3 Post – 116 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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Yeah they killed a Reuters journalist who was reporting in Lebanon the other day

And they held British journalists at gunpoint too

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Since the article has too many fucking ads:

Pilots mistakenly cut power causing Nepal plane crash that killed 72: Report

that killed 72 people almost a year ago was caused by the pilots mistakenly cutting leading to an aerodynamic stall, a report issued by a government-appointed investigation panel on Thursday said.

The ATR 72 crashed just before landing in the tourist city of on Jan. 15. Dipak Prasad Bastola, an aeronautical engineer and a member of the investigating panel, said due to lack of awareness and lack of standard operating procedures, the pilots had put the condition levers, which control power, in the feathering position, instead of selecting the flap lever.

This led the engine to "run idle and not produce thrust. But due to its momentum, the aircraft flew for up to 49 seconds before hitting the ground".

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Very happy with sync

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Bad title, they're just doing what is required by law.

Genuinely thought they folded years ago

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According to LinkedIn he was a member of the USAF for 3 years. During which the US hasn't been that complicit in genocide compared to the last 3 months, and the years prior 2020.

To give the illusion of escape.

You can't evacuate 1 million people in 24 hours, much less when they don't have anywhere to go. Gaza is fully blockaded and they can't leave.

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The one you're probably thinking of is just the skull 💀 not the skull and bones ☠️. The skull on it's own means "dead" metaphorically, often from "dying of laughter" or dying of cringe depending on the contexts

It's not stalking though, if he wanted privacy he could fly on a normal commercial plane like everyone else.

Dropping 2000lb bombs in refugee camps is not "precision bombs"

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The Sonic Boom will sound more like your neighbours car door closing than an explosion

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Israel does something bad: "oh HAMAS FORCED THEM TO"

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Feels like fascists use shitty hairstyles as a signal.

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Elon would just respond to that with claims that Sweden is a Nazi country and suggest that Putin needs to invade for the good of the world

ISO8601 is the best format and the international standard to denote date and time.


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The 30k civilians, mostly women and children, are terrorists?

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The law is to force any company that isn't US owned that the US doesn't like to hand over ownership. Regardless of your thoughts on TikTok/ByteDance/China in general, this is not a law one should praise. It's incredibly dangerous and is one more step toward the US becoming a full-fledged fascist state.

I'm the type that didn't become good at anything

It's not even ignorance, it's by design. They've even outlined their plans online:

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It doesn't justify the atrocities, but to immediately drop your support of the Palestinian people due to the acts of a militant group (likely orchestrated by Iran) is just dumb.

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Most male dogs hump your leg regardless of who you are

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They already do

They have an insane track record of finding the truth.

SD is not a center party. They have been and always will be a far right party with some socialist talking points to get votes from the left. (Sound familiar?)

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I'll be filing a GDPR claim per account to get my data and have them permanently delete my content and information

What else would they be comparing to?

Passive cooling will never bypass active cooling so the comparison would never be worthwhile.

In this case staying put will likely save more lives than trying to move 40k people per hour within 24 hours.

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You can support the Palestinians and their right to end occupation and not support Hamas. You can be an advocate of Palestinians' rights and not endorse Hezbollah or Iran's regime. You can be pro-Palestinian without being anti-semitic. You can support Ukraine's sovereignty and decry Israel's human rights abuses. You can condemn terrorism and the killing of innocent civilians and still believe in one's right to resist.

These stances are not mutually exclusive.

End the genocide of Palestinians.

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How the fuck is this a good cause?

He doesn't do shit. All of that is just him saying buzzwords he learnt from the actual engineers so he'd look smart.

Contact them?

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No E because of Estrogen

No T because of Testosterone

No X or Y because of chromosomes

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What's Auracast?

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Small plane ask speed, it slow.
Bigger plane ask speed, it faster.
Jet plane ask speed (derogatory), it fasterer.
SR71 plane ask speed, it fastest.

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By using it in a heavy populated area, using it as a smokescreen will cause huge damage to civilians, and they can't be treated easily.

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I think I read somewhere he's hopped up on ket every day (but someone correct me if wrong)

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I mean that is the source.