observation and math are what matter

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Use the full name and learn to live with it

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when you take out the fuzzy math it means profits are down 75%

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People are so fucking naive about this stuff. If there is a security hole to abuse they will use it , every country, every police organization

they just want to become as generic as possible lol. "Let's see how much fun we can drain from the lives of our zombies"

This time we'll be ready for his sorry ass.

okay, then welcome your next dictator Donald Trump and all that implies (Gilead like conditions, rescending civil and gender rights, requiring Christian worship or prison/execution, an end to all journalism and only Trumpian little red books where you pledge allegiance to him every day or get reported to the police)

I think I have to agree with the law, even if I don't agree with the result. The Supreme Court isn't supposed to legislate from the bench. I feel like Congress should amend the Civil Rights Act and add LGBTQ people to the protected groups. Otherwise these SCOTUS decision will just bounce back and forth between progressive and regressive (current MAGA court) courts.

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I put 1300 miles between myself and crazy republican family members lol. I only wish I could convince my mom to move out where I am. She is pretty apolitical but thinks Trump is a crook lol

Why do you think the GQP is panicing. Demographics are changing and they can't rely on old white male voters to shift the tide because they're all dying. Covid put a dent in them too.

That stuff also costs next to nothing to maintain. Thus proving that spez is even more stupid than we already thought. Now he's just getting downright hitleresque, a comic book villain lmao

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That’s not what “pink” means in this context bro. Never heard of “one in the pink and one in the stink “?

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Strangely this is my first thought too lol